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Archives >> Best & Closed Threads >> LADIES ROOM...ehem...LADIES NIGHT..ERR...WHATEVER
(Message started by: Analyn on Oct 1st, 2004, 5:02am)

Post by Analyn on Oct 1st, 2004, 5:02am
If there's a "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" topic then there should be a "LADIES ROOM"  ;D this is your chance ladies to prove these men your worth..hehehe

Post by Analyn on Oct 1st, 2004, 5:04am
You Are Worth a Lot!!  

In a brief conversation, a man asked a woman he was pursuing the question "What kind of man are you looking for?" She sat quietly for a moment before looking him in the eye and asking "Do you really want to know?" Reluctantly, he said "Yes."

She began to expound...

"As a woman in this day and age, I am in a position to ask a man what he can do for me that I can't do for myself. I pay my own bills. I take care of my household without the help of any man...or woman for that matter. I am in the position to ask, "What can you bring to the table?"

The man looked at her. Clearly he thought that she was referring to money. She quickly corrected his thought and stated, "I am not referring to money. I need something more. I need a man who is striving for perfection in every aspect of life. "

He sat back in his chair, folded his arms, and asked her to explain.

She said "I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection mentally because I need conversation and mental stimulation. I don't need a simple-minded man. I am looking for someone who is striving for perfection spiritually because I don't need to be unequally yoked... believers mixed with unbelievers is a recipe for disaster.

I need a man who is striving for perfection financially because I don't need a financial burden. I am looking for someone who is sensitive enough to understand what I go through as a woman, but strong enough to keep me grounded. I am looking for someone who I can respect. In order to be submissive, I must respect him. I cannot be submissive to a man who isn't taking care of his business.
I have no problem being submissive...he just has to be worthy. God made woman to be a helpmate for a man. I can't help a man if he can't help himself."

When she finished her spiel, she looked at him. He sat there with a puzzled look on his face.

He said,"You are asking a lot."

She replied, "I'm worth a lot."

Post by Analyn on Oct 1st, 2004, 5:17am
79 Laugh-Out-Loud Ways to Get Rid of Mr. Wrong
By E. Jean Carroll

Best Way #1. Always end arguments by turning some deeply private secret he's confided to you...against him. Then add, "Screw you, you slobbering half-wit!"

2. Beg him to read your journal.

3. Don't mince words. If he asks, reply, "Why, yes, dear, now that I look at it, your penis is the smallest I've ever seen in my life."

. You know you shouldn't call him too much, so say to yourself, "I'm an adult. He's an adult. I refuse to play stupid games."

5. Call him repeatedly.

to be continued  ;D

Post by Analyn on Oct 1st, 2004, 5:30am
6. If he doesn't call back, email him. If he doesn't return your email, fax him a funny little joke. If he still doesn't call, drop by his office and surprise him with a "cute" card. If he's not at his office, drive to his house, wait for him at his front door and, when he arrives, tell him he can do anything he wants with you.

7. Ask him once a week, "So, where do we stand?"

8. Or, if you prefer a more dramatic scrotum-tightener, ask, "So, where do we stand as a couple?"

9. Just happen to have tickets to a play. Convince yourself the man loves plays. Call him and say, "I have two tickets to Frozen Eggs, where the actress harvests her eggs onstage and delivers a fascinating monologue about it!" Whatever you do, don't have tickets to anything exciting like a play-OFF.

10. Rarely wear high heels to bed.

11. Be the first woman in recorded history to actually tell a man exactly how many chaps she's slept with.

12. Every time he makes a joke, roll your eyes and say, "Very funny. Ha ha."

13. Count the number of days since the last time you saw him. Get so freaked-out about the number of days since the last time you saw him, spend all the time when you actually see him telling him there's been too much time since the last time you saw him and you think he'd see you more often if he only got to know the "real" you.

14. He may not want to know about the real you, but never mind. Keep telling him about the real you anyway. Chase him down the street if necessary, claw at his trousers if you must, but by all means, keep telling him all about the real you.

15. Make him watch the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.


Post by TeaGirl on Oct 1st, 2004, 3:50pm
Yayyyyy Ana! Cool idea. I love the part where the list says "make him watch ya-ya sisterhood." LOL!

Post by Analyn on Oct 3rd, 2004, 6:39am

on 10/01/04 at 15:50:33, TeaGirl wrote:
Yayyyyy Ana! Cool idea. I love the part where the list says "make him watch ya-ya sisterhood." LOL!

did you try to make him watch it May?  ;D


16. Fixate on the future. Focus on his taking you to the Bahamas for Valenti ne's Day.

17. If he does not take you to the Bahamas for Valentine's Day, act real light and breezy, and then suddenly collapse in a heap, burst into tears and inform him he has "intimacy issues."

