Title: PORNO Post by mylane on Mar 2nd, 2004, 12:37am Is porno an art? what do u think? ??? |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by keensryche on Mar 2nd, 2004, 5:11pm No, it's sex. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by teagirl on Mar 2nd, 2004, 6:44pm its filth, its smut! |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 6th, 2004, 11:38am definitely not an art My,..... and I agree tea. Porn is filthy,.... it's poison,... it's evil,.... >:( |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by madd on Mar 7th, 2004, 12:31am on 03/06/04 at 11:38:18, kianna_andrea wrote:
I agree with tea and kianna. It degrades both men and women. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by capricorn1971ad on Mar 7th, 2004, 2:07pm umm, i think nudity can constitute art, if done tastefully.. but as far as sexual intercourse on film, thats something best left behind closed doors, not that i wouldn't watch porn, but... there is a difference between art and that. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 5th, 2004, 12:44am Porn can and must be broken down into different sections. There is no way to compare Hardcore with Softcore and the like. If you want to view porn as an artform, then it is in the hands of the director to make the film as erotic and sensual as they want, or as cheap and filthy. Each person who views porn must make their own decision as to which catagory the film they are watching lands in. ::) |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by MissFartyPants on May 5th, 2004, 4:56am I've NEVER watch porn so I wouldn't know. But the subject is interesting. Just like any other topic. Different people, different opinions. As much as I agree with May and Kianna, I also agree with Dale. "Art" is in the eye of the beholder... or something like that. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by MissFartyPants on May 5th, 2004, 5:00am Oh, and welcome to the board, Dale. You must feel so strongly on the subject that you had to make this your very first post! ;D jk. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 5th, 2004, 7:27am Why thanks Cathy for the warm welcome :-* Come on now...you have NEVER watched or seen any porn?? I will give you the benefit of the doubt on this, but IMHO, women always tend to decline any knowledge on this subject. Yah right!! ;) In some of the previous posts, there has been claims that porn is sick, and gross. This leads me to a question. Have you gals ever watched porn to know if it's gross or not?? Sounds like someone is calling the kettle black without even having watched it....as MissFP has claimed. Not knocking your views on this subject, just an observation. Well, this thread just kindda caught my eye. Maybe you can characterize my first post as "a moth to the flame". P.S: Cat...where yah been??... ohh...and TAG...your it!! :D [smiley=sla.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 5th, 2004, 7:44am as i pozted thiz already in All about SEX.... ::) I think everyman should love the kinky side of her gf or wifey , and there is no exception. Some girls dont like to watch w their bf's or hubby together, but it would be great if both could do watch. The only thing i guess that makes us worry is...he/she may compare those generously-endowed stars . Well usually men get turned on by visual images, and it doesnt matter if the sex in those images is cold and emotionless , some may find it tantamount to infidelity, although it isnt a cautious thing. Cause most of the women wanted more mental stimulation. Virtually all porn is just masterbation material for men, and thats a shame because it means it's a less useful sex tool for couples.... But it makes the build-up to sex "naughty" ;D |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 5th, 2004, 7:53am Porn iz an art...nudity eXpressing two ppl showing organz and making love....but if u put ure mind into zomething elze maliciouzly that iz what u called...very *friendly* person! DIRTY! EVIL! That zometimez ppl dont ever realize why we have porn?? we have porn cuz there are ppl who watched them, patronizing them?? if there are no ppl watching them there will be no porn anyway ::) ??? PORN can be educational....PORN can be SICK! PORN can be HEALTHY! itz juzt the matter of how ppl look at it :) and i do respect each and everyonez ideaz ;D |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 5th, 2004, 9:02am Tina, that response was very accurate and extremely unbiased...bravo!! Let me respond to a few of your thoughts. [I think everyman should love the kinky side of her gf or wifey] I think they should too. A person should explore and express their likes and dislikes with their partner, after all how are you gonna know what you like. [generously-endowed stars] I would agree that alot of stars are dis-portionate to the general population in many ways. :o That does lead to alot of people thinking that stars are normal. Crazy Kids!! [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [ men get turned on by visual images] Yes...that is a fact Tina. No argument from me there. I would just like to add from a male prospective that men tend to be attracted to Stars who land in one of two columns. 