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Archives >> Best & Closed Threads >> Your Date's Wandering Eye
(Message started by: mylane on Feb 10th, 2004, 3:34am)

Title: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by mylane on Feb 10th, 2004, 3:34am
what would you do? ;D

hypothetical situation:

guys, you took your date in a fancy restaurant and she is giving an eye to a fellow diner or a good looking waiter, what would you do?

girls, how would you feel if your date is flirting with the waitress or he's eyeing a gorgeous chick?

post away!!!! ;D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by keensryche on Feb 10th, 2004, 6:02pm
I would tell her that the next time we go out, were going to McDonalds, and were using the drive-thru.

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by mylane on Feb 10th, 2004, 8:15pm
i been thinking about wats to answer...hmmm...

I don't really feel offended because that's normal to give an eye to attractive people (especially if the gurl is hella pretty compare to me)

the same way I would do if I'd see an attractive man or waiter, but, I would still change my approach and perform better to attract his total attention.

but if my approach is not working i will just POKE HIM IN THE EYE ;D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 11th, 2004, 3:53am
i don't like men doing that especially my date... glancing at them once and twice is ok..but one more and i will pour the drink on your head  ;D  :P but hey i can tell if he's just admiring her or lusting with her..so better keep your head down  :P

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by gracia on Feb 13th, 2004, 1:17am
i'll wander my eyes too..to be fair. ;D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by ray69 on Feb 13th, 2004, 3:31am
if thats the case, ill stare on others boobs. ::)

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 13th, 2004, 9:08am
:D lol Ray.... to answer the question My, I do think that it's natural for men to admire women especially the attractive ones... Men are just naturally like that... they just can't help it I guess  :P But I'm not saying that it'll be okay with me if my date will look at other women while he's with me. He can look, stare, ogle all he wants....::)but not when he's with me, >:( 'coz I think it's very offending and a very unmanly thing to do. It's just like telling me that I don't look good enough that he has to find someone who does...

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by madd on Mar 13th, 2004, 10:54am
Now why would someone on a date eye someone else knowing its going to make the person he/she is with upset and also knowing that there are knives and forks on the table.

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by kianna_andrea on Mar 23rd, 2004, 2:09am
:D Matt,... you just  gave me an idea with that... Now, if my date's eyes will wander .... I'll have to use forks and knives to get his attention back to me.... hmm,.. I think it'll surely get his eye's off those women  :D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by Hernando on Mar 28th, 2004, 10:53pm
this is easy as 1, 2, 3

1: I will accept the fact that she isn't interested.

2: finish the dinner.

3: take her home.

I'm actually getting good at this since it happens all the times. One time, a girl really pissed me off so I left her in the restaurant and never came back...lol ;D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by looky on Apr 9th, 2004, 12:30pm
well, when i think abt this i know i dont like it if they do, so i wont do it (if i care abt the girl) notice the key words there "if" so when they do it, i assume they dont give a shit , just a casual glance is ok, but if they start smiling at them? im steamed!
hernado there has the right idea. but i have a better idea,,excuse urself to go to the bathroom, and leave em sitting there! (they get stuck with the bill too) ;D
now seriously, i had one once actually give her cell number to another guy in the bar we was in :o
does one need a better hint? lol,,
never called her again :P
myself, if i do care abt the girl, im not gonna look, not to say i wont notice a real cutie out of the corner of my eye, but i figure if u want respect,,,
(u got to learn how to give it first)
then u have a right to expect the same in return

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by okasantina on Apr 9th, 2004, 12:57pm
:o :o :o :olooky is that u ??? heheheh nice words timo ;) :D

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by okasantina on Apr 9th, 2004, 1:06pm
Simply ill just ask....."Are we on a date??? or in the zoo??
Ill just just leave you alone...and dont call me back never evahhhh"

See??  ;D ;)

Its kinda degrading on my part...acting stupid  huh :-/

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by keensryche on Apr 9th, 2004, 5:04pm
Been there, done that. (recently)

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by kimmy_baby01 on Jun 24th, 2004, 12:29am
wow.... first of all... hernando!!!!!! who are you??? hahahahaha...

next... Tim lets go on a date when you're here in pi n lets look at all the chicks... hehehehe...

then finally... i do this all the time :P but i tell my date bout it though.. like "hey hon that guy on the counter is cute.. he's flirting with me though.. just thought you'd want to know... but dont worry i'm all yours"... hehehe.. ad the guy does the same too... like " hey baby check out that girl on the other table.. she's a cutie aint she?"... I dont mind if he admires other girls just as long as its clear that its just admiration... its ok to look but its a diff story if you flirt... i actually dont find it cute when a guy flirts with me when its obvious that i'm with another guy. Coz the guy is disrespecting my date... When those situations happen i simply flirt with my date n make sure that the other guy sees it. So he'll know i'm not interested on him n that i have respect for my date.

Title: Re: Your Date's Wandering Eye
Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Feb 21st, 2005, 9:07am
This Thread is Now Closed
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