18. Speaking of which, always cry after sex.

19. Better yet, cry during sex.

20. Criticize his mother.

21. Borrow $2,300 from him.

22. Maintain a ladylike air of dignified seriousness when snogging.

23. Ask him about his "personal feelings concerning the relationship" while he's watching the final two minutes of the seventh game of the NBA championship series. If he doesn't hear you, snap off the TV and hurl the remote out the window.

24. He'll refuse to speak to you after you've hurled the remote out the window, but so what? This is an excellent opportunity to confront him about his "fear of being inferior."

25. Do you own an old pair of baggy maroon sweatpants? Wear them.

26. Every night.

27. Blind yourself to his faults. (Of course, if you happen to see a fault by mistake, immediately point it out to him.)
28. Is he feeling a tad overwhelmed by the serious turn your affair is taking? Surprise him with loads of expensive gifts for no reason.

29. Say sweetly, "Either your idiot dog goes...or I go."

30. Withhold sex for two weeks.

Post by TeaGirl on Oct 3rd, 2004, 4:27pm
LOL! I wish I came across this list sooner, Ana!!

Post by Analyn on Oct 4th, 2004, 2:07am

on 10/03/04 at 16:27:17, TeaGirl wrote:
LOL! I wish I came across this list sooner, Ana!!

which means : May not able to get rid of Mr. wrong yet...hehehe... better late than never May :D


31. In the first month of your affair, tell him you love riding in his Jeep with the top down. In the second month, tell him you sometimes like the top up, but you love all the windows down. In the third month, tell him to roll the top and the windows up, or he can stick his frickin' Jeep up his frickin'...(you get the picture).

32. Don't pay back the $2,300.

33. Make complicated plans for the two of you to spend lots and lots and lots of time with your parents.

34. Nag.

35. Wear his favorite shirt without asking and spill Cherry Coke on it while driving his new Lexus, which you accidentally crash into the car in front of you at a spotlight.

36. Wrap your whole life around him.

37. Reassure him that all men, uh, have, uh, difficulties in the sack, but not to worry -- you've discussed his problem with his friends, and they all think it's hilarious.

38. Giggle at his receding hairline.

39. When he calls you at your office to say he loves you and that he's going to go shoot baskets with the guys after work, inform him, "No, Humpfart. The only shooting going on will be me shooting you if you don't take that Pilates class with me at seven!"

40. Keep pestering him to explain what the Matrix is -- in the middle of it.

41. Stop shaving your legs, except when you shave your legs for "special occasions," and then use his new razor.

42. When he asks you and your kids to attend a religious service at his church/synagogue/mosque, snicker and say, "Please. Your religion is a form of child abuse."

43. Tell him oral sex makes you gag? except when he does it.

44. Believe he won't mind if you've gained 37 pounds.

45. When he's conducting an important client presentation, call him with an "emergency." When he comes on the line, tell him excitedly that your psychic just told you that you and he were married in a former life in 16th-century Scotland, and that you're destined to be together forever and ever and ever!

46. Festering resentment. Try it.

47. Continue to hold the opinion "men are babies."

48. Never tell him he makes you happy. Never say that sometimes you're so proud to be with him you want to weep for joy.

49. Drink too much at a party and vomit on his shoes.

50. Inform him that his five-year-old daughter "needs to see a therapist" because she refused to kiss you hello.

Post by Analyn on Oct 5th, 2004, 2:29am
more....but last ways though..

51. Never cook anything for him.

52. Refer to his car as "a piece of s**t."

53. Don't let him miss you. (I.e., spend every blessed moment with/near/on/under/over him -- particularly those blessed moments when you feel bloated and paranoid.)

54. Let him miss you too much. Rarely come home from the office until after 10:30pm.

55. Invite your most attractive girlfriends over to play croquet.
56. When dining with friends, if he begins talking about his dream of taking poor, underprivileged kids sailboating, snort and tell him he's "full of crap."

57. Get old. (I don't mean chronologically.)

58. Keep yourself informed about his activities. Call around to his friends and check up on him. When he walks in the door, sniff him over like you're a pit bull looking for a Quarter-Pounder.

59. Make him take the quizzes in ladies' mags.

60. Explain that if primal man could learn to walk upright in a mere two million years, a moron like him can walk to the incinerator with the garbage.

61. Make him go to couples therapy with you if his LMQS (Ladies' Mag Quiz Score) is lower than your sister's boyfriend's.

62. Act like the challenge before you is not to become someone but to become someone's wife.

63. Rarely be in a playful mood.

64. You know everything there is to know about him, so just smile and mentally plan the outfit you're wearing tomorrow while he's talking.

65. Never have your wallet with you.

66. Trick him, dupe him, deceive him with every breath you take -- i.e., follow The Rules.

67. When you're at a formal dance and you bump into an old beau, throw your arms around the beau's neck, hold your pelvis against his and squeal, "Oh, God! Oh, God!"

68. When you run out of things to fight about, invite his mother over to help you "organize" his closets.

69. Recently met the man of your dreams online? When you meet him in person, bring along the sweater you've knit for him.

