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Archives >> Best & Closed Threads >> Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
(Message started by: mylane on Jan 10th, 2004, 8:52am)

Title: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by mylane on Jan 10th, 2004, 8:52am
If you're financially stable and you're getting married, would you ask your bride/groom to sign a prenuptial agreement to protect your interest?

What if your sweetheart got offended and thought that prenup is not romantic, and marriage shouldn't be treated as a business entity. Would you go ahead with the marriage without the prenup or cancel it and forget your chance of happiness with him/her?

Aside from financial/monetary and other material things, what else would you think should be included in the prenup? ;D

post away!!!! ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 10th, 2004, 10:16am
Prenup...all the way !!!!!!!!

But then that's easy to say when you dont have much.  :P

But I think I would, especially if the guy has nothing.  But I'm willing to give him allowance.   ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by gracia on Jan 11th, 2004, 5:52am
in our case mylene....not necessary...we dont have any assets and which is a blessing in a way that we dont have to think about that issue.  less headache... :)

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by shastamcnasty on Jan 11th, 2004, 1:02pm
Life is a business. If you don't run it that way....rest assured that one day you will wish you did. I know that some people make it their entire adult lifes without divorce and bla bla bla......but some businesses make it without careful planning and forethought..its called luck. If i was to ever get married agian, u can bet on a prenup.......But lets be real that isn't gonna happen.....to quote the rap icon Dr. Dre " I been there done that" .....so good luck everyone on this matter and i hope u make a good "business" decision

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by Slice_of_Asia on Jan 12th, 2004, 3:03pm
"ooops I did it again..."

Me, personally, I like to quote Britney Spears.  She's got a lot of depth"    ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by ray69 on Feb 17th, 2004, 1:22am
yes it is very necessary. my wife is rich. i dont want my success to be related with her wealth.

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by okasantina on Mar 20th, 2004, 11:42pm
it does yes!!! But for the two person who is really inlove...its not necessary... whats the meaning of LOVE is theres no trust?? why????

ill answer laterz ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by okasantina on Jul 11th, 2004, 9:38am
I'll keep in mind that the process of negotiating and signing a prenuptial agreement can often lead to tension, even for mature level-headed couples.

I think the most difficult aspect of a prenuptial agreement is that it is essentially a business transaction negotiated between two parties who are in love.

In addition, in order to protect their respective clients, the lawyers involved must negotiate and draft the agreement as if a divorce will occur. Inevitably, the process of drafting a prenuptial agreement brings up emotional issues for one or both parties.

So if i decide that I want to have a prenuptial agreement, I , my fiancee, and my  attorney should all be attuned to the potential emotional issues which may surface.

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by thebeast on Jul 11th, 2004, 1:24pm
I wouldnt get a prenup. I think it causes more trouble than its worth. Listen going into a marriage would be hard enough as it is. Why would you want to make things more complicated by having a prenup. If you get married and it dont work out guess what you made a mistake and mistakes sometimes cost money. Money isnt the most important thing to me. In a past relationship we had a common law marriage. That means we lived together long enough for the legal system to consider us married. But we didnt involve lawyers. Lawyers are not necessary. A divorce lawyer is the biggest slime ball in the world. He can turn you against each other and he profits while this is going on.  For me better to be civil to each other. I give my x money. Hell she is the mother of my daughter. I want her to be happy. She dont take advantage of me financially though. If you have trust going into a relationship who says you cant have trust going out of a relationship. People get greedy and only think of themselves. This is y to me having a prenup would just cause a lot of second guessing. A prenup is like saying hey this marriage might not last so in case it doesnt we better get a prenup. What woman or man would even consider a marriage not working? If they think a marriage might not work out they shouldnt be getting married in the first place.

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by MissFartyPants on Jul 12th, 2004, 9:58pm
I'm with Joel here.

A pre-nup is NOT necessary.

It takes away the romance in a relationship. I'd marry a pauper any day, rich men has got more hangups. I'm not even considering getting a divorce should the marriage get rocky. A vow has been made between two people in love.

"'Til death do us part'

I take my vows seriously.

(Does anyone ever notice that I "talk" like a telegram? Seriously.)

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by Stonser on Jul 13th, 2004, 5:01am
Half of nothing is still nothing so I won't have to worry about a pre nup.  ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by teagirl on Jul 14th, 2004, 7:30pm

If that will prove to him that I am not after his money, then, why not?

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by cebuanalyn on Jul 16th, 2004, 5:47am
No...because I have nothing  ;D

Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Jul 16th, 2004, 6:11pm
If ya wanna know what I think, there was an extensive conversation on the topic of a Pre-Nuptial Agreement next door on the "How Will U Pop The Question" thread. [smiley=cool3.gif]


Title: Re: Pre-nuptial agreement; is it necessary?
Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Mar 2nd, 2005, 1:31am
This Thread is Now Closed
~Moderator~ Love & Marriage

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