1. Stars who look like an ex-girlfriend. Sounds crazy, but it's true :P 2. Stars who are opposite what their current GF or wifey looks like. Wifey has a big chest, guy looks for girls who have small chest. We are a crazy lot!! [smiley=frog.gif] [Some people do find it tatamount to infidelity] Yah, as sad as that may be, it's true. Mostly women thou. They just don't understand the complexities of a male mind. LOL!! This is simply an issue of jealousy. She says that since you want to watch porn, you want the girl in the movie, and not me. If this is the case the man isn't doing enough to get her involved and to calm any fears she might have. [Virtually all porn is just masterbation material for men] I would tend to agree with that statement. Men find the wind stimulating!! I would just like to add that maybe half of the porn out there women would enjoy if their man just took the time to introduce it into their sex lives. Most women when intoduced to it in a non-threatning way, find it very erotic and a good addition for them. [it means less useful sex tool for couples] I think that watching porn or erotic movies can be a very powerful instructional aid in peoples lives. Wow!! I had no idea that a shower curtain rod could be used as a jungle-gym!! :o Seriously, how else ya gonna know about some of the things that go on behind closed doors that you might like to be done to you or to your bed-buddy. [it makes the build-up to sex "naughty"] I think that's true. I find that it raises the level of exitement between a couple when they get together and watch something they both like. Nothing like a girl who can't stand to watch anymore and wants to go straight to the participation part of the evening. :P I would just like to add that most of a women's view point about porn is formed with their first few contacts with it. If the girl is introduced in a non-threating way, she learns to embrace it and to like what it does to her sex life. If however she is surrounded by a negative attitude towards it, either with bad family or boyfriend experiences, she will hate porn and there is not much that can be done to change it. [smiley=hopcat2.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 5th, 2004, 9:54am ;Ddale need lol! i juzt ztated it openly....cuz itz real happening eh.... ::) [smiley=thinking2.gif] [smiley=icon_thanks.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by MissFartyPants on May 5th, 2004, 8:19pm What is a PORN anyway? Does it have a story line? I recall watching some flesh-baring, a guy and girl doing a horizontal mambo back in high school. We were giggling like crazy! It was this one tape with too much nocturnal activities on it. I don't have the faintest idea what I'm babbling about. I've NEVER seen PORN, or perhaps I did and not even realiSe it?! I wouldn't know for sure. Always been curious really, but not overly so. Heck, I flip channels and as soon as I see two people kissing - it makes me all gulpy ;D I'm such a DORK! ::) Inquisitive as I am, it has yet to take me anywhere near ummm (can I say it here, heck we're all mature adults right?) pulsating muscles! I don't even know how to describe it. I suppose naked photos doesn't bother me as much as "moving" flesh does ::) Alright, I'm genuinely curious. Say, I'm sleepwalking to a video store/rental and asks the guy at the counter to point me to where the pornos are. He gave me a CD, now as I sleepwalked back to my room - how do I know I have the real deal? What makes a flesh-baring film a porno? Oh, and as I stated firmly on the other thread, I have nothing against PORNOs. It's like any other "tool", it depends entirely on the person holding it (pun unintentional). But hey, whatever floats your boat, no? |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by thebeast on May 5th, 2004, 11:15pm There are a few good movies that ive seen that are about porn and the porn industry. Is this porn? Geoge C. Scott was in a movie called Hardcore. In this movie his christain daughter runs away from the midwest to the big city and bright lights of Los Angeles and gets involved with the wrong crowd and stars in porn films. Boogie Nights is another good film about the porn industry. Burt Reynolds and Mark Walburg are in this movie. This movie is about the the transfer of porn from real film recording to just using a camcorder and a VHS tape to record porn. The characters in the movie think of it as a art form when recording on real film, but when VHS recording comes about cuz its so much easier and cheaper to record the characters seem to think the opposite cuz now anybody can do it. These films have very graphic nudity and sex in them, but they also have very good acting in them. But i am willing to bet there are people who would consider these 2 movies porn or pornlike. Not me. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 6th, 2004, 11:34pm Porn flicks make guyz gather around like witches surrounding a cauldon ;D And me...dont really get eXcited over the idea of zomeone squeaking "Ewwwwwwwwwwww, yukk...whatta pig! :o at every scene. Or covering her earz, eyez, and turning away from the screen and towardz us with a pained face. Besidez, some guyz tend to get the imprezzion that juzt becuz they view porn, theyre pathetic, seX starved maniacz women wouldnt touch with a ten-foot pole ;D. Worse u may think that we're not satisfied with out seX livez :-/.... It can alzo be distracting for a guy to eXplain why "69" iz sometimez seXY, and that "helicopterz" dont alwayz fly..... ::) ??? ;D [smiley=thinking2.