70. Refuse to tie him up and play Slaveboy and Empress because it may "put wrinkles in your good scarves."
71. Spend as much time with your hair and makeup as you need...particularly when he's waiting in the car to take you to dinner with his boss.

72. If he's experiencing career difficulties (see #71), gently point out that when he loses this job, he'll probably never get another one.

73. If you went to a better college than he did, never let him forget it.

74. If you're worried he'll discover how "unlikable" you are once he gets to know you, start acting really, really obnoxious right now.

75. After going out four times, instruct your children to call him Daddy -- even if they are over 25.

76. If you earn more money than he does, make sure you boost his ego by letting him pay for absolutely everything.
77. When you're driving home from a party, refer to every single woman he talked to as a "famous very *friendly* person."

78. Take yourself very very very seriously.

79. Let him know that every day is Judgment Day as far as you and he are concerned and that you'd rather be right than happy.

i  hope girls you already will get rid of him...hehehe

Post by scottman on Oct 5th, 2004, 3:45pm
79 cute antidotal little quotes later; wouldn't it just be easier to tell the guy "see ya, it's not working"... ;) ;D ::)

Post by Analyn on Oct 6th, 2004, 8:35pm
better to prolong his agony scott...  ;D


- We can get laid anytime we want.

- We never have to buy our own drinks on a bar

- We piss sitting down so it's easier to pass out on the toilet when you're drunk

- We get out of speeding tickets by crying

- We can sleep our way to the top of the  class

- We can marry rich and then not have to work

- Men take us on all expense paid trips-all we have to do is sleep with them...hehehe

- We're cuter

- We're better manipulators

- We always end up sleeping in the bed when we fight our other halves - you guys get the couch or outside  :P

- PMS- yet another excuse to bitch the men

- PMS is a legal defense for murder

- You guys may get to think about sex 200 times a day, but we  could be having that too often

Post by scottman on Oct 7th, 2004, 11:26am

on 10/06/04 at 20:35:47, Analyn wrote:
better to prolong his agony scott...  ;D
What agony, guys are too dumb to notice all that stuff -- as long as you are still sleeping with them, they won't notice any of it, and if you stop sleeping with them, they'll know its over... you can't win ;D ;D


- We can get laid anytime we want.
and guys cant..??

- We never have to buy our own drinks on a bar
that's how guys get laid anytime they want ;)

- We piss sitting down so it's easier to pass out on the toilet when you're drunk
that's all right,if your that drunk, falling to the floor doesn't really hurt till the next day any way, and again, if you are that drunk, the hang over is much worse then the bruise on your forhead slamming into the porciline gods

- We get out of speeding tickets by crying
what if the cop is a her, we can buy her a drink...and, if we are lucky, get laid ;D

- We can sleep our way to the top of the  class
what if the instructor is a female... we can buy her a drink... and, if we are lucky, get laid -- then guys won't care if they are at the top of the class ;D

- We can marry rich and then not have to work
Paris Hilton...

- Men take us on all expense paid trips-all we have to do is sleep with them...hehehe
see, we are getting laid again!

- We're cuter
this is true, but we're stronger (i hope)

- We're better manipulators
yeah, but guys don't care as long as you are sleeping with us

- We always end up sleeping in the bed when we fight our other halves - you guys get the couch or outside  :P
i would never give up my bed, if she's mad at me, she still has to sleep with me!! ;)

- PMS- yet another excuse to bitch the men
we learn to "tune PMS bitching out" at a very  young age... shhhhh, that is a secret

- PMS is a legal defense for murder
that one works both ways...

- You guys may get to think about sex 200 times a day, but we  could be having that too often
yeah, but we don't ;D

Post by Analyn on Oct 7th, 2004, 9:21pm

We get out of speeding tickets by crying
what if the cop is a her, we can buy her a drink...and, if we are lucky, get laid  

Scott, female cops are lesbians...ask them to get laid..and you find yourself floating in the Pacific Ocean...hehehe

