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Archives >> Best & Closed Threads >> National League Poll- 2004!
(Message started by: ReeBop on Apr 18th, 2004, 1:20pm)

Title: National League Poll- 2004!
Post by ReeBop on Apr 18th, 2004, 1:20pm
Well, who do think will take the NL title?  I don't think there are as many strong teams in the NL than in the AL.  Let's hear what you think.
[smiley=gossip.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif]

Title: Re: National League Poll!
Post by need4speed8dalejr on May 6th, 2004, 11:33pm
Well Ree, I live close to Montreal, so I am always pulling for the "Home Team".  ;)

I do however think the Astros will be on top of the N.L. when all is said and done. The Rocket will get them over the hump. I think the Cubs, Diamondbacks, and Giants might be close behind.

I really like the Cubs, they really got screwed over with that curse stuff last season. Psssttt!!! Don't tell anyone....but Im Bartman...they put me in the witness protection program!! Now Im livin' in the land of Snow and Beavers...and not really in that order.      [smiley=beret.gif]

I also like Bonds, if he ever gets a team who will pitch to him, he will smash that record to bits. (Most all-time H.R.) He IS the man!! Even if I don't always agree with what he does in the clubhouse.  [smiley=rock.gif]

Title: Re: National League Poll- 2004!
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 14th, 2004, 9:55pm
This Thread is now Closed
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