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 7th, 2004, 12:23am Tina you should try posting some of those words over in the thread "Dirty Dictionary". ;) The Helicopterz??!! Good Grief!! LOL Seriously thou Tina, you make good points about how some people[men?] view porn, and women who like to watch it. I really thought that most men are OK with it. It didn't occur to me that some men around the World would view this in an unfavorable way. I can see them not wanting women to look at porn, because they might have feelings that "his" women might get "ideas" and look for better sex elsewhere. I would also think that these men like to keep their women uninformed and directly under their "thumbs", never concerned if his partner has an orgasm or even if she has fun. It also never occured to me that these same men would look down upon women who watch porn, and that these women might be viewed as being "sex-starved women who shouldn't be touched with a ten foot pole". Well...You know what they say about opinions and As*holes...everyones got one. [smiley=frog.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 7th, 2004, 12:39am on 05/07/04 at 00:23:53, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
Bazed on what i know about Men...a true factz .... i juzt keep an open mind about anything and everythng that zurroundz me Dale need ;D ...I zhould not limit my mind from thinkin whatz the real happening...reazon or whatever....being narrow zometimez makez u dumb....and being innocent makez u being ztupid az what cookz told uz! ;D ;D About the helicopterz juzt wait for my chapter about that ok?? hehehhe! ;D [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=cat39.gif] [smiley=whip.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 7th, 2004, 1:08am I can't wait for that chapter....cause the images in my mind need to be fully explained to me!! :o |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 7th, 2004, 2:01am ok juzt wait on the All about zeX topic dale lol! ill eXplain it well ...hehehehe! ;D [smiley=fish.gif] i wonder what he iz thinkin right now... [smiley=thinking2.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 7th, 2004, 8:24pm Ok Tina...Im be watching 4 that one. :-* Hmmm...maybe you could go on cam and use some Barbie dolls or puppets to better express which bodypart goes where? [smiley=tier010.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 7th, 2004, 9:59pm The meaning of helicopter iz already in Dirty Dictionary dale ;D go and check it out..... ;D [smiley=whip.gif] [smiley=lat1a.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by deerhunter74105 on May 9th, 2004, 2:53am well im voyouristic i like to watch i dont know that thatmakes me a bad guy but im very turned on by watchin porn i dont really care if its art or not as long as its not to stupid but just seein naked people to me is a turn on if i could find a woman like that it would b great :P 8)but on the other hand i dont need it to get turned on either there is plenty other way to get turned on ;) |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by killerabbit on May 12th, 2004, 11:58am Im not a fan of Porno either.I do however like sensuality in movies.Does that make it soft porn?I dont know,someone help me out here.I find straight in your face with no taste porn disgusting.Leave it in the bedroom.It is a beautiful thing created by God and should only be shared with your soulmate.Natch... 8) |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 19th, 2004, 12:54pm on 05/09/04 at 02:53:35, deerhunter74105 wrote:
That meanz your normal rod cuzzzz horaaaaa LOL! ;D |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by okasantina on May 19th, 2004, 1:11pm on 05/12/04 at 11:58:46, killerabbit wrote:
Stitchy...i think itz not a porno...zoft or hard?? ::) Nahhh i dont think zo...there iz no zoft or hard in porno eh... I know zoft or hard whenever u watch a porn.... ;D ;D kiddin azide...it could be rated R or X.... or tripple X eh ??? ::) and i do rezpect your opinion about it wabbit....ure right there...well i ddnt know ure kinda prezerved w regardz to ure partner... ;) :Deh ;D [smiley=018.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by thebeast on Jul 5th, 2004, 1:37am What about the sex scene in Monsters Ball with Halle Berry on top of Billy Bob Thornton. That could be considered borderline porn. This movie won Halle Berry the best actress oscar and she was the first black female to win that. Billy Bob Thornton is really an asshole but he is a good actor and director for all of his films. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by mylane on Jul 5th, 2004, 3:25am I'm not really a fan of porno but I have nothing against it . Most of guy friends have their own collection of that. I saw some of it. I don't find any significance of watching it anyway. I was 20 years old when i first saw a porn movie and the title is Happy B-day ;D. I could not even eat and keep puking after that. It scares the hell out of me. hahahahha. ;D on 05/12/04 at 11:58:46, killerabbit wrote:
Good one Tatay, coming from a guy like you, I'm very glad. |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by killerabbit on Jul 5th, 2004, 8:19pm I have my moments nanay:PThanks.I love you! |
Title: Re: PORNO Post by killerabbit on Jul 5th, 2004, 8:21pm Awwww tina and nanay....You will find there are so many differences about me outside of the matrix.lol:DGod Bless you both...muahhhh!!! :-* :-* :-* |
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