Title: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Post by mylane on May 5th, 2004, 6:52am happy mothers day to all mothers in the world.... [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] special mentioned to my mom ofcourse...eventhough she find me so annoying... ;D happy mothers day to cuz tina, gracia.... [smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif] ;D |
Title: Re: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Post by mylane on May 5th, 2004, 6:53am opps i forgot happy mothers day to matthew ;D..lol |
Title: Re: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Post by okasantina on May 5th, 2004, 7:33am Happy Motherz Day to my mom... :-*though zometimez zhe dont like me :-/ I love you MAMA! :-* ANd to all the motherz of ac1 and the whole world can u read me???!!!! ;D HAPPY MOTHERZ DAY TO YALLL!!!! [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
Title: Re: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Post by killerabbit on May 5th, 2004, 10:03pm Happy mothers day to future mother of my children....MYLENEEEEEEE!!!!!!(i like the black bras...brings out my eyes) ::) |
Title: Re: HAPPY MOTHERS DAY Post by okasantina on May 7th, 2004, 12:16am Being a mom taught me how to be self centered. Im touched becauze In the firzt perzon my mom runz to when zhe haz a problem ;D The bezt advize that my mom gave me iz to be happy and to be te bezt that i can be....I love you Mama! Happy Motherz Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) [smiley=icon_dance.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=icon_dance.gif] |
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