Title: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by mylane on Apr 24th, 2005, 6:37am [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you...happy birthday, happy birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEENIE [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] [smiley=balloon2.gif] Tell us your wishes!!! ahihihihi.... ;D |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by ReeBop on Apr 24th, 2005, 8:41am The sad thing about keen's birthday is that how incredibly old he is getting. I think he'll end up catching, then passing me in age :O Happy Birthday! [smiley=cat39.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by beth on Apr 24th, 2005, 9:24pm happy birthday keen.... ;D May God bless you with His abundant love, and bring you to the higher level in knowing Him... to the other dimension that you will understand His plans and destiny for your life. ;D whisper me your wishes, keen ;D btw how young you will be dis year? ;D |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by gracia on Apr 25th, 2005, 9:03am May all your wishes come true......and that you may live life to its fullest everyday! We only be young once....better embrace the opportunity before it eludes you....oh by the way...if it eludes you already...never mind telling .. [smiley=party2.gif] joking......... [smiley=balloon3.gif] [smiley=balloon3.gif] [smiley=balloon3.gif]HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by teagirl on Apr 27th, 2005, 5:01am Happy Birthday, Quiche!! |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by Analyn on Apr 27th, 2005, 6:11am HAPPY BIRTHDAY KEEN...may your wishes and dreams come true this year... |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by Norkay on Apr 27th, 2005, 6:54am HaPpY BiRtHdAy, Keen! May God bless you more! :-* |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by madd on Apr 30th, 2005, 2:22am Happy Birthday Keen [smiley=drummer.gif] [smiley=party2.gif] [smiley=party3.gif] [smiley=smash.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by killerabbit on Apr 30th, 2005, 12:52pm http://www.ipass.net/a1idpirat/HBD10.GIF ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by keensryche on May 3rd, 2005, 6:27am Thank you very much everyone. It's great to know that there are some warm and friendly people to send me there greetings. My wish is to help others kick there addictions and draw them closer to GOD and Christ. Those that asked I'm 35 (yes I'm old, but not as old as reebop) :D |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by beth on May 3rd, 2005, 12:10pm lol keen ;D 35 is young :P |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by keensryche on May 7th, 2005, 5:26am I know, but if I say 35 is old, how do you think reebop feels being older. [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: April 30th: Keenie's Birthday Celebration Post by beth on May 7th, 2005, 7:40am ahahahaha keen ;D l seen ree's cam, he didn't look old at all :P |
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