Title: Dear Diary... Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 16th, 2004, 7:34pm start and end your day by logging your memorable and horrible daily experiences here :P make the reader laugh and cry with you... even make them want to kick you ;D To start with: Dear Diary, I start the day by waking up to the alarm of my mobile but what a tempting bed that i can't get my lazy body up... it's already past 6 but i still am hugging my poor pillow.. oh no.. have to drag myself up so i can still beat the traffic.. finally, my hair is wet (never mind the body..hehe) and have change into my unwashed uniform...sshhhh... 20 minutes past 6...oh boy, i'm still in the road waiting for a ride... (damn work, everybody have to be in the office before 8 and why do they have to be in a hurry when i'm not... who have to report at 7 >:( hmmm... now, i'm entering the school's premises, and walking gracefully knowing that i'm 3 minutes early, as what my watch told me... as i approached the bundy clock i still manage to smile at the guard telling myself that "look guard i'm not late today" ... but... the guard smiles back at me and i can tell that he wanted to tell me too that "you will always be late"... and my dtr told me so... because i'm only 4 minutes late ... however, i'm not worried because of the 26 days i'm only late 20th time... :P that's all for today dear diary as i still have to do some work and make up my 4 minutes late by eating my breakfast first :P |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by mylane on Jun 17th, 2004, 8:42am Dear Diary, I was so disappointed last week when i got an email from an IT company in Cebu. I was short listed for the position. I been planning to stay in Cebu for atleast a year or so, so i decided to apply a job in Cebu. Sad to say, they can't hire me due to my location. They immediately need a person for that position. And I can't just fly there and leave everything here. I need atleast a month. There goes my sucky plan. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by keensryche on Jun 17th, 2004, 11:32pm I always loved reading females diaries. Thanks ladies. 8) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cebuanalyn on Jun 18th, 2004, 12:56am Keen, who gave you the key to our diaries? we're very sure that we have it locked :P but instead of reading only, would you give us the pleasure to read yours? |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by keensryche on Jun 18th, 2004, 10:03pm on 06/18/04 at 00:56:41, cebuanalyn wrote:
Ask and you shall recieve. 7:20am Woke up, rubbed eyes, scratched groin, got ready for work 7:40am Left to go to work. 8:00am Got to work, cussed out my life for having to work and wished I wasn't working. 8:30am still mad about being at work. 9:00am Fell asleep at work, felt no shame in it. 10:00am Went to the breakroom 11:30am Left breakroom, when to the bathroom 12:00pm Left bathroom, went to lunch 1:30pm Took a nap, ate to much lunch 3:00pm Ready to start working 4:00pm Went home 4:20pm Got to store, followed hot babe in jean shorts and t-shirt 4:30pm Got cought looking at her cute little ass, felt no shame. 4:45pm Went home and watched TV. 6:00pm Got on internet and played computer game 8:00pm Had dinner 9:30pm Got back on internet Now you know why men don't do diaries 8) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by MissFartyPants on Jun 19th, 2004, 9:42pm ROTFLMAO, Keen. That is even more detailed than we expect from a guy. ;) Very nice indeed. Now we are hooked! I hope you "vent" here more often. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Jun 20th, 2004, 12:51am Dear Diary Saturday June 19,2004 6am I had a busy day today. Woke up early at 6am and jogged. Did my stretching excercises so I wouldnt pull any muscles. This jogging is getting easier. It was nice outside and a few other people were out running around the lake. Im going to call the city about this awful smell down by the dock. When you are gasping for your next breath and this nauseating fish smell goes into your lungs it tends to make me wanna pass out. 7am Took shower and ate some wheaties. I made sure I brushed my teeth very well cuz I gotta dental appointment at 8am. 8am I arrived at the dentists office and filled out all the paper work. One of my crowns is lose and I dont want that to fall off while Im eating. The receptionist lady told me my appointment wasnt till 9am but it would be okay. I replied good cuz I have my nephews wedding to go to at 11am. I wait for a few minutes and I am taken back. This place is big and nice LCD tvs in all the rooms. I sit and watch ESPN and find out about the US Open Golf results. Tiger Woods isnt doing so well. The dentist comes in and looks at my tooth and says he can fix it but I will have to wear a temporary crown while he does. He asks me if I like my teeth. I reply hell no. I wish I didnt have this gap here. He tells me he can give me a hollywood smile. I tell him well Ive been thinking about doing something. He then proceeds to tell me what he thinks I need. I can hear the cash registars in my mind going ca ching ca ching. I say okay run me some numbers and book me for another appointment sometime next week. Then the dental assistant puts my temporay crown on. I feel so stupid cuz I know i look like an idiot with one of my front teeth out and she is a cute lady also. Anyway she finishes and I leave its 1010am. Im gonna be late 1020am I arrive at home and put my suit on. I make sure I get the directions I downloaded from yahoo last night. The directions say in will take me 45 minutes to get there. 1030am I stop at the store to get 400 dollars cash out of the ATM for my nephew and his new bride as a wedding present. Listen I know its not the most creative gift, but Im sure they will need money. I then proceed to Eckard drugstore to by a card for them as well. 1040am Heading towards Hurst, Texas. I never been to Hurst, Texas b4. I drive by there a lot be never been there. Anyway Im so late my mother and sister are gonna be mad. I need to find the address so I look at the wedding invitation. Guess what the wedding dont start till 11:30am. God is smiling on me today. 11:25am I arrive at the chappel. I hug my mother and sister. No time for chit chat this damn wedding is fixing to start, so I haul ass inside and sit with my other 2 nephews. Then the groom comes out. He is in the marines and he is wearing his dress blues. He looks sharp. Here comes the bride. Man she looks good also. All in white. I hope they are happy together. 12 noon Reception time. I talk with my favorite cousin and her husband and my uncle and aunt. I ask them to go out to eat with me tonight, but my uncle and aunt are going back to oklahoma with my mother and father after the reception, because they have some church function on Sunday. My cousin and her husband cant go cuz they are heading back to college station, TX cuz she needs to pick up her new toyata 4 Runner. Well I asked. Anyway soon the bride and groom and both familys come in. I talk to my mother and father and sister and brother for a few hours while we eat sandwiches. Halfway through my sandwich I hear my temporary tooth go pop. Great, God must not be on my side today. It starts to look real cloudy outside and I need to go anyway. 2:30pm I miss the exit I am supposed to take. Damn gotta take the long way home. Its pouring down rain and traffic is a mess. This is gonna take a while cuz i see cop lights ahead. Someone had an accident. Now Im pissed. Well I hope everyone is okay, but Im stuck in traffic now. If I wouldnt of missed the right exit I would be halfway home by now. Rain is really pouring now. Dallas always floods real easy. I hope I dont get washed away. 3:50pm I get home. Im so sleepy. I notice I have a message on my machine. Its my daughter reminding me for the 10th time to pick her up at the airport tomorrow. And I got another message from her mother telling me guess what? Not to forget to pick up my daughter tomorrow. I start to think that they must think I am some kind of idiot. Anyway I need sleep. I will call my daughter later and remind her that yes I will pick u up tomorrow. Its gonna be nice to see her. Been kinda lonely here and I have no one to yell at. 8pm I wake up and watch HBO Boxing after dark. The fights really sucked tonight. 10pm I call my daughter and remind her that yes I will pick u up tomorrow. She tells me she has my fathers day present and she cant wait to see me. Well this is what having kids is all about. This is what all the trouble is worth. When your kid tells you things like this life is wonderful, and you tend to forget all the other stuff that tends to go wrong. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by MissFartyPants on Jun 20th, 2004, 4:11am on 06/20/04 at 00:51:15, thebeast wrote:
That is SO particularly Texan. Fixing that is. ;D Good job, Joel. Thanks for sharing. (Analyn's a genuis for starting this thread.... slowly but surely the guys are starting to "open" up a bit. Good deal! ;)) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by kianna_andrea on Jun 20th, 2004, 9:10am I guess you're right Cathy,.... this thread's been a really great idea. Good one Ana ;)... I'm just wondering though,... it seems to me that guys really differ when it comes to this "diary" thing..... ::) ;D Women seems to be more emotional?..... :P and the men,.... more detailed. Either way though it's all good. ;) (I hope they'll put back the old smiling smiley.... the heart shaped one's nice but I miss the old one... I find it more appropriate to use.) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by keensryche on Jun 20th, 2004, 8:31pm 11am woke up, made coffee and turned on TV 11:15am was turned on by what I saw on TV. Yeah, shake it baby, shake it! 11:30am watched Scooby Doo 12pm watch car race and ate chicken for lunch (missed breakfast) 12:30pm got on internet and checked my email. (Damn junk mail) 1pm played computer game 4pm auto race over, cussed out TV for a stupid finish to race. 4:30pm got dressed to leave to do a puppet show at church 5pm got to church and talked to a hot chick (hubba hubba) about show. 5:30pm others in puppet show arrived and rehearsed. 6pm put on puppet show and got many great reviews 7:30pm left church on my way to Starbuck for some more coffee 8:30pm bored the hell out of anyone reading this diary |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by MissFartyPants on Jun 20th, 2004, 9:46pm on 06/20/04 at 20:31:08, keensryche wrote:
aww sweeeet! Got any pics of this "event" Keen? You doing the puppet show and not you meeting a hot chick ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by MissFartyPants on Jun 20th, 2004, 9:56pm on 06/20/04 at 09:10:18, kianna_andrea wrote:
Yeah, I noticed it too. Women tend to whine about "internal activities" while men describes what goes on in their everyday lives. But it's nice knowing these men also have that "soft" spot. ;) We appreciate your sharing with us, guys. [smiley=peace.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Jul 5th, 2004, 9:32am July 5, 2004 Dear Diary 7am I did my morning jog and I feel real good. Not a busy day today. Im just gonna rest and relax. I need to change my lifestyle. My blood work came back with a high blood/sugar level for the 2nd time. This worries me. I have always been a healthy person, but I eat and drink pretty much anything I want. I guess I will go on a low fat low carb diet and get my bloodwork done again in 3 months. I guess this is the real reason I started excercising in the first place. I thought maybe I could work out hard and eat what I wanted and then my blood/sugar levels would drop. Thats not the case though. What sucks is I have no family history of diabetes and I am not overweight and Im not an overeater. But I do drink a lot of cokes and a lot of beer. If I continue to do this I will become a full fledged diabetic and have to take medication to to keep my blood/sugar levels normal. Im starting to feel sorry for myself and I know I shouldnt cuz I know there are millions of people who have it worse than me. LOL here I am complaining cuz I cant have a few beers anymore and while at the same time people are starving in the world. Isnt that pathetic. Since being told about my bloodwork I did some research and learned that in the United States 17 million people have diabetes and 6 million of those dont even know they have it. I knew a lot of people had it but I didnt know that many had it. And it is a very costly disease as well. I am only 31 years old, still a very young man, but Im starting to believe now days age has nothing to do with disease anymore. Diseases like cancer and diabetes are not age discriminate any longer. Maybe this life style I live is catching up with me at 31. Things were going so well for me I thought. I wonder what I am doing wrong? Is God telling me to change? So many questions I have. Why is my pancreas not doing what its supposed to be doing? LOL I dont know. Im going to go fishing in a few minutes. Maybe I will have my answers when I get back. But probably not. But it is something I have to deal with because I can think of a thousand things I can spend my money on rather than medication for diabetes. I hate counting calories and looking on the label of a product to see whats in it. Hell I know everything I like is loaded with carbohydrates and thats just as bad as sugar especially when your pancreas dont know what to do with it. And I know moderation is the key as well, but its not easy to be moderate when you eat out almost every night and eat as much fast food as what I do. I been doing that for so long. Old habits are hard to break, but the habits you love the most are the hardest. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by gracia on Jul 5th, 2004, 8:23pm Dear Diary, Yesterday i woke up early 6:30 to be exact..went to shower then changed office uniforms I'm all done by 7:10. I was happy, coz i thought i wont be late! Yes i wasn't late...i arrived office 3 minutes before 8:00. Isn't that great, the 10-15 minutes travel to our office...took us more than 40 minutes.. and i was having headache from that. So today i'm back to my normal schedule... we left home 7:40 and geeze there's still a slight traffic but the worst thing is we still have to drop by to a gasoline station...and thanks to my luck i arrived office...exactly 20 minutes late! what a day to start! :'( |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by okasantina on Aug 18th, 2004, 11:14am on 07/05/04 at 09:32:07, thebeast wrote:
Geesh! U make me worry about myself too....oh my... i need to discipline myself too... thanks to myself for reading ure post lol! ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by okasantina on Aug 30th, 2004, 4:32am on 08/30/04 at 01:58:10, kianna_andrea wrote:
Hi there Kianna..im not a clairvoyant but sometimes i have this feeling that i can relay on my dreams...and it happens...What happen right now to ure life sometimes comin out on our dream as a sign...warning or to be conscious about what were doin. There are emotions that we need to read our soul..i guess u can relate on what i am tryin to say here ... but u ureself will surely believe on what i am comprehending. The bridge that u are sayin in ure dream is a way passage on what u r always thinkin of...maybe not today but b4 or maybe could be in ure future...the guy that u saw first in the middle of the bridge is a guy who hurts u and why u say dont go?? its the different way around...u wanted him to go but he still keeps on knockin on ure heart and head..why cryin cuz ure dissapointed on what is happening ... the second guy that u saw went through u..and comfort u...that is the guy in ure future....encouragin u to stop cryin, giving u a relief...he disappears cuz u know him and he is always around that u hardly notice...i dont know but this is just what i feel in ure dream Kianna....The bridge is a passage way to ure life...and u should be more sensible in dealing about ure feelings...be careful next time. Muahhhhh!!! :-* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by okasantina on Aug 30th, 2004, 9:18am Your always welcome my dear Kianna ;)...but it doesnt necessarily mean that im always right on my elucidation of ure dream... LOL! As far as i know i just know how to read my dream...i for myself is tested and proven ;D tc :-* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Hernando on Sep 14th, 2004, 10:58am Dear Kianna, You don't need to do anything to your hair cause for me your a very pretty woman. I would like to apply as your personal brush-er lolz or personal comb-er. Regards, Your Diary P. S Kianna your simply the best but better than all the rest - by tina turner ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by gracia on Sep 15th, 2004, 9:26pm Dear Diary, My sons' second prelim exam is scheduled next week. I'm a bit tired of making questionaires for him, merely because i hate drawing. Most of the time i have to draw and geeze God knows i've got no talent in drawing at all. I have tried to share the burden to my husband but seems he made a good escaped telling me..."i draw better than him". My son is confused most of the times too...simply because he can't identify what my drawing was. I'm telling him to have self study and fortunately he said "yes"...but when i tried to asked him few things, he doesn't know some. He still needs guidance after all. I don't want him someday telling me..."i got low grades coz u didnt teach me". Guess i have no choice but not to give in to my laziness. I can't get help from my husband in preparing questionaires...oh well..i'm sure he will if i insist, but i understand he's too tired from work already. I have to accept then...that preparing questionaires are all mine. Thanks for listening dear diary. till then. gracia |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cebuanalyn on Sep 17th, 2004, 12:50am Dear Diary, I need to get it out of my system... I thought that yesterday was just another ordinary day... I woke up at 6:00, took a bath, and headed to work to be able to punch my card before 7 am... luckily, i'm 10 minutes early... had my coffee at work, logged in to : http://www.1freeworld.net/cgi-bin/Yabb/YaBB.cgi?board, typed a notice of meeting, did some paper works before lunch time, had lunch and attended a meeting in the afternoon... 20 minutes before i punched out my dtr card, I sms a friend confirming our date to "Kenny's" that happened to open just two days ago...she said yes, and will see me after work...We arrived Kenny's at exactly 7:30. Our stomach was already complaining and can't wait to be served at 9...the line was very long that cutting it will cause WWIII... no choice but to change venue... we had our fill...and already talked our heart out and sometimes minding the people around us... thinking that I'm in a very safe place surrounded only by hungry people minding their own stomach, I had my bag enjoyed the ambiance of the restaurant as well, by letting it occupy a chair with the envelope... After an hour, we decided to go home so I can still catch "Mulawin"... but as I get my bag I noticed that it was opened.... ::) and found my wallet and mobile phone gone [smiley=wall.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif] [smiley=bigcry.gif] I felt defeated... it was the most unexpected place that pickpocket should happen...I was so careful that these things won't happen to me... and successful in doing so, until last night.... I cried not because I lost a cheaper mobile and a few hundred bills...(if the thief was caught, what she stole from me were not worthy for her to be in prison) ... I cried because the phone was with me for two years and a remembrance of my hard-earned money... I cried because it has been a part of my life... I cried because I don't have an alarm clock anymore and I can't wake up without it.... I cried because I can't buy another mobile [smiley=bigcry.gif]... I really thought that yesterday was just another ordinary day diary... I hope that my tomorrows will be an ordinary still...without a mobile to pamper, play, finger and caress with.... [smiley=bigcry.gif] Till then...and hope to sms you next year dear diary.... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by teagirl on Sep 17th, 2004, 8:30am Dear Anna, OMG. That is the most heartbreaking news. Kinda makes you lose faith in people. I tell you what, I have 2 extra mobile phones here that I'm not using. Let me know if you want to borrow one until you can buy another. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by mylane on Sep 17th, 2004, 8:54am sorry to hear that analyn. I think i would cry also if I lost my mobile phone, it is not expensive but it has a sentimental value. How many times i threw my cellphone and its still working. ;D This is my third mobile phone and like i said it has a sentimental value and a very interesting story as well. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by kianna_andrea on Sep 17th, 2004, 8:55am :-[ That is such sad news 'Te Ana. Sorry to hear. :-/ And Teamay, you are just the sweetest thing. :-* ;D Hmmm, I wonder if ever I lose my cp, will you lend me the other extra? ;) Lol kidding. ;D Cheer up 'Te Ana, see, everything's gonna be fine. Teamay had offered to lend you her spare cp for the meantime, and I'm sure you'll be able to buy a new one soon. Wouldn't it be nice, you can even buy the latest model.... ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by gracia on Sep 20th, 2004, 4:23am Anna.....its okay....think it this way........maybe that man is in great need for that......think it as if you've helped him in forceful way...maybe he has a sick mother or father or sister..who knows......so be it....i've been to that too....but God is good......He'll give you one ..likew what He did to me.........consider it ur indulgence. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Analyn on Sep 20th, 2004, 5:14am Dear Diary, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the following: May, Mymy, Kianna and Gracia for consoling me... just don't know when can i afford to buy one though..hehehe.. Always, your forever textmate Mayyy , they say that "To refuse an offer is an insult"...I can't insult a friend though..hehehe Gracia... she's a woman... and I don't believe in "The end does justify the mean" ... if I have only seen her face, I will go to "Siquijor" and have her bewitched... hehehe.. I do believe in indulgence though... and am still waiting for it...at least I have something to look forward to...hehehe... Mymy, that mobile was never thrown...can't afford to do that..hehehe..next time throw your mobile at me... :P Kianna, that's the problem... i can't afford to buy one..much more the latest model..hehehe... but you're such a sweetie :D muahhhh... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by kianna_andrea on Sep 21st, 2004, 10:21am Dear Diary, P.S. You're right. I'm speechless. I better go to bed. Goodnight. Thanks for the time. Me, Kianna |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Oct 6th, 2004, 2:16am Dear Diary, I was feeling so sad yesterday,i really couldnt understand why.I think i had no problem,wasnt hurt either,but why that sometimes i feel this way :'(.There are times that i feel empty,there are times that i am very sensitive but cant find any reason to be like that. My dear Diary,are you trying to tell me something? Do this signs want to tell me something? I encounter this feelings many times and i sometimes get an answer like this...."It's time for you to get ready for your self into a serious relationship". But my Dear Diary, i see myself unwilling to get prepared ,and not capable to handle a serious relationship.I see myself very weak to take failures,or to get hurt.I always have the fear Diary to see myself lost once i am failed.I have already been badly hurt once. I am really confused so please ,i need your help on this.I really appreciate your help. Thank you, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 16th, 2004, 11:33am Dear Diary, Today is such a sad sad day. Thanks for the time diary. Goodnight. Love, Kianna |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 17th, 2004, 11:01am Dear Diary, Here's my heart going crazy again.I feel it beating so fast everytime i see and talk to him.Is this a sign of falling in love again? I can't see any reason not to like him back and take what he's offering.I am so afraid I will fall very deeply to him and get hurt at the end.I don't know really what to do my dear Diary.Please i need your help.I can't wait to hear what you gonna advice me. Thank you, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by KiAnNa on Dec 17th, 2004, 3:25pm Dear Krissy, Indeed your heart is beating soo fast I can hear its pitter-patter myself. ;D Seriously now, you're asking if you're in-love; sad to say I can't answer that for you. People fall in-love differently as much as people differ in defining love itself, so only you Krissy, can answer that. But this I can say; Don't be afraid of falling in-love. Don't think of the "what if I get hurt deeply in the end" stuff. Love is never worried or anxious. It always hopes,... for the best. So if you think you're in-love, go for it. Enjoy the feeling of being in-love. Don't hold yourself back. Don't deny yourself of the greatest feeling there is. Love is the most honest expression of our being so you need not be afraid. Yes, you may not know what tomorrow may bring. You may get hurt in the end, but that will not matter. What will matter is that somehow, somewhere in your future,... when you look back at the things that happen in your life, you can proudly say that at some point in your life, love came, and you bravely embraced it and felt complete because it was yours. It may stay for a while and eventually leave, But! maybe, just maybe... stay forever. Who knows? You'll never know unless you try right? ;) No matter how many times you've been hurt, do not be afraid to fall in-love again and again and again. ;D Isn't it the reason why we're here? To love, and to be loved. I copied something from the love-quotes thread: "The only things in life you regret are the things you didn't take. Don't hold back in love out of fear. You wouldn't want the burden of all those "what-ifs" at the end of a sad, lonely life..... You'll only have yourself to blame if you had a chance at love but chose not to take it." Think about it Krissy. Goodluck! Lots of love, Diary |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 18th, 2004, 6:01am Dear Diary, :) Hugs :-* and kisses! Thank you! Thank you for the very inspiring answers you left for me.You are right,and i was thinking that too dear Diary,but it's just that i can't deny my mix feelings-worries,fear with excitiment.Your words really make me soooo happy! Yeppiiii I am strong and ready again!!!! Whatever will be the result, i will go for it as you have said dear Diary.You made everything clear-my worries become hope,my hesitations become courage,my shyness become confidence! I love you Diary and i hope you'll always be there when i need you.I hope you don't mind my craziness sometimes-my being so emotional when it comes to love thing and uh oh.....i am sorry if i am sometimes childish when consulting and talking to you. ;D See you and may God bless you in everything especially your love life.Please give my regards to your Dario.Muahz to both of you. LoVe, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 9:48am Dear Kris, This is your diary here telling you to approach with extreme caution. Does this dude have a job? Does he own a car? Does he live in the same zip code as you? Does he still live at home with his parents? Is he a clean man? Is he a fat man? These are important things to know. Your heart may go pitter pat now but if you dont find out these things now you may save yourself a heart attack or heartbreak in the future. ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 18th, 2004, 10:07am wats the connection of having his own car beast? :-/ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 10:19am Dear Mylene, This is the diary. Who are you to question the Diary? The wisdom of the diary is to hard for you to understand. But since the diary is a understanding diary and thinks you have some nice hair the diary will explain. A car is important piece of property to have. If you have no car that means you are either walking or using public transportation. If you walk everywhere you will always need new shoes and will have to leave hours early to reach your destination. If you break your foot you will be in a world full of crap. And if you walk everywhere your chances of breaking your foot or being run over by someone wise with a car increase. If you use public transportaion you will almost always arrive late and still have to walk a distance to reach your destination. If you are late the bus will not wait on you. A car also will give you some worth. If you lose your job you can sell your car in order to get by. So you see my cruel pinay beauty with the pretty hair, a car can be an important thing to have. ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by KiAnNa on Dec 18th, 2004, 3:13pm on 12/18/04 at 09:48:00, thebeast wrote:
Just to react on this bit: Does this dude have a job? So what if he doesn't? It's not like Krissy and this guy are getting married already right? They are just on that point of a relationship where they are still on the process of falling in-love. It's not like they're gonna get married tomorrow. Now if they do come to that point, I'm sure no man would ask someone to marry him if he thinks he's not capable of raising a family yet. Does he own a car? Since when did having a car have to do with falling in-love with a person? Heck, I'd gladly walk all of my life until there's blisters on my feet as long as I am walking with the one I love. I'd rather sit on a jeepney or a bus with the one I love than be with a man with a fancy car whom I don't love and doesn't love me in return. Are material things all that matters now? Does he live in the same zip code as you? So what if he doesn't? Love works in mysterious ways. And isn't love with someone that you can't even see is stronger than that of loving someone to whom you see on a regular basis? You can't even see the person, you can't even touch them, feel them, spend real-time moments together and yet,... deep within you, you have come to love that person with all your heart. Isn't it a wonder how people can fall in-love this way? A love that goes beyond the physical. I think it's one of the most wonderful kind of love there is. Does he still live at home with his parents? K, let's say he still does. What's wrong with that? As long as he doesn't depend entirely on them. He may have his reasons for staying still with his parents. And I think it even goes to show that he value a close-knit family, that though how grown-up he may be, he still want to be with his parents to whom he love, and other reasons as well. Now if he do decide to have a family of his own, I think that's another story. But then again, Krissy and the guy are not gonna get married yet are they? Is he a clean man? And what exactly is a "clean" man? Don't we all have our own share of "uncleanliness"? We all have our own pasts, but it should not be enough reason in judging who and what we are as a person right now. People do change overtime. Is he a fat man? Gee,... so is that enough basis not to like someone? Is that enough reason why you think one should not fall in-love with someone? Just because he's fat? I think that's shallow. Call me foolish,... call me a dreamer,... tell me that I live in a fantasy-world, call me anything. I just don't think people should consider things such as this when they fall in-love. Love comes when we least expect it,... even when we don't want it to. We may run away and hide from it, but when it's really love,...love will find us, it will always find a way. "Foolish is he who thinks that love is a matter to be considered with logic..." |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 18th, 2004, 4:46pm on 12/18/04 at 10:19:19, thebeast wrote:
geesshh, another compliment from beast again....ahihihihi...merry xmas ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 18th, 2004, 7:10pm Dear Krissy, If it is internet relationship, I would advised you to think million times before putting lots of your time with that guy. Get to know him better. Make sure he is telling you the truth and nothing but the truth. Be clever, thats all. For my fellow pinay like you, Just be smart and at the same time don't be afraid to take a chance. Please be meticulous. Luz |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 9:31pm Dear Kianna, This is the diary. The diary understands what you are saying. The diary is not saying kris should go forward or to cut all ties. The diary is suggesting to approach with extreme caution. Even though some people may think the diary is a shallow diary with no heart, the diary is really a caring diary that wants everyone to be happy with as little heartache as possible. But also understand a wise women in love is a happy woman in whole. While the woman who jumps quickly at the first feeling of love, is not only walking on thin ice but maybe on course for a roller coaster ride. Then again roller coaster rides are what life is all about. Lots of pros and cons to consider. Kianna, while a jobless fat man who isnt clean and who lives at home with his parents and does not own a car isnt not important to you, you need to be honest with yourself. Would it be even possible for you to love such a man? The diary thinks this is not possible. You are a clever and nice lady with enough good looks and charm to land anyone you wanted. But the desire is not there for you at this time. The love conquers all bit is a wonderful thing to believe in, but lets be real, it takes 2 to tango and the love of your life will not be a fat man who isnt clean still lives at home with his parents and has no job or car is simply not reality for you. And kianna, the diary would like to wish you a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 19th, 2004, 12:01pm Dear Diary, Aww my dear Diary, your staffs gave me so much confusions! How is this? :-/.But anyway,i am so glad to hear their concerns to me as they gave me some thoughts.I appreciate really but let me answer them in order to know me better.Merry Christmas to you again and always remember,i am an avid fan of yours-I love every word you have said! Muahz! Love, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 19th, 2004, 12:05pm on 12/18/04 at 09:48:00, thebeast wrote:
Dear Diary, Oh my dear Diary.So sad to know you thought of me that way(materialistic) :-[,but i appreciate and understand fully what you're trying to tell me- you want me not to regret when i will suffer poverty at the end,you want me to have a happy and secure future.Yes,you are right dear Diary but i want you to know i dont put my security on those material things.As long as the man i am going to love is honest,loving,patient ,responsible and trustworthy,we can both make and have everything like those things you have mentioned.Well, he has some of those things,like job and car but i never looked on those before i started to have feelings for him.Anyway,i love and thank you for the advice you have left to me. May you have a merry and safe Christmas! Pls extend my regards to Ms Daria! Love, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 19th, 2004, 12:19pm on 12/18/04 at 19:10:06, LuzViMinda wrote:
My dear secretary of Diary,Luz, You gave me a very wise advise.I can never tell you he is telling me all the truth.All i know is, he likes me as much as i like him.I hope my conceptions about him are true.He sounds very sweet,caring and he sounds very understanding to me.I just like the way he listens and talks to me which capture my interest easily.I know though i can't just trust soft words but i also feel he is real with all he says to me.Well, ofcourse it includes also his looks why i like him so much.Anyway, i really appreciate your advice and i promise my dear Luz to be wise in making my descision-to be meticolous as you say. Merry Christmas Luz and i hope you are doing great with your Dario.Regards! Love, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 20th, 2004, 5:04am on 12/18/04 at 09:48:00, thebeast wrote:
Dear Diary, I just want to come back and tell you something after thinking about your advice.I was thinking why your letter was like that, so many questions! But my eyebrows stretched back with a sarcastic smile on my face after thinking.You made me laughed Diary, you wanted to get some clues eh! ha ha ha! Well, you will be the first one to know diary. Soooon ;D Loving you, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by killerabbit on Dec 20th, 2004, 5:37am Hmmm diary...seems a friend of mine has found herself a fella.I wonder if hes right for her?I wonder if she is right for him?I wonder why I wonder so much.Its always nice to meet someone and fall in love.Love is such a wonderful feeling.But pain is a terrible feeling.Ah life!So full of surprises.Either you run and hide...or you embraced it no matter what it throws at you.When the hurricane comes crashing down on top of you...scream at it and ask..."is that all you got?"I think Im a teesy bit jealous of this new person in her life.I think joel is too:p.Well I wish her good luck.She is after all a wonderful person with so much to give.A man could find himself very fortunate to be with an angel bound to earth for a short period of time,as his companion. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 20th, 2004, 6:27am hmmm...i think i know wats going on here now, we got a new item....ahihihihi ;D gudluck guys ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by KiAnNa on Dec 20th, 2004, 8:15am A new item?? Hmm,... Krissy and Joel? or Krissy and Wabby? ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 20th, 2004, 8:51am ummm lets bet on this one kianna...my bet is on kriss and tatay wabbit...ahihihihihi ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by KiAnNa on Dec 20th, 2004, 9:21am ;D K My, my bet'll be Krissy and Joel then. Um, what's at stake Mymy? |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 20th, 2004, 9:37am kianna, i will give you two of my boyfrends....just pick your pick...lol ahihihihihi ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by norkay on Dec 20th, 2004, 10:35am oh my God my Diaries! :o this is so funny,this is so funny! my diaries are betting about who is the guy i'm refering to them! :o. I wonder diaries what gave you the ideas about who is this guy.Wow,Joel and Wabbit are really nice i guess but oh please stop betting, neither of these guys.Ha ha ha ha! You made me laughed so loud here! ha ha ha...LMAO! :P.I am being serious diaries,stop betting with a cluesless thing.Well,maybe the words i used to describe the guy describe either Joel or Wabbit (this gives me thought that one of you diaries knows one of this guys pretty much,hmmmm::))when i mentioned about sweet,understanding,caring and whatever words i mentioned but man, i thought your only job is to give answers and help and not to find out who's the person being talked about :-/...he he he diaries....don't worry you'll be informed but pls wait some time. ;D loving you both, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by KiAnNa on Jan 12th, 2005, 9:16am 12th January '05 Dear Diary, I just finished reading Suzanne's Diary For Nicholas.I am still quite teary-eyed right now. I finished reading it about two hours ago and even now, I still can't help but cry. (I am not kidding, or exagerrating things.) I know I've cried over books I've read in the past. I am like that. I get carried away in everything that's happened in a story. I have cried when Beth died in Little Women, I have cried when Paul Strobe died in P.S. I Love You, I have shed a tear or two when Jane Eyre left Thornfield heartbroken, after finding out that she and Mr. Rochester cannot possibly get married. But this book,... so far is the only book that had me crying my heart out over the last of its pages. I never thought this book could make me cry, but it did. It has touched me in a strange way,... I guess it reached and touched a very delicate part of me. I will never forget this book and how it came to be in my possesion. Yesterday, at about eleven in the morning, I received a gift. A surprisingly sweet gift from someone who cared enough to find me the "perfect" book. The moment I took a glimpse of the parcel I knew who it was from. And how giddy and excited I felt when I held the parcel in my hand. Anticipating what is inside. I must've look like a child but I don't care. ;D We all look and feel like one whenever we receive a present right? Anyway, I opened the parcel,... my gift is there,... wrapped in a pretty christmas wrapper with a card, and a short note. I read the card and the note first,... and it brought a smile on my face. How sweet and thoughtful the note sounds. I slowly and carefully unwrap the gift, and there,... right in front of me is a book entitled Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. And not just that, I saw there is still something inside, and when I pulled it out, a dvd of Love Actually met my eyes.;D Oh how thoughtful,... I was grinning from ear to ear. ;D I have been searching for this film for over a month or two already. At last, I can finally watch and enjoy it. Books never fail to delight me, and the gift, I am sure must be a very good one for the giver is someone I trust has a good taste when it comes to books. Not wasting a second longer, I openend the book and peeked inside. These phrases greeted me: Matt sent her this diary? Her fingers were trembling as she opened the diary to its first page..... Dear Katie, No words or actions could begin to tell you what I'm felling right now. I'm so sorry about what I allowed to happen between us. It was all my fault, of course. I take all the blame. You are perfect, wonderful, beautiful. It's not you. It's me. Maybe this diary will explain things better than I ever could. If you have the heart, read it. It's about my wife and son, and me. I wil warn you, though, there will be part that may be hard for you to read. I never expected to fall in love with you, but I did. Matt Katie turned the page... Little did I know then what this book could make me feel. Little did I know how this book could touch and inspire me. The story of Suzanne, Nicholas, Katie and Matthew. Oh if only I can share the book through posting it here. I am willing to type every word and post it here. I want all of you to read it and be touched by the story the same way it has touched mine. This message is for you:......... You know who you are.... ;) From the bottom of my heart: ~~ Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas ~~ "Don't wait to tell someone you love them..." |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by kianna on Apr 21st, 2005, 4:55pm Dear Diary, Hi. 'Know what? I am sick. Literally sick. I look awful. Ghost-like even I think. Pale, with black circles 'round my eyes, dry lips. ('guess you see the picture, anyone care to see me on cam? ;D joke...:P) I guess I've been overstressed lately and I should admit, I've been sort of neglecting my health. I haven't been eating right and on time, I've been staying up late most nights, and I've been forgetting my vitamins. I know, I know, I guess I need a 'lil spanking. Lol. Well I guess it's payback time. For four days now, I've been suffering from fever, colds, cough, and to top it all, occasional asthma attacks. The first two days were the worst. Glad I woke up this morning feeling much better and I hope this means I'll get well soon. Well then, I know I shouldn't be here reading and posting but you know me Diary, I can be as stubborn as I can be at times. But really, I should go. I just want to drop by and stay a while because I really do miss writing in here. 'Til then. With all the love I could possibly give,........... Kianna |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Norkay on Jul 9th, 2005, 1:51am Dear Diary, I missed you a lot Diary. It's been so long time.Anyway,I hope everything is well on your end. I bet you know why I'm here again. Yeah,I know you can easily tell. You're right Diary, it's about my "luvbugs" problem as usual :P.I have nothing to confide with kasi, my dear Diary , and I'm so glad you're always there waiting for my letter. I love you! Anyway, It's not really a big problem.I just want to share. Hehehehe. Kasi kinikilig ako.Hehehehe. LOL.I know you're saying I'm crazy again Diary but whatever you say...... what can I do? He captured my heart! Hehehe. But the sad thing dear Diary and my problem too, is that, when I think or see the man I like very much,when I think he's the one whom I want to spend my life with, it seems like it's not gonna happen :-/. It seems like my mind is against with what my heart feels. Why oh why? Why can't my mind and my heart go along with each other? I'm so tired my dear Diary encountering this situation for several times. And if I decide and try to make both my heart and my mind go along with, others' heart and mind talk against it. Geez, I hate this, my dear Diary! So what do you think the best thing I must do? Shall I just wait, wait ,and wait? Or forget about being with someone? Huh, dear Diary, I believe I'm at the right age to decide what I really want but then, my fear is the one that still bugs me that, I might repent from what I'm gonna do right now - if I'm gonna follow my heart alone. Please help. I can't wait for your reply. Thank you. Missing you, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jul 27th, 2005, 5:29am Dear Diary, Sitting here infront of myputer has never been more entertaining ever than reading someones thoughts in you. As i have always been known as nosey just for self fulfilment and self entertainment never had i been generous to led anyone else be known to how and what i feel within. This is my first jot in you. After reading those postings from someone so deep and beautiful i cant help but unashamedly reveal my true feelings in you. I cant recognise what that feeling exactly is. I'm far from lesbianism and gay thoughts as it has never existed in my dictionary but it is a sensitive feelings of getting connected with that soul. I feel and i smell that beautiful soul through the postings and every word typed in the forum. It inspires me to think beautifully in a very unique way. My heartiest gratitude to that beautiful soul for sharing unselfishly. I shall not reveal the name to protect the person's pure identity neither would I give any clue of who that person is. In you it shall remain...my little secret ;) ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Forgettable on Jul 27th, 2005, 6:33am Dear Saffire, Indeed, you made me so happy for finding time to share something about your feeling and gladness in joining this forum in which I am also a member. I feel your heartbeats kind of fast while expressing your feelings through your letter.I am glad to know that someone is making you feel good, as I have learned the sounds of your heartbeats.Feelings are irrefutable,wether your tongue doesn't say or express it,your heart never denies.It's always good to have feelings like yours and I appreciate for telling it in ,like what you described, unashamedly, although, I sensed like you have some kind of confusion about what you're really feeling. That's natural Miss Saffire, we all experience that especially if we are not sure of the guy's true feelings or response with what we feel for him. I understand for keeping it secret. Just continue to learn about that feelings you have for that lucky person.Enjoy the good feeling while learning about it and here are some questions to help you learn about it."Do I think,this is just an infatuation? Does "he" feel the same for me as I feel for him? If yes,would it be possible to make us "plan" for the future once we fell in love with each other so deeply? Can my capabilities and situations in life that I have, allow us to make these plans to make them real? " I believe,you're a very beautiful woman, Miss Saffire.Your Diary is always here to lean on, but, in order for that beauty not to get ruined and won't come back , saying "waaaaaaaaaaa :'( " and holding a bath towel for your irrepressable tears, please try to consider everything before letting your feeling fall in love so deeply.Try to be very prudent, especially if it's an internet love affair.Trust your Diary, she has been in few "online" relationships and she found it really frustrating and even made her crazy. These is all I can tell for the moment.Looking forward for some good news in the future. Love, ~Diary~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jul 27th, 2005, 9:32am Dear Diary, Thank you for listening in to my irrepressable cries and tormented heart. hehehe Heres something i plucked out from my so called horror-scope to share you with.... Here is your single's love horoscope for Wednesday, July 27: If you're wrong, your best bet is to promptly admit it. You'll feel much better and besides, someone might be downright impressed with your forthrightness. Honesty really is the best policy. :) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Aug 6th, 2005, 5:02am Dear Diary, Feeling somewhat hopelessly emotional, i find some solace and peace in you as i flip through those entries. I just feel the need to drop a line or two but i dont know what it is. My head is blank and my heart aches so profoundly that i found it hard to breath. my world seem to have shrunk to a miniature globe and I havent been this helpless before. God help me please! [smiley=icon_worship.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Forgettable on Aug 15th, 2005, 8:03am Dear Diary, I just thought I would drop by and let you know I'm doing very fine today,although,I feel slight muscle pains.I know,my day is coming again,so,I don't bother asking a cause. I am touched about this letter of this friend she's presenting to you.Although, I know I had been in that kind of position before,I believe I neither am having the same feeling or position like I view she has..But why that I am hungry and anxious as she is for your pieces of advice? I really hope this friend will be able to breath a lot easier and comfortable as you give your wise and comforting words. I miss you, Kris |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by mylane on Sep 13th, 2005, 7:33pm Dear Diary, I miss my mother alot...I hope she visit me this month. Hoping, Me |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Nov 4th, 2005, 7:39pm Dearest Diary, I missed you so I thought I would drop by.I hope everything's well with you and Dario. Me? Mmmm, I think I am doing OK. Oh Yes,I got the song ,"No More Drama" by Mary J Blige,you sent into my mind. Thank you. Goodnight. ~Kris~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Nov 24th, 2005, 8:25am Dear Diary, Just dropping by. I missed you! :-* I know it's been so long time. Hehehe Diary, I have something to whisper you......I... n...e...e...d..... a..... m...a...n.. Hihihi. No Diary, I am joking. I just feel like whining to you. :-[ I love you Diary. Regards to Dario. :-* Love, ~Kris~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Dec 2nd, 2005, 1:54am on 11/24/05 at 08:25:55, nOrKAy wrote:
LMBO krissy. Yeah you are right there. Who doesnt need a real man tho. Ohwell dont we all play alot of the waiting game? For now I'm just waiting for that man to fall from the sky and land right onto my lap....... (fat hope :-/) My dearest Diary how much I have missed you. I promise I'll come to visit you often..... dang that virtual lover of mine is taking too much of my time now LOL j/king :P |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Dec 10th, 2005, 2:27pm Dear Diary, Saturday, quarter past 8 in the evening.. feeling awefully lonely. I couldnt contain the heartache inside of me. Why did he do what he did to me. The thought of him, tearing my heart to pieces and drawing fresh tears down my cheeks. If things had gone according to plan we could have celebrated our 1st wedding anniversay days ago. But now you are totally gone from the face of the internet. You are nowhere reachable. How it frustrates me when i know i'm still missing you and yet felt so betrayed...... i felt the lump down my throat again... fresh tears rolling down my cheeks........... :'( God please take this pain away from me forever :'( |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Jan 10th, 2006, 10:41am Dear Saffire, This is one of those few letters to me that made me emotional, too. I could feel exactly how terrible of the feeling you've been suffering. Your Diary experienced something like that ,too and I am reminded by your letter. After suffering the very depressing encounter, I did realise and thankful, he did leave . I felt betrayed also. But after many months of not hearing from him, and my heart had finally healed, I got an e-mail from the person, telling he felt so happy and lucky, at the same time, he was so much worried, when he came to believe I was in love with him. He liked me so much, and thought I was so wonderful in many ways. That's actually the reason why he disappeared-- he said I don't deserve to be cheated--while he finally revealed he was married! Although, he could leave his wife for me, he knew I would never go for a married man. After reading his last letter to me, heard his reasons, my face was once again flooded with tears--bitter tears. But after that, I was able to say, Thank God, he did. There were lot of things that were saved by what he did, like my future, his own family and other relatives/friendship relationships he has which could possibly change if I obstinately kept falling in love with him and let him misled me. So, Saffire, I also believe that his disappearance was for your own good. You can not either say, it's a betrayal. Please bear in mind that everything that happens, there's a reason, and if you were only willing to accept and think positively, everything would be fine. As the saying goes; If he comes back to you, you know he's yours. But if he didn't, he never was. Open your heart and I wish you luck . I love you, Diary |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jan 15th, 2006, 2:04pm Dear diary, I looked around me and all I see is total bleakness and emptiness. The place I once called my playground has been ruined by the presence of clones. There is no corner for anymore peace and joy except in here. Only in here that I can be myself with nobody ever dares to make fun of my sensitiveness or seriousness. ONly in here that I'm allowed to be ME. The forum once I enjoyed doesnt seem to make me feel any better anymore. Drama happend everywhere. However, through all these unpleasant incidents I began to realise who my true friends are... who stick with me through thick and thin... who accept me as what i am in sadness or in joy... in you my diary I bestow my trust and respect *hugs* Every angle I looked just to come face to face with yet another superficial ppl. How hateful this world has become. I no longer know who is real and who is not. Should you ever turn you back against me my diary then i know its time to close the chapter of my life....... Truely yours, Saffy |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Jan 17th, 2006, 2:18am Dear Saffie, This is your diary here to help you. Life sucks sometimes. But even though life sucks it sure does have some great memories as well. The diarys heart is heavy because your heart is heavy, but the diary has some good advice for you as well. The diary thinks you should focus on the ones who you know that love and care for you. Put all your energy into loving and caring for them...and in return you will get 10 times more in return. Saffie the diary has told you before that you have a lot going for you. Dont waste it on idiots. So whenever you are at the end of your rope...just do what the diary does....yell at your kids but then apologize after. ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jan 22nd, 2006, 4:31pm Dear Diary, You made me laugh ha ha ha ha :P |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Mar 13th, 2006, 7:02pm Its been almost 2 months since the last time I joted a note in you my dear diary. I have never forgotten you. I am home alone again. Ppl walk in and out of my life but you remain here faithfully waiting for my return. Thank you my silent friend. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 14th, 2006, 1:17am I'm glad you're taking time out again to be with us here, Twinnie. I sure do miss you a lot. Welcome back! :-* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Mar 14th, 2006, 12:42pm [smiley=hello.gif] Thank you Twinnie poo for the warm welcome. Dear Diary, [smiley=thinking2.gif] [smiley=silly.gif] [smiley=sweetheart.gif] [smiley=cat36.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Mar 30th, 2006, 7:33pm Diary...... Sa'at getir dalam hidup ku. Jalanan ini sudah ku lalui beberapa kali namun tidak jua aku pelajari bagaiman perit nya derita ini tiada siapa yang tahu..... Apa kah kesudahan hidupku.? Berani kah aku mengambil jalan yang tidak di ingini.?..... mengakhiri sejarah hidup ku. Hati ini terasa di hiris sembuli. Diri ini tidak berharga lagi. Di mana kah pengakhiran deritaku. Ya Tuhan ambil lah nyawa ku. tidak ingin aku terus hidup begini. .. Menghitung hari detik detik demi detik masa ku nanti apa kah ada jelang cerita kisah yang pangjang menghitung hari padam kan saja kobar asmara mu jika putih itu tak kan ada yang aku minta tulus hati mu bukan puitis pergi saja cinta mu pergi bilang saja pada semua biar semua tahu ada nya diri ku kini sendiri....... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Apr 9th, 2006, 10:53pm My dearest Diary, Process of healing is never easy. Like a saying goes Time heals all wound but time will never be able to erase the scar.... it remains forever. In the process we go through heartaches and frustrations or even anger with the ppl around us.... with God and even with oneself for no absolute reason. Guilt is the next stage of healing. When one feels guilty which clearly shows he/shes only human. That reflects the sincerity and purity of ones mind to change his/her behaviour....to move on and never look back. Forgiveness towards another being and oneself is the most noble thing that one could ever afford. This saintly behaviour could only be achieