Title: The Passion Of The Christ Post by teagirl on Feb 25th, 2004, 11:25pm Hollywood and religious sects are divided when it comes to this movie by Mel Gibson called The Passion of the Christ. This movie puts in detail the last 12 hours of Christ to his crucifixion. Are you going to watch it? Or have you watched it.... What do you think??? Will you let us know? |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by mylane on Feb 26th, 2004, 2:04am i haven't seen the movie yet. The lead actor is James Caviezel (Jesus), he's the one who portray as Edmond Dantes in Count of Monte Cristo. For me, he is a good actor. I like the way he portray his role in that movie. His the partner of Jeniffer Lopez in her Angel Eyes Movie where Jlo portray as a lady cop. I saw some of his film. I think i'm going to watch this movie since i know James Caviezel is a good actor. And see how Mel Gibson direct this film. Wonder if they been selling pirated cd somewhere in the market...lol ;D here the official site: http://www.thepassionofthechrist.com |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by tarantada on Feb 26th, 2004, 10:25am Let me post one of the movie reviews So, if you look at "The Passion of the Christ" as a movie -- and not a religious experience -- and the Bible as its source material, the first thing you have to decide is: Is it based on fact or fiction? Or a fictional account of an actual event? It is historical fact that the New Testament is not an eyewitness account of the life of Jesus: it was written over a period of decades, and decades after the fact. So the Bible and the events depicted in it are open to interpetation. In the end, this is Gibson's interpretation. Yes, this film is long on torture and seems short, at times, in terms of actual spirituality. But Gibson is an artist and he's allowed to create his vision. Live with it. If you don't agree, don't go. However, I recommend to parents -- many of whom may be taking their kids to see this film as part of various church-sponsored screenings -- that this is a very violent and graphic film, and just because it is about Jesus doesn't make it suitable for everyone. I haven't seen the movie either. It's one of the review though. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by ReeBop on Feb 26th, 2004, 11:39am Keen phoned last night to tell me that someone died of a heart attack in the theatre watching that movie. With all the blood and gore, I think I'll pass.... ::) |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by keensryche on Feb 26th, 2004, 5:08pm 1st of all let me start by saying, this isn't not an easy subject for me to type. I being a die hard christian, must say that tears are forming in my eyes right at this minute. :'( To think that a fellow human being died the way Christ did is beyond words, but to believe (as I do) that Christ died in this horrific way for my sins is gut killing me. :'( Scripture can only tell you what happens but not show you. This film follows scripture almost perfectly and paints a picture for the words discribed in it. 3 times I found myself crying, knowing that someone like Jesus put his life on a cross and did it without pity, without remorse and without wanting anything in return. This film is not for the weak, It's very disturbing and the blood and gore in it, is non-stop. I advice those who view this film to be carefull about your health and make sure it's sound. Nearly 24 hours after I viewed this film, I'm still crying over what I experanced. :'( God bless, I love you all. Keen |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by mylane on Feb 26th, 2004, 7:23pm so the review that tarantadaposted was true then. Quote:
Thats so sad, Keen. :( Sorry to hear that. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by thebeast on Feb 26th, 2004, 9:44pm Im not sure what to think. I got tickets to go see it Friday night. Ive been hearing a lot of people saying that it was a life changing or religious experience. Im not sure what exactly a religious experience is, but what i do know is that this is a movie about the crucifixion of Christ. There have been other movies about this, but they did not do well at the box office. Mel Gibson knew this b4 hand and he has been planning this for several years. He knew that he had to make a movie that was different from the others in order to be successful, but hollywood wouldnt help him do it because they were to scared to invest money in a movie that was controversal or were to scared to invest in a movie that in the past didnt do well at the box office or whatever other reason. So Mel Gibson made a movie that wasnt done b4 about the crucifixion of christ and he made as graphic and as controversal as he could to generate public intrest. Why would anyone wanna make a movie that no one was interested in? I think this religious experience thing is really just shock. No one has seen a movie like this and it creates shock value. So life changing experience or religious experience im not so sure. Im willing to bet after a few days of viewing the movie life will go back to the same old norm. Im a christian and there is nothing in this movie that i dont already know about, but I have never seen this with my eyes and im pretty sure i will be shocked. Lets not lose the context this is just a movie about the crucifixion of Christ. I asked someone if it was entertaining and they gave me a dirty look. Im not sure y i was given a dirty look. I mean im a christain and i go to the movies every weekend for entertainment not for a life changing or religious experience. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by tarantada on Feb 27th, 2004, 10:31am The interview said that the main goal of the film was to show that in the case of jesus being put on the cross, not one, not a singLe select culture was responsibLe... EVERYONE was invoLved. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by teagirl on Feb 27th, 2004, 10:51am One of the reasons why I dont read moview reviews is because I like to form my own opinion. But with the onslaught of controversy that wraps around the movie, The Passion of the Christ, I cant help but get to read bits and pieces about the movie and I admit it touches a chord inside me. I'm a christian but I cant say I'm a good christian. I believe in God and I try my darnest not to hurt anyone but my struggle lies not in my dealings with other people but within myself. I have trouble with my commitments to God. They say its not enough that you do good deeds, one must have a personal and intimate relationship with our Creator. And I know I'm not alone in this struggle. Our world is a world of complacency and permissiveness. We have lost our sense of right or wrong because we reason with our actions. My point is this: Maybe this movie is a wake-up call for all of us who are struggling with our faith. Sometimes when a feeble voice goes unheeded the next best thing is a slap in the face to get the attention required. Shock value? Yes. Maybe this time the world will stand still and listen to God's call to a personal and intimate relationship with each of us. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by thebeast on Feb 28th, 2004, 9:41am Well i saw the moive last night. Now i can give an honest opinion. This is a good movie. I think every christian should go see it. I got emotional in a few scenes. But as far as any new information as far as i can tell there wasnt any. Everything was pretty close to what is in the new testament of the bible. Now im not sure if the whole movie is fact or not, but i do know the movie was good and i dont think anyone left to get popcorn or use the bathroom when it was playing and the whole theater was silent except for a lot of sniffles. lol. One thing that Mel put in the movie that was very interesting was the devil. Its very interesting because the devil had everything to do with all the madness that was going on at that time. Mel Gibson used the devil as and instigator to all of this. There are symbols and hidden meanings all through this movie. I know i didnt catch all of them either. But one thing i will maintain is that this is still a movie. A movie that is very graphic and emotional. And its a very good movie. The best movie about the crusifixion of Christ and the best biblical movie i have ever seen. I dont understand all the controversy about this movie. The crusifixion of Christ was a planned event from the day he was born. It was supposed to happen. No finger pointing is needed. Oh and the use of flashbacks makes this moive very good also. The movie was put together very well. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by keensryche on Feb 28th, 2004, 12:41pm Based on my studing of religion I have some faults with this film, but that's expected. The only thing I wanna touch on, is the fact that I believe Jesus and Satan were, talking and looking at each other, when Christ was being tortured. I think there was a lot more then what The Bible tells us. More so, on the spiritial side then the physicial. I, personally, am responsible for Jesus being crusifixied. As much as a sinner as I am, I caused Jesus to die on a cross for my sins. In my mind no other race, nationality or ethic group put Jesus to death. I, as a sinner did. People should stop the controversity and finger pointing and blame themselves instead of someone else. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by teagirl on Feb 28th, 2004, 8:09pm Good reviews, Beast and Keen. Thanks! |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by coochie_baby03 on Mar 3rd, 2004, 8:24pm on 02/27/04 at 10:51:06, teagirl wrote:
True in a way Teagirl..its like a wake up call for all of us..with what is going on in this world, there is no peace on earth. People and different the types of religion seem to have different values and interpretation of what is the real authenticity of how Chris crucified. However, if you think about it, what ever, and however they are being interpreted, it seems to me that they have the same goal. Its like a pyramid...it boils down to one point at the end. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by okasantina on Apr 6th, 2004, 9:15pm on 02/28/04 at 09:41:08, thebeast wrote:
Well Joel that part at first i was pondering whose that character till i found out that the person is the devil-satan. That was frightening part for me...even in my bed time whenever i close my eyes that face is what i see :-/ ;D I was also astonished about the scene when jesus took his last breath and died...a tear came from the sky fell on the earth .... then earthquake happened wow! that was incredible, unbelievable...That made me think GOD died for us, for our sins...GOD d FATHER above made us feel so much loved by him...and with that tear ...that could be tear of happiness cause ppl were saved and could be a tear of disappointment for all the sins weve done to ourselves and to humanity. There is this scene that made me cry sooo much...its when Jesus fell from carryin his cross and her Mother Mary wanted to get near to him that she cant even take a look till she remembers when jesus was still young and fell..she run to him and gave him d feeling of easiness and lightness...wow! i cant help it but that scene really made me cry. :'( :'( :'( I think its not that bad for kids to watch this film...i let my kids watch that film w me ofcourse...every scene that my kids dont understand, and i can easily explained to them...but some scene that is too much bloody like when this soldier blow or stabbed the side of Jesus..and scourging thang at the pillar...that i said ...dont look at it....But that really happens to HIM, ive read from one book that it took a hundred hits before he died on the cross....I think NO ONE in this earth would ever have that kind of suffering and death...NO ONE! but only JESUS. :'( :'( :'( Mel Gibson really did his best on this film....its a must see movie for me.... ;) Wow! i didnt know that Jesus is that soo sexy huh?? well pertaining to Mel of course... hehehe ;D |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by keensryche on Apr 7th, 2004, 8:17pm on 04/06/04 at 21:15:54, okasantina wrote:
Hey okasantina if your talking about the actor that playe Jesus, then ignor the rest of this. However just thought you should know Jesus in reallity was ugly. Read Isaiah 53:3 it give a discription of him. ;) :) |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by okasantina on Apr 7th, 2004, 9:41pm "Wow! i didnt know that Jesus is that soo sexy huh?? [/b]well pertaining to Mel of course[b]... hehehe I think you forgot to quote on this keen ::) ::) ??? ??? ;D And i know that jesus is well not that ugly but not that good looking man... :D |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by teagirl on Apr 7th, 2004, 10:45pm After putting it off for so long, I finally took the plunge and watched the movie. The Passion of the Christ is one disturbing movie. I'm at a loss for words. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by kianna_andrea on Apr 8th, 2004, 10:02am I'm still waiting for The Passion to be shown here.... how come it's not out here yet? :( My friend suggested I watch in on dvd but I don't like the idea...I prefer to watch it on the big screen..... I am so curious now.... ::) Who wants to watch it with me? ( :D kidding!) |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by teagirl on Apr 8th, 2004, 5:59pm where are you kianna??? I'm in Cebu and the movie has been shown for over a week now in our theatres. |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by kianna_andrea on Apr 8th, 2004, 11:13pm :D lol tea..... I'm in Bicol... and here it's like a week or two late............... I hope it's out on Monday.... I can't wait to watch it.... :) |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by teagirl on Apr 9th, 2004, 7:13am Ohhhh, okay ;D |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by killerabbit on May 6th, 2004, 4:58pm I thought it was very disturbing and thats why i loved it.Mel Gibson doesnt hold back anthing.Finally someone had the adacity and guts to show what it was like or at least a closer interpretation to the truth.Anyone notice the frenchmans wife from the matrix in there?She was Mary Madaglene.They said she was too pretty and constantly threw dirt on her to make her plain. :o |
Title: Re: The Passion of the Christ Post by kianna_andrea on May 13th, 2004, 9:34am Monica Bellucci wabbit ;)... yes she's very pretty.... I loved her movie "Malena".... maybe that's why they got her to play the role of Magdalene because in Malena she played the role of a prostitute too... Nwei... I've seen the movie weeks ago but I forgot to post.... I guess this smiley :'( :-[ is enough... and Tina... you're right... the scene where Mary came running to Jesus when He fell was indeed really touching... that's the part that made me cry the most.... |
Title: Re: The Passion Of The Christ Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Feb 19th, 2005, 9:45am This Thread is Now Closed ~Moderator~ TV, Theater & Movies |
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