Title: organ donor.... Post by tarantada on Mar 2nd, 2004, 2:30am Would you consider to be an organ donor? If so, what part of your body you would be willing to donate? |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by mylane on Mar 2nd, 2004, 7:45pm can i donate my boobies? ;D I'm clean so I can donate any part of my body. Name it and come and get it...lol ;) |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by Hernando on Mar 3rd, 2004, 11:01am i need that boobies. donate it pls ;D kidding aside. my lungs is not clear cause i smoke. i dunno if my kidney is ok. i can donate my eyes i guess :-/ |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by keensryche on Mar 3rd, 2004, 7:41pm The world can have what they want. I won't notice. |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 20th, 2004, 7:43am :) Uh, i don't think lungs can be donated.... (correct me if I'm wrong) :P I would probably donate my eyes,...and heart.... that way,... those that I've left behind can still see me, though in someone else's eyes,... and feel me... though in someone else's heart ::) Am I making sense? No, seriously if I die... I want my eyes and heart donated to someone who needs them. A Filipino young actor accidentally died and his parents decided to donate his eyes... two people were the lucky beneficiaries... His Mom said that it was a very touching experience seeing his son's eyes through someone elses. She said it helped ease away the hurt that she was feeling for the loss of his son... So I thought,..why not donate mine when I die? I'll tell Mom about it... :) |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by ReeBop on Mar 20th, 2004, 7:46am I donated a small organ to keen. It has a broken key though. Sounds very good though. ...oh sorry, wrong kind of organ. I thought you meant "keyboard"....oh well..... ::) |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by madd on Mar 20th, 2004, 9:42am I tried to do that once and they right then in there they put me on a table and tried to cut me open. Took me over an hour to convince them that I was still alive. I think mylene called them before I got there and told them that I was already dead. :P |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by keensryche on Mar 20th, 2004, 10:12pm on 03/20/04 at 07:46:23, ReeBop wrote:
I still have that organ and it sounds great when I connect it to my amp. By-the-way, if you want it back, just say. |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by teagirl on Mar 23rd, 2004, 10:38am Organ....hmmmmmmmm OH "THAT" ORGAN....hehehe...sure why not? |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by teagirl on Mar 26th, 2004, 7:39pm http://www.organtransplants.org/ Stumbled upon that site on organ donors, their stories and other information you need to know about donating, what you can donate and how it is done. :) |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by okasantina on Mar 29th, 2004, 11:10am I think my eyes....and as long as some parts of mine are doin and workin good...why not?? but they have to ask permission to my relatives ehh ;D ;D |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by keensryche on Mar 29th, 2004, 5:12pm on 03/20/04 at 07:43:01, kianna_andrea wrote:
I was talking to someone over the weekend on chat and she told me she's on a waiting list for another lung. I wasn't sure either Kianna, but it appears we've been educated if her story is correct. I gave her my email and told her to stay in touch. Well see how it plays out. |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by teagirl on Mar 29th, 2004, 8:03pm maybe I dont know anything but why would she need another lung? thats why we have 2....so if the other one fails, the other one would still be working. Just like kidneys...we got a pair of them and during organ transplant, you dont need 2 of them... |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by need4speed8dalejr on Aug 7th, 2004, 4:28am Are you outta your mind??!! ;D ROTFLMAO!! Seriously...who would want them?? I like to get the full use outta them...and anyone who already used up there goods and wants someone elses' had better add a new brain to the list. I guess that's the luck of the draw. [smiley=sick2.gif] Now if a family member needs them...that's a different story. I would give it up to them. As long as I have a spare. And I have heard horror stories of Doctors putting the guilt trip on grieving families who have a loved one in a coma to donate the organs. I dunno if those are true or not...and I never want to find out. |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by coochie_baby03 on Sep 3rd, 2004, 10:59pm on 03/02/04 at 19:45:05, mylane wrote:
Just wondering about that mymy,,, can i have the nipple..just want to add to my collection for my ornamental decorations on my forehead ;D |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by okasantina on Oct 26th, 2004, 9:58am Well i need a Blood donor....Type B+ :-/ |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by kim on Nov 19th, 2004, 9:57am when i die i want to donate everything that ca be donated in me ;D.... because i know that its very hard to find organs now and i want to do my part in saving anotehr person's life... Aw and i'm an AB blood type too so if anyone need em just gimme a call :D |
Title: Re: organ donor.... Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 20th, 2004, 9:05am i would donate anything to anyone when im dead as long as they can have a good and prospus life with them |
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