1. We can get rid of leg hair without pretending that we do a lot of cycling/swimming, or any other sport that would require aerodynamic legs.
2. We absently hum tunes from musicals without anyone being suspect of our sexuality.
3. When we buy a vibrator it is glamorous. When men buy a blow up doll it's sad.
4. We can use cosmetics should we wake up looking like something the cat dragged in.
5. We can wear platforms - which is why there is no such thing as a short woman's complex.
6. We don't have to get our strength up between sessions... and it's much easier for us to get laid in the first place.
7. We can get off with teenagers without being called dirty old perverts.
8. We never ejaculate prematurely.
9. We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses.
10. We get to flirt with systems support men who always return our calls, and are nice to us when we blow up our computers.
11. We know that Tetris is the computer game to end all games.
12. We got off the Titanic first.
13. Our boyfriends' clothes make us look elfin and gorgeous - they look like complete dicks in ours.
14. We have total control over our eyebrows.
15. We can be groupies. Male groupies are stalkers.
16. It's cool to be a daddy's girl. It's sad to be a mommy's boy.
17. The thrill of surprising people by being good at darts... and pool... and football.
18. We live longer, so we can be cantankerous old biddies wearing inappropriate clothes and shouting at strangers... men die earlier so we get to cash in on the life insurance.
19. We know that games are fun, but don't believe there's a direct correlation between the size of our scores and the size of our genitals.
20. Taxis stop for us.
21. We get drunk quicker and cheaper.
22. We have no desire to arrange our possessions in alphabetical order. Ever.
23. We've never fancied a cartoon character or the central figure in a computer game.
24. It does not enhance our social standing to understand the inner workings of a 'ruck' (or any other rugby thing). But we look INCREDIBLY cool if we do.
25. We never recognise ourselves in aspects of Mr Bean. Ever.
27. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

watcha think guys? violent reactions? hehehe

Post by mymy on Oct 7th, 2004, 10:05pm

8. We never ejaculate prematurely.  

yeah that is wat u called PES - Pre ejaculation syndrome ;D

27. We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing.

lol....I can imagine reebop dancing now...ahihihi ;D

Post by scottman on Oct 8th, 2004, 10:35am

on 10/07/04 at 21:21:11, Analyn wrote:
Scott, female cops are lesbians...ask them to get laid..and you find yourself floating in the Pacific Ocean...hehehe

Or, better yet, she will bring her friend... The alcohole factore is always an unknown!!! ;D

Post by okasantina on Oct 11th, 2004, 5:46am
Ana... can i make that 80?

80. Put a dead cockroach inside his favorite shoes! LMAO!  [smiley=huepfenicon111.gif]

The truth is its very easy to flaunt and express that he is not worth for ure love...Just barely say "We're  not meant for each other"  ;D Thats it. ;)


Post by Analyn on Oct 18th, 2004, 4:45am
Highly recommended books....

Barrows, Sydney Biddle, Just Between Us Girls: Secrets about men from the madam who knows.  
Not from a therapists couch, this sassy, classy and refreshingly honest book contains priceless advice and inside information about men from the Madam who made it her business to know. She holds nothing back as she discussed exactly what men want - in the bedroom, out on the town, and from a relationship. For years she was the ultimate male confidante. And now, as she shares her knowledge from her unique perspective, you will come away knowing more about men that you ever thought possible, with information only the Mayflower Madam can give. With her candid advice and keen insight into the world of men, she gives you solid, practical, non-nonsense information that can be used - both in and out of the bedroom. St Martin's Press, 1996

Vial, Veronique, photographer & Pam Houston, writer, Men Before Ten a.m. "I have an idea that men put their masks on by ten o'clock in the morning, that if you want to capture what is inside a man, you have to catch him when he first wakes up."  So began the first phone call to the writer proposing a book that would discover the elusive aspects of the male species early in the morning while they're still soft and vulnerable. The result is a celebration of men by two women who love them intensely - for all the ways they are not like women. Realizing that she got the best results when she actually woke her subjects, she began arriving before the scheduled appointments. As a result, her photos reveal these men in a way they have never been seen before. Like voyeurs, they capture the true essence of men from the U.S., France, Germany, Brazil and around the world. In photos and text, this book reveals a playful, sexy and honest glimpse of men before they put on their masks. This was a very enjoyable book. And the reflections by women about men were so hopeful and caring.   Beyond Words Publishing

Giles, Fiona, ed., Dick for a Day: What Would You Do if You Had One?.   While not really a book directed to men, versus at men, this review offers a look into the thoughts of a small group of women writers - feminists, scholars, performers and artists. Left with this outrageous question to celebrated women, the results are serious, humorous and downright strange. What's most exciting is that every man will be able to ponder his own response - and discover the basis for arguments, fantasies and gender benders of the most provocative kind. "Breasts for a Day" just doesn't have the same ring to it, somehow

Post by Analyn on Oct 18th, 2004, 4:51am
Woman's Instruction Booklet

1. Never do housework. No man ever made love to a woman because the house was spotless.

2. Remember that you are known by the idiot you accompany.

3. Don't imagine you can change a man -- unless he's in diapers.

4. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You lock the door behind him.

5. So many men -- so many reasons not to sleep with any of them.

6. If they can put a man on the moon, they should be able to put them all there.

7. Tell him you're not his type -- you have a pulse.

8. Never let your man's mind wander. It's too little to be let out alone.

9. The only reason men are on this planet is that vibrators can't dance or buy drinks.

10. Never sleep with a man who has named his penis.

11. You might as well go for younger men. They never mature, anyway.

12. A man who can dress himself without looking like Forrest Gump is unquestionably gay.

13. Men are all the same. They just have different faces so you can tell them apart.

14. Definition of a bachelor: a man who missed the opportunity to make some woman miserable.

15. Women don't make fools of men. Most of them are the do-it-yourself type.

16. The best way to get a man to do something is to suggest that they're too old for it.

17. Love is blind, but marriage is a real eye-opener.

18. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital.

19. The children of Israel wandered around the desert for 40 years, proving that even in biblical times men wouldn't ask for directions.

20. If he asks what sort of books you like, tell him checkbooks.

21. A man's idea of serious commitment is usually, "Oh, alright, I'll stay the night."

22. Women sleep with men who, if they were women, they wouldn't even bother to have lunch with.

23. Remember, a sense of humor does not mean that you tell him jokes, it means you laugh at his.

24. If he asks you if you're faking it, tell him no, you're just practicing.

25. Sadly, all men are created equal.

26. When he asks you if he's your first, tell him, "You may be. You look familiar."

[smiley=icon_drink.gif]  [smiley=icon_super.gif]

Post by TeaGirl on Oct 18th, 2004, 6:00pm

on 10/18/04 at 04:45:03, Analyn wrote:
Highly recommended books....

Barrows, Sydney Biddle, Just Between Us Girls: Secrets about men from the madam who knows.  
Not from a therapists couch, this sassy, classy and refreshingly honest book contains priceless advice and inside information about men from the Madam who made it her business to know. She holds nothing back as she discussed exactly what men want - in the bedroom, out on the town, and from a relationship. For years she was the ultimate male confidante. And now, as she shares her knowledge from her unique perspective, you will come away knowing more about men that you ever thought possible, with information only the Mayflower Madam can give. With her candid advice and keen insight into the world of men, she gives you solid, practical, non-nonsense information that can be used - both in and out of the bedroom. St Martin's Press, 1996

Vial, Veronique, photographer & Pam Houston, writer, Men Before Ten a.m. "I have an idea that men put their masks on by ten o'clock in the morning, that if you want to capture what is inside a man, you have to catch him when he first wakes up."  So began the first phone call to the writer proposing a book that would discover the elusive aspects of the male species early in the morning while they're still soft and vulnerable. The result is a celebration of men by two women who love them intensely - for all the ways they are not like women. Realizing that she got the best results when she actually woke her subjects, she began arriving before the scheduled appointments. As a result, her photos reveal these men in a way they have never been seen before. Like voyeurs, they capture the true essence of men from the U.S., France, Germany, Brazil and around the world. In photos and text, this book reveals a playful, sexy and honest glimpse of men before they put on their masks. This was a very enjoyable book. And the reflections by women about men were so hopeful and caring.   Beyond Words Publishing

Giles, Fiona, ed., Dick for a Day: What Would You Do if You Had One?.   While not really a book directed to men, versus at men, this review offers a look into the thoughts of a small group of women writers - feminists, scholars, performers and artists. Left with this outrageous question to celebrated women, the results are serious, humorous and downright strange. What's most exciting is that every man will be able to ponder his own response - and discover the basis for arguments, fantasies and gender benders of the most provocative kind. "Breasts for a Day" just doesn't have the same ring to it, somehow

Hmmmmmm, where  can I find these  books? I would  like  to  read them,  if  one mornng I wake up and decide and care enough  to be curious  what this other human specie is like...lol.

Operative words:  "care enough to be curious"  :P

Post by TeaGirl on Oct 18th, 2004, 6:20pm

on 10/18/04 at 04:51:59, Analyn wrote:
Woman's Instruction Booklet

3. Don't imagine you can change a man -- unless he's in diapers. I have  always been a realist.  I  dont  do impossible  tasks.

4. What do you do if your boyfriend walks out? You lock the door behind him.    Yeah, I use  deadbolts and  I change the locks, too.  

5. So many men -- so many reasons not to sleep with any of them. But we're not exactly *sleeping* are we ?

6. If they can put a man on the moon, they should be able to put them all there.   Nope, there never was a moon landing. That  was a  fake.  

9. The only reason men are on this planet is that vibrators can't dance or buy drinks. And the  lawns can't mow themselves...

10. Never sleep with a man who has named his penis.
Sorry, Loukins. With this rule,  you and Mr.  Happi are out.

11. You might as well go for younger men. They never mature, anyway. AWRIGGHHTTT!!  

15. Women don't make fools of men. Most of them are the do-it-yourself type.   I have  always believed it  was genetic.  

18. If you want a committed man, look in a mental hospital. ROFLMAO

[smiley=icon_drink.gif]  [smiley=icon_super.gif]

Post by Analyn on Oct 18th, 2004, 7:35pm

10. Never sleep with a man who has named his penis.
Sorry, Loukins. With this rule,  you and Mr.  Happi are out.
lol May... I wish that lou can read this  ;D


Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 19th, 2004, 9:44am

Vial, Veronique, photographer & Pam Houston, writer, Men Before Ten a.m.

I'd like to read this one 'Te Ana. Maybe it'll help me understand men better, if not more. Gee, who ever said that women are the most complex creatures ever lived must be nuts...  ::) Men are as or even more complex than women even.  :-/ (sigh,sigh,sigh)

Post by Analyn on Oct 21st, 2004, 8:26pm
Kianna... I'm also looking for those books... and can't find it  ;D i'm too curious how or what these "aliens" are...hehehe

Title: A TRIBUTE TO WOMEN (copied and pasted)...hehehe
Post by Analyn on Oct 25th, 2004, 8:18pm
Women Could Have a Better Life

My feelings

First I am a girl
Second I am a wife
Third I am a mother
Fourth I am a grandmother
This is women's circle

First my life is happy
Second my life is difficult
Third my life is challenge
Fourth my life is depression
This is women's situation

Bina Maharjan
YWCA of Nepal
~ The Phenomenal Women Of The Web Creed ~
By Nancy Imelda Schafer

My ideals about being a Woman and a Mother to my child.
It is my requirement to bring her up the best I can.
That is not an easy job in today's world.
I want her to know right from wrong.
I want her to question the answers, and when she believes them to be wrong,
to stand up for herself and ask for an explanation why.
If she makes a mistake, to admit it and apologize promptly.
I will encourage her to be anything that she wants to be.
Sure, she can be a Nurse, but why not be the Doctor,
or be the Lawyer instead of the Secretary?
I want her to know... she has no limits or restrictions of who she can be.
I hope when she is my age, she is not judged on the shape of her legs,
but on the depth of her skills, and the goodness in her soul.

I want her to know that there is much, much more to a Woman than being a housewife,
and if a Man tells her that is the way it is, to tell him to hit the road Jack!
I also want her to know, that if SHE chooses to be a housewife,
that it is a FULL TIME JOB,
and should NOT be discounted.
I want her to know, that it is a crime against anyone to be assaulted,
and if it happens to her, to pack her bags and leave after the first slap.
I want her to love music and art as I do.
It is a way for her to see the world through the eyes and words of another.
I want her to know that bigotry and hatred are unacceptable behavior.
I want her to enjoy and understand the differences in the people of the world,
and not to judge someone because they appear different from her.
Black, white, fat, thin, tall, short.
Learning that we are all different, but all bleed red,
EARLY in her life, is probably the foundation to all of the above.
The two things I want most for her in life...
First, to have common sense.
Second... to love.
To simply be able to love.

Title: Re: A TRIBUTE TO WOMEN (copied and pasted)...heheh
Post by TeaGirl on Oct 25th, 2004, 9:32pm

on 10/25/04 at 20:18:55, Analyn wrote:
The two things I want most for her in life...
First, to have common sense.
Second... to love.
To simply be able to love.

Beautiful! Somehow it validates what I have just written....to LOVE REGARDLESS...

Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 14th, 2004, 12:17am
i agree with scotman just tell him see ya

Post by Analyn on Nov 17th, 2004, 12:39pm
Can't disagree with that Nelson...men usually agrees with men... else, they will be gay  ;D hehehe

Post by Analyn on Nov 25th, 2004, 3:03am
As I was posing at the side of the road, hoping to be at work early so when "transport strike" becomes worst, a cousin called me just to inform me that his mother just passed away... I can feel what he is feeling thru his sobs... I was speechless for a moment... but only uttered something like I will inform the rest of the family about it...hanged up the phone and was standing for a minute not knowing what to do...then I decided to heed back home and skip work so my auntie back home will know and together we can decide whether to pack our bag and travel 100 km from where I am staying and comfort our cousins or wait for days... An uncle saw me and asked what happened...but he advised not to rush... we can go there this Saturday and not be absent from work... only then I realized that he was right... we can't do anything to prevent her death anyway... "let the dead bury their dead"...

Sometimes we can't think clearly or even decide quickly when we hear the word "death"... sometimes, we even die with them... only when days and sometimes years will pass when we realize that life must go on for those who are still living....

My only regret was I was not able to be with her when she was still suffering...Just 2 nights ago, she visited me in my dreams.. "I saw her going after me... but I acted as if I didn't see her... I even walk as fast as I can so she won't be able to talk to me...but still we did talk... I confessed to her that I don't want to talk to her and even find ways to have a valid excuse so I can't visit her or talk to her, for I will surely cry when I see her..."

I can still vividly recall that dream whem I woke up and even told my auntie about it... so we scheduled to visit her this Sunday... but now that she's gone...I think we will be there a day earlier...
But what for? my conscience still bother me...but I have other duties to do too... maybe I can blame her for not waiting for us this Sunday...maybe she should have scheduled her death...but who am I to complain and blame her? maybe if she only have a choice when to die or not to die she would have chosen the when... anyhow, this is for us WOMEN... we never know... we may have it or we have it... but we just don't care...(i have read this so many times... but i don't want to care nor even think of having one... but it's better that we know before it's too late)

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women  (men can get breast cancer, too, but not as common). About 200,000 women get it each year. Because there has been so much breast cancer research, scientists are learning more about catching and treating it.

Some women are at a higher risk of getting breast cancer:

Older women
Caucasian women (white women)
Women who have had breast cancer before
Women who have a close relative (mother, sister, daughter) who has had breast cancer.
Women who were born with a change in their genes. If women have close relatives who had breast cancer, they can get tested to see if they carry the changed gene.
Women who never had children or who had them after age 30.
Women who had their first period at a very young age (before age 12).
Women who started menopause late (after age 50).
Women who had a previous stint with breast cancer
Women who have dense breast tissue (your doctor can tell your in a mammogram).
Women who are at slight risk include women who took birth control pills, drink 2 to 5 alcoholic drinks a day, are overweight after menopause, take hormone replacement therapy, and women who did not breastfeed. All these can be modified
Symptoms of breast cancer:

A lump in or near the breast or underarm area
A change in the size or shape of the breast
Nipple discharge or breast tenderness
Nipple inverted into the breast
Ridges or pitting of the breast (like an orange peel)
A change in the way the skin of the breast, areola (the skin around the nipple), or nipple looks or feels (for example, warm, swollen, red, or scaly)
If you have any of these symptoms, go to your doctor. They could be something else, but it's best to get checked out, especially if you don't have regular mammograms.

Breast exams are the best way to make sure your breasts are healthy and to catch breast cancer early on. Monthly self-exams for all women and yearly mammograms if you are over 40 are recommended.

Title: Re: Breast Cancer
Post by teagirl on Nov 25th, 2004, 3:22am

Ann, thank you very much for this wonderful article. I can very well emphatize with you regarding this one because my beloved Aunt passed away early this year due to Breast CA. Like you, I didn't see her suffer through it although we exchanged a lot of emails and talked on the phone before she died. One thing I can say though---her ailment was not like any other. My Ta Cit never felt any pain at all.

I talked to her a day before she passed away. Although I had an inkling that she will not last long, I lived in hope that she will be able to survive and beat breast CA. When she died, I felt like I lost a part of me. No matter how "prepared" every family is for a devastation like cancer, sadness always prevails.

Post by mylane on Nov 25th, 2004, 9:54am
my ex-boyfriend's cousin died due to breast cancer too. I agree sadness always prevails no matter how prepared the victim's family .

Post by norkay on Nov 25th, 2004, 12:24pm
Since we are in this very serious kind of disease which mostly occurs to us women, it's really good to know about the said disease.In additional to Analyn's post about this,let me share about more on this.

Fibrocystic Breast Disease(FBD)is the most common disorder of the breast.The symptoms include breast pain and tenderness and lumps or cysts in the breast detectable to the touch.Some women only experience discomfort before menstruation,while others suffer considerable pain throughout the menstrual cycle.

There are three categories of breast lumps:
1.Cysts- round or oval in shape,cysts are fluid-filled and range from soft and squeezable.They can be painful,but tend to come and go rapidly,often appearing during pre-menstrual periods and then disappearing.They move freely under the touch.

2.Fibro-adenoma- It is also round or oval in shape,relatively solid and rubbery to the touch.Likel cysts,they move freely,unlikely cysts,are not painful.These are the kind of lumps usually found in younger women.

3.Lipoma or fatty tumor- These kind of lumps are irregularly shaped range from soft to firm in consistency and are usually painless.They are fixed and do not move freely.Occuring in women in all ages.Lipomas are often caused by a trauma or injury to the breast.

The symptoms common to all women is sore,lumpy breast,but the nature of the lumps and the soreness varies hugely.Some women have FBD cyclically while others experience it all month long.Some are in extreme pain,some only mild.Some women have cysts and scar tissue while others have only fibro adenomas.

Along with the pain and discomfort of FBD,worry over whether the lump is canceruos or not can make a fibrocystic disease a devastating experience.A general rule to apply to ease the anxiety is that a breast lump that is painful is likely to be cyst rather a cancerous tumor,which is not tender.However, this makes difficult to distinguish whether a lump is benign or cancerous so ,consultation with a physical should be done when having the symptoms.

Once it is established that you don't have cancer and instead have benign breast lumps,then you can proceed with some type of treatments.The conventional medical approach relies on diuretic drugs,pain killers and synthetic hormone therapy.These can be effective but may bring disturbing effects ,so again,we need to seek doctors' advice.However, through comprehensive treatment program consisting of hormone therapy,nutritional supplement,dietary changes, detoxification and special exercise to support lymphatic drainage will able to eliminate breast lumps and pains.

What i do to check my own breast while eliminating from having breast lump, I do some soft massaging and touching of my breast and around it including my armpit once in a while.I do it when i am having exercise,when i am lying down and when taking a shower while applying soap on my body.

Post by norkay on Nov 26th, 2004, 5:02am
Nelson,this is for ladies only and if you don't have something to post that is worth reading, please get out.You are taking everything as a joke, how could you reply like that to a very serious topic,like this  ???

Post by okasantina on Dec 3rd, 2004, 3:31am
[smiley=oops.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]

Post by norkay on Dec 3rd, 2004, 5:22am


Post by norkay on Dec 3rd, 2004, 5:29am

Ahhhh,it's my schedule and super painful again,ang abnomen ko,hips ko especially "doon" :'( :'( :'(....do you suffer the same during yours?

Post by Analyn on Dec 8th, 2004, 8:37am

on 12/03/04 at 05:29:50, norkay wrote:
Ahhhh,it's my schedule and super painful again,ang abnomen ko,hips ko especially "doon" :'( :'( :'(....do you suffer the same during yours?

Hey Kris... there's a topic on "How to cope with PMS"... in the "Food, Health & Fitness" section. Here's some of the replies then :

I have heard this on good authority, that if a woman has sex, or even if she just has an orgasm or two before her period, that her PMS isn't so bad. Her cramps go away and she isn't so grumpy and her hormone level isn't all over the place.

Dont you know why females has crampz becuz they dont have zex! LOL! Think about this...if this one girl has sex for almost everyday...that would be a perfect exercise right    And b3fore or after PMZ with having orgazms it will not change the hormones level ... the pressure...Thats why some women go crazy when they have pmz...well unless if when they tried having sex while they have PMZ...LOL! thats diff ok?? i mean some women just have to be more vibrant but u know we cant control it...it really happens...even me  
- Dale  

I just noticed that most of the virgin gals are the one who always have this kind of problem (dysmenorrhea.).  

first of all, chocolate does make you feel happy.. it shoots up your sugar level n makes your body more alive....

and yes sex does lessen the cramps... dont ask how i know.. i just know  
- Kim

Cocacola...does wonders for me.  Watching alot of funny movies  takes my mind off of PMS
- Butterscotch

Post by Analyn on Dec 8th, 2004, 9:00am
It's been 2 months already Kris, and I didn't have dysmenorrhea anymore... maybe "Ferrous Sulfate" helps... there's no harm in trying... but better we consult a physician first  ;D ... so there's no proof that "sex" is the only cure as what these men have said  ;D

Post by norkay on Dec 8th, 2004, 11:38am

It's been 2 months already Kris, and I didn't have dysmenorrhea anymore... maybe "Ferrous Sulfate" helps... there's no harm in trying... but better we consult a physician first   ... so there's no proof that "sex" is the only cure as what these men have said  

Awww thank you Analyn ;D Really we have this topic there? Cool.Ah i think i have to do more reading on every thread here then .I am laughing to see that most of the solutions shared was sex. :o...geezzz if they are really effective ,how long will i suffer then, i see it's still very far to happen :'( :P

Yes i am taking Ferrous Sulfate because i even feel really dizzy when i am having my PM that i even feel like i'm going to faint or vomit.I sometimes cry of pain especially during my 2nd day of heavy flow.Thank you very much for we have this kind of sharing here.Yes several times i have consulted the doctor but it always results that nothing wrong so they just prescribe pain reliever and i hate and tired taking tablets.Good to hear you dont suffer it anymore.

Post by KiAnNa on Dec 10th, 2004, 3:43pm

Description of a Woman...

Well, she'd have a light in her eyes…

Um, an infectious wonderful smile…

Talking to her, you found you told her things you'd never told anyone…

[You] began to see things you never seen before…

Leaving her you knew, somehow, things had irreversibly changed, would never be the same again…

Post by norkay on Dec 22nd, 2004, 12:40pm
A little boy asked his mother, "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm a woman," she told him.

"I don't understand," he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, "And you never will."

Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"

"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.

The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.

Finally he asked God. He said, "God, why do women cry so easily?"

God said:

" When I made the woman she had to be special.
I made her shoulders strong enough to carry the weight of the world, yet gentle enough to give comfort.

I gave her an inner strength to endure childbirth and the rejection that many times comes from her children.

I gave her a hardness that allows her to keep going when everyone else gives up, and take care of her family through sickness and fatigue without complaining.

I gave her the sensitivity to love her children under any and all circumstances, even when her child has hurt her very badly.

I gave her strength to carry her husband through his faults and fashioned her from his rib to protect his heart.

I gave her wisdom to know that a good husband never hurts his wife, but sometimes tests her strengths and her resolve to stand beside him unfalteringly.

And finally, I gave her a tear to shed. This is hers exclusively to use whenever it is needed."

"You see my son," said God, "the beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides."

Post by nelson3082000 on Feb 17th, 2005, 6:18am
im a serious guy krissy arent we allowed to have a joke every now and then but i guess when others post things in other rrooms thats acceptable and funny but i guess where very biased in here as we delete the chats. 8) 8)

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