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Archives >> Best & Closed Threads >> Baseball Is Here- 2004!
(Message started by: ReeBop on Apr 8th, 2004, 3:04pm)

Title: Baseball Is Here- 2004!
Post by ReeBop on Apr 8th, 2004, 3:04pm
I could list more.  I included Detroit because  hey, it's my poll.
There will be a National League poll soon...this is American League only.

Title: Re: Baseball is Here!
Post by mylane on Apr 13th, 2004, 1:05am
bonds finally hit his 660th home run...his leading the active home run leaders like sosa and palmeiro, etc.... ;D

Title: Re: Baseball is Here!
Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 8th, 2004, 5:29am
My picks for the A.L. champ.....

THE BOSTON RED SOX!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

I wish anyway. I have always liked the Bo-Sox, I think they fall into the same column as the Cubs. Forever to be doomed by a curse. LOL. I really like Pedro, he rules. When he has his stuff workin' he's the man!! I only hope his arm holds out long enough for him to be good during the post-season. I also really like Curt Shilling. If they keep on hitting the pitching should make the difference over "The Evil Empire" Never liked the Yanks at all. Bullies!!

I also like Oakland and the Angels. I think they will be around down the stretch. Maybe the White Sox as well. Of course the Yanks will be around, unless George fires them all!!

Title: Re: Baseball is Here!
Post by heinz_ketchup on Oct 1st, 2004, 7:37pm
for some reason the minnesota twins were not included i dont think anybody wants to face them in the playoffs

Title: Re: Baseball is Here!
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Oct 24th, 2004, 1:07am
Ahhhh...I see that my predictions on May 8th were Right on!!

The Boston Red Sox did win the American League pennant!!!


Tonight they won Game 1 of the World series over the St. Louis Cardinals.

I like the Cards. I really like Larry Walker. He used to be a Montreal Expo and he is a Canuck like me. He has never had alot of press because he played in MTL and if it wasn't for him winning the NL batting champ title with Colorado that year he never would of won the N.L. MVP.

So...once again   GO SOXXXXXXXX!!!!! [smiley=afro.gif]

Title: Re: Baseball Is Here- 2004!
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 14th, 2004, 9:53pm
This Thread is now Closed.
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