Title: Facts of the Day! Post by okasantina on Dec 4th, 2004, 4:25am There are 42 other year-round research stations on Antarctica. All told, about 4,000 people live on Antarctica in summer, 1,000 in winter. post awayyyyyyyy.... |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 4th, 2004, 10:58am nelson is on the hotseat thats a fact ouch |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by KiAnNa on Dec 5th, 2004, 4:24pm Fifteen people are known to have been crushed to death tilting vending machines towards them in the hope of a free can of soda. |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by okasantina on Feb 26th, 2005, 12:54pm "Sad facts" There are more than four million children aged five to 17 are emplyed with most working in intolerable jobs like Mining, Quarrying, Fireworkds production, Deep sea fishing, and Commercial Sex. 30 percent or 1.25 million of these working children are not attending school. :'( from NSO, Phils. |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by beth on Feb 26th, 2005, 4:46pm a 5 years old lil boy killed his puppy, just because he get used to see his mom drying her socks inside a microwave, so he put his puppy inside d microwave after he gave him a bath :'( |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by okasantina on Feb 26th, 2005, 5:07pm on 02/26/05 at 16:46:11, beth wrote:
:oIs that true? nyahahhaha loL! poor puppy! |
Title: Re: Facts of the Day! Post by beth on Feb 27th, 2005, 7:30pm yea it really happen ::) l realize that kidz will follow what the parents did, so they were living examples foh d kidz. l even dunno should l laff of cry abt diz ::)::) |
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