Title: If Given A Chance To Become A Moviestar...??? Post by tarantada on Feb 27th, 2004, 10:27am If given a chance to become a moviestar, what role would u like to portray? and why? |
Title: Re: If given a chance to become a moviestar...??? Post by mylane on Feb 28th, 2004, 10:12am beside from being the leading lady of all robin padilla's film..... ;D i want to be in a vampire movies and action movies. Using guns and doing some stunts.... :-/ But not in any drama films. I dont like drama ;D |
Title: Re: If given a chance to become a moviestar...??? Post by keensryche on Feb 28th, 2004, 12:11pm Any movie where they would have to use a lot of make-up and effects to kill me. Or where I'm a monster and have to sit in a chair for hours while special effects and make-up artist transform me to fit the look. That would be coooool |
Title: Re: If given a chance to become a moviestar...??? Post by thebeast on Feb 29th, 2004, 2:47am I would want to be the cowboy riding into town on my horse. Go inside the bar and order a drink maybe play some poker and then shoot all the bad guys. Then get back on my horse and ride off to the next town and do the same thing. |
Title: Re: If given a chance to become a moviestar...??? Post by coochie_baby03 on Mar 3rd, 2004, 8:06pm on 02/29/04 at 02:47:05, thebeast wrote:
::) ::)So you are the cowboy that's been messing my tavern? Dang beast..Yo come back now ya hear...lol ;D ;D |
Title: Re: If Given A Chance To Become A Moviestar...??? Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Feb 19th, 2005, 9:43am This Thread is Now Closed ~Moderator~ TV, Theatre & Movies |
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