Title: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by mylane on Feb 4th, 2004, 8:26pm are u favor in this same sex marriage stuff? lets hear ur point of view. ;D |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by gracia on Feb 5th, 2004, 12:53am my opinion is i dont agree on same sex marriage. as it clearly stated on the bible that marriage is made for man and woman to be united as one...they get married and multiply. ......but on this modern world....anything can be twisted and violated....its one way of violating Gods command and satan is happy. I dont want to misjudge them of the way they are..i have no right...but how i wish they were straight girl or straight boy. |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by ray69 on Feb 18th, 2004, 3:14am personally, i believe it's morally illegal unless u don't consider urself a christian. it should be prohibited eventhough it's in. |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by mylane on Feb 21st, 2004, 10:32am Marriage is the bondage between man and a woman in the face of God :) if thats the case then...both are husbands? and both are wives? ;D |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by bige on Feb 29th, 2004, 9:18am enough said mymy. |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by Hernando on Mar 11th, 2004, 9:37am guys are for girls.girls are for guys. Marriage is a religious ceremony and union. Homosexual or lesbian unions are not covered in my book. Sad to say some husbands and wives don't respect the the sacredness of marriage, they are having affairs. |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by okasantina on Mar 30th, 2004, 9:23am :oThat is bull! They are aliens i guess and doesnt fear god >:( |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by kimmy_baby01 on Apr 27th, 2004, 4:13am yes it is written in the bible that marriege is between a man and a woman. But homosexuals and bisexuals are human beings too... they should not be persecuted just coz they are diff. if the church allows rapist and death row convicts to get married even in jail then why cant they allow the homos? is it better ot accept and forgive someone who has killed dozens of innocent ppl than to give honest homosexuall ppl to live together witht he blessings of god? Does that mean that if you are a homosexual that god loves you less or he does not love you at all?? hey we are all humans right? they just like the same sex ;) thats all. so i say give them the chance to live their lives with the person they want to be with.. with the person that they love... |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by need4speed8dalejr on Jun 9th, 2004, 7:39pm It really doesn't matter to me. Either way. I think that you should be allowed to do whatever the heck yah want to do. Period. [smiley=biker.gif] I also think that Government and Religion as a whole should stay out of peoples' bedrooms. I say whatever happens behind closed doors between two adults is their business. I also think that people who thump their Bibles in other peoples faces and tell them that what they are doing is wrong and immoral, have no right to do so. Just because it is writen down in the Bible, doesn't make your way of life the way all people should live. If all men/women are created equal, than why does the fact that they might be gay/bisexual change that? Hmmm...I wonder? I also think that gay/homosexual people who always run around screaming racism/sexism should calm down and stop being so dramatic. There was a case exactly like that here in Montreal. A couple of gay men moved into a suberb home and they didn't get along with one of their neigbours and started screaming they were the victims of hate crimes and that The hetrosexual man next door to them was not very understanding towards them just because they are gay. They organized marches and would jump in front of any TV news camera to tell their story. The case went to court and the judge rulled that the Gay couple was to blame for most of the problems because they were not understanding of other peoples beliefs, and mis-took that for sexism and hatred against gay people. The judge also said that they were bad neighbours who just happened to be gay. I guess this goes to show that this issue is a two way street. I am not gay, but if other people are, then good for them, just don't go around telling me what to do if I leave you alone. I know this issue is a sensitive one, but life's too short to spend it telling other people how to live it. [smiley=soapbox.gif] ;D ;D |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by nork on Sep 11th, 2004, 2:01am I totally agree with Gracia's opinion....first of all...let me define marriage, isn't it the union of a man and a woman??? Please lets not change the meaning of marriage. Well,we cant judge anybody having sex with same sex but same sex to get married??? I dont agree. |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by cebuanalyn on Sep 11th, 2004, 6:31am i say no more of same sex relationship...it's their life and everybody has the right to enjoy life, as long as they are minding their own business and not hurting others in the process...living together is already marriage from their eyes and from others eyes...but to let them marry publicly and legally shouldn't even be considered... let's not forget that one purpose of marriage is to procreate... can a man procreate with another man? or a woman procreate with another woman? loving each other is already enough for both of you... marrying each other is already too much... i just wish and pray that whoever will approve of this legality Fear God, and value the sanctity of Marriage between man and woman... ::) |
Title: Re: SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Post by thebeast on Sep 11th, 2004, 3:49pm I dont like the idea of sam sex marriage. I dont even like the idea of being gay. But if u wanna be gay then be gay. My problem is this if all the states of the united states start legally marrying homos and gays then what? I will tell u what then. These married homos and gays and lezbos will start to want a family and then want to raise kids. Pretty soon u will have homos all around u with children. Being gay is not right, but what the hell is a little kid supposed to think. If he has 2 parents that are male he would probably think that is normal when its not normal and its not right. |
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