Title: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 17th, 2004, 11:53am The Amazing Race, One if not The best reality show premiers it's Sixth Season today with a 2 hour episode on CBS. Host Phil Keoghan returns for the sixth season as he kicks off the premier in downtown Chicago Illinois. as 11 teams dash around the World in pursuit of a 1 Million Dollar prize. The Eleven teams are: Jonathan 42 & Victoria 32(LA California-Married) Jonathan & Victoria were setup on a blind date seven yrs ago, and have been married for three yrs. They decided to go on the Race in hopes of getting their relationship back on track after many grueling discussions about starting a family that have taken a toll on their marriage. Kris 30 & Jon 29(Long Beach, Cali-Scottsdale Arizona-Dating) Kris & Jon are dating long-distance. They are hoping that doing the Race together will show them if their relationship can work on a 24/7 basis, and if they should put an end to the long-distance part of their relationship. Lena 23 & Kristy 26(Utah-Sisters) Lena & Kristy are sisters who grew up in Utah. Kristy is a single mother who is starting her first year of college. Lena is a student and a former striptease aerobics instructor. Most of the time the sisters get along very well, however they agree that getting into a fist fight a few years back was a low point in their relationship. Don 69 & Mary Jean 66(California-Married) Don & Mary Jean have been married for over 20yrs. Between them they have six children & 16 grandchildren, all from previous marriages. They have already traveled to six Continents and believe that their combined travel experiences will make them successful contenders in the Race. Gus 50 & Hera 24(LA California-Father Daughter) Gus is a former CIA agent, covert operative and the first person to fly an open-cockpit plane to the North Pole. Hera is a special education teacher and holds a Masters degree in special education with a cross-cultural emphasis. Hayden 25 & Aaron 25(LA California-Dating) Hayden & Aaron live together in LA. About 8 months ago, they saw each other for the first time at a Mexican restaurant. They describe this encounter as fate and love at first sight. Both are aspiring Models/Actors. Freedy 34 & Kendra 25(Miami Florida-Engaged) Freddy & Kendra met over two years ago when they were booked together on a modeling job. Both of them have lived in several parts of the world, including Paris, Milan, Barcelona & NYC. Adam 27 & Rebecca 29(LA California-Formerly Dating) Adam & Rebecca are an ex-couple and say that they share similar sensibilities, are very competitive and are both interested in fitness, but are different in every other way. Avi 32 & Joe 32(Best friends) Avi & Joe were born in Brooklyn NY. They met 17yrs ago in a High School Spanish class. Joe moved to LA, while Avi is still in Brooklyn teaching at the same high school where they met. Lori 33 & Bolo 38(Florida-Married) Lori & Bolo have been together for eight years. Bolo is a professional wrestler and Lori is a barrel horse racer. Bolo's military service and wrestling career has alowed him to travel abroad, but Lori has never been out of the US, and looks forward to leaving her small community and seeing the World. Meredith 26 & Maria 26(Queens NY-Best friends) Meredith & Maria are friends and roommates who describe themselves as laid back, outgoing, smart and the two funniest girls on Earth. However, Meredith says she can be extremely competitive, sensitive and passionate while Maria can be very passive and non-emotional. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by norkay on Nov 17th, 2004, 12:19pm I am watching this too Dale but it's not shown here in HK live.Me and my sis are watching it and we have our own team.I'm gonna watch for Kris and Jon.They're so cute partners and looking for them to make it.I wanna look for Freedy and Kendra too. ;D How about you...what's your team? ;D I like watching the SURVIVOR as well and even record it when i am not able to watch it since it is shown here Saturday night. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Nov 17th, 2004, 4:51pm yehey!!! thanks for opening the thread Dale ;D I missed the 9 am via satellite airing of ar6. But I watched the 8 pm replay. I don't have a favorite team so far but I don't think I will like Lori & Bolo. Yay, I don't like couple cussing each other. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Hernando on Nov 18th, 2004, 7:03pm I wasn't able to watch the first episode in ICELAND :-/ |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by okasantina on Nov 19th, 2004, 2:12am on 11/18/04 at 19:03:34, Hernando wrote:
same here :'( |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 19th, 2004, 6:23am I am afraid I am with the Majority of the Gang here. I was a little too busy in opening this thread while the first Episode of AR6 was playing, and I too missed most of it. I will watch the replay of the first episode. It re-airs...(I Hope :-/) Sunday night on "The Outdoor Channel". I do know who was Eliminated...HOWEVER...I will not post about it until early next week to try to give everyone a chance to catch the re-run. Cool-E-OOo!! [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Nov 19th, 2004, 6:39am on 11/17/04 at 11:53:16, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
They are the first team to be eliminated...lol ;D |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 20th, 2004, 5:02am on 11/19/04 at 06:39:58, mylane wrote:
Mymy, That took you all of *16 Minutes* to Reveal who was Eliminated....Hmmmm [smiley=catsmiley.gif] Your starting to lose your touch Ehh! [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Nov 20th, 2004, 5:58am yeah Dale. Simply because I'm having problem with my "N" key. This keyboard sucks. ;D |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 24th, 2004, 7:00am Just who was the Rocket Scientist that chose these people for the Sixth Season?[smiley=stars.gif] For the most part these people are nothing but loud, dim-witted, arrogant, selfish, emotionally disturbed, childish, pompous people with little or no self-respect...and even less of a clue of just what the World is like. Or that 75% of the people they will meet have a better education than them, and are not really laughing with them...but at them! Ohhh...never was there a better example of the "Emperor's New Clothes". In all honesty, in previous seasons of The AR, I was riveted by players who were smart, skillfull, and who used their brain more than their mouths. They would be thinking a few steps ahead in the Race, and to use The Keymaker's" motto in The Matrix Reloaded..."Another way...Always another way". How I long for those days once again. Of focus, and cunning and pure competition. Maybe that's what kept me glued to the TV each week, eagerly watching each teams planning and mistakes, the fact that for the most part..each team was smart, and I could relate to them and match wits each week. But now that the smartest person in the game is Phil Keoghan the host of AR6, things look mighty slim that any real "Geniuses" will suddenly drop their capes and start to do some long division anytime soon. The intellectual factor was the main reason IMHO why this reality series was better then most, but this seaon the Producers really picked all the losers who would be much better on "Fear Factor" than on The AR. Maybe I am being a little hasty. Maybe this is just the cull of the weak, and in a few weeks when the stronger teams get the hang of it, then the Race will be on for real, but I am not holding my breath waiting for that one. And to make matters worst, the teams that are being Eliminated now, are the teams that seem to be the calmer, more "brainy" less brawn couples. Which just drives me up the wall. I HATE some of those dumbazzes that are still in the Race!!! |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 28th, 2004, 10:41am Test ;D |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Paloma on Nov 28th, 2004, 3:07pm I think it is too early to judge the contestants though I have to agree that most of them are really used their mouth more than their brains. Meredith 26 & Maria 26(Queens NY-Best friends), it seems that they were not racing, and really wanted to be eliminated, both of them are so slow. I kinda like the old couple. I will see how far they can go with this race. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 29th, 2004, 8:09am on 11/17/04 at 11:53:16, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
Ok...so Meredith & Maria was the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop and they got eliminated last week. As Mymy said, they just didn't have a sense of urgency or went from point to point with any thought or plan. But hey, they were on vacation Ehh. LOL ;D I would of thought that Meredith & Maria would of put on top of their "To Do" list, to learn how to drive a manual transmission. Eeeecckkk!! I guess they just didn't think things through. Just like the team...(I think it was the "HellBoy" couple) that filled up their SUV with Gas, and didn't even think or remember that most of the World uses Diesel. It was even clearly printed on a sticker inside the flap to the gas cap. I mean...this happened to a team in a previous season...didn't they learn anything from that?? Ugghh...sooo silly. I really hope this week that one of the "Loud" teams get the boot, I know I can go without all the drama and the useless shouting. And you know what the sad part is....when they do get eliminated, they always start to cry..saying how proud they are of their partner..and that they couldn't have done it without them. Such Bull!! Why didn't they show some respect for them before, and stop all the nagging and shouting, then maybe you would of been faster and not been eliminated! Ugghh. I am with you Mymy..I already am starting to "cheer" for them too. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Dec 2nd, 2004, 5:18am on 11/17/04 at 11:53:16, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
wow...can't believe Lena and Kristy got eliminated, they are the most competitive team in this race. Too bad. Too early for them to be eliminated. How I hate Jonathan, Victoria's husband. I hope she divorce him after the race whether they win or got eliminated. My fave team is still the old couple. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by norkay on Dec 2nd, 2004, 5:33am on 12/02/04 at 05:18:26, mylane wrote:
LMAO! I hate him too but uh oh,don't say that naman,ha ha ha! |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 2nd, 2004, 7:22am go the old couple i like them to but there to slow |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Dec 4th, 2004, 11:26am where is dale? ??? |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 8th, 2004, 9:32am So Lena and Kristy got the "Boot" in the last episode. Ohh well. My only comment about the "Unroll The Hay Bale" roadblock that caused them to get eliminated was that sometimes it all comes down to the luck of the draw. I couldn't help but to think of Season 5, when I think it was the two brothers who encountered a similar Roadblock. The one where one of them had to bite into chocolates to find a select few that had white filling to receive their next clue. That was purly the luck of the draw if you found it quick...or wasted all day spitting chocolate or unrolling Hay Bales. I gotta hand it to her....she didn't give up. She unrolled...and unrolled...lol...poor lass. And again with shades of Season 5 last year, Phil had to go out to a Roadblock to give the bad news that the team had been eliminated. I can however say that the teams are starting to Gel and get the hang of things...lol...I only hope some of those couples don't kill each other before the end of the Season. After....knock yourself out. [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 8th, 2004, 9:47am Here is what my Satellite Guide divulged about this week's Episode... I will be posting this info on the day the next episode airs...and I hope it doesn't spoil anything for the Gang. I just think what the Network writes teases without giving away the outcome. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 11th, 2004, 8:33am on 11/17/04 at 11:53:16, need4speed8dalejr wrote:
Ok, so Don & Mary came in last in this leg of the Race, but were not eliminated because that leg was one of the "Non-Elimination" legs. They were stripped of all of their money from Phil on the spot, and will not receive any money for the next leg. This is going to be a tough tough thing to overcome. They are deep in Africa where the population has little or no money. I just don't see them making it unless they can get a few tourists to give them some money. But whatever happens...it will be interesting to watch. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 11th, 2004, 8:38am Did anyone catch what Rebecca said about her Ex-BF Adam? "That he lives at home and his Mom still cuts his toe-nails!!!" And she was SERIOUS!! Eeeeeeeeeooooooo!! ::) LMAO....I now know just what the term "Mama's-Boy" means. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Dec 11th, 2004, 11:09am I wasn't able to watch the third episode. :( |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 11th, 2004, 8:38pm on 12/11/04 at 11:09:31, mylane wrote:
Ahhh....Too busy Chasin' Tha Boys Ehh? |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 15th, 2004, 4:58am The next Episode as described on my Sat Guide... "QUIT FOLLOWING US" The teams travel from a small island off the coast of Africa to Berlin, one team buys plane tickets for another to honor an alliance. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jan 7th, 2005, 5:35am Ok...Just to catch up on things... Last week's Episode was a "Recap" on the events of the first 5 weeks or so. Nothing really new to write about. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jan 7th, 2005, 5:40am This weeks Episode is... Tempers Flare among the team members as they Travel through Budapest. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jan 12th, 2005, 11:30pm Ok..Last week.. Bolo & Lori went from last to first using one of the two "Fast- Forwards" in the entire race. They had to each drink a glass of Pig Blood and they did it with ease. Dang...lol. I was really pulling for them not to be eliminated. They are fun to watch and strangely enough, they are one of the calmer couples on this season's race. They rarely bicker, and never fight, unlike everyone else. Hera & Gus were eliminated when they arrived last. I could see this coming. They are just too slow. No sense of Urgency with this team. Now all the teams that are left are faster ones. Young and nimble. The Race should start to get pretty intense from here to the End. I can see that this Season they are spending alot of time in Europe. I guess because they have been everywhere else in past season's on The Amazing Race. However...I love it. Someday...I would love to Travel and visit some of the spots they have been to on the Show. Ahhh...Someday. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jan 12th, 2005, 11:39pm This week's Episode is... The Teams travel to Corsica. Relationships within a team are tested when they lose track of another team they were following en route to the next clue. |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Mar 26th, 2005, 8:13am I don't even know why I post here anyways. But Season 6 is long since finished and I can't remember who won, ohh well. The Seventh Season is Underway!! And I think it's best not to open a New Thread for obvious Reasons. Anyways... I am sooooo pulling for Rob & Amber of "Survivor" Fame!! They FREAKIN' Rule! [smiley=icon_worship.gif] Go Get 'Em Rob! [smiley=afro.gif] |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by mylane on Mar 26th, 2005, 4:38pm the 6th season was not that exciting compare to season 5....just my opinion ;D is that matt damon? ur avatar dale? ahihihihi gosh ;D |
Title: Re: The Amazing Race: Sixth Season Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jun 5th, 2005, 5:25am Ok...Just to Re-Cap things... Rob & Amber didn't Win...Ohh well....That's the way the Cookie Crumbles. [smiley=wall.gif] So....I will now Close this Thread. ~Moderator~ TV, Theatre & Movies |
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