Title: Super Bowl Commercials 2005 Post by ReeBop on Feb 8th, 2005, 8:42pm For those of us who could see them, how do you rate the crop of commercials from this year's Super Bowl? I liked the CareerBuilder.com monkeys and the Bud Light commercials, but the rest were rather disappointing. As I wrote here at Geeksters.org (http://www.geeksters.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=260), I think Pepsi completely wasted their money and really, what was GoDaddy.com thinking? It would have also helped if FedEx had better writing for their spot. The idea was good, but did anyone laugh? Let's hear your take...... [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
Title: Re: Super Bowl Commercials 2005 Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Feb 9th, 2005, 2:37am Ree, Here in Canada I couldn't see any of the American Network feed! This has been a problem for the last couple of years, due to the Canadian Content Laws. The law pretty much says that if the US Network sells the Rights for the Canadian broadcast of any show, the Canadian Network has the right to sell ad space for the program. This leaves us with Canadian Commercails only. I don't mind that Law, but then the Canadian Networks then cover over the Fox Channel with a Canadian feed of the same program, thus totally blacking out the US Commercails and Influence. This SUCKS!! I pay to have the Fox Network channel on my Dish, and this is what I expect, not some Canadain loser Network dubed over onto the American Network. I just have to get my American RCA dish up and working in the next few weeks to watch the Daytona 500 with a Direct un-altered broadcast. Can anyone say Pirate? lol [smiley=pirate.gif] Lemme know if anyone out there has an answer for the "Football" card for the RCA dish. I need the New Card so I can get an open-program and full Dish access to all the Channels. Peace!! [smiley=peace.gif] |
Title: Re: Super Bowl Commercials 2005 Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Apr 18th, 2005, 6:39am This Thread is Now Closed Moderator ~Sports, Travel & Automotive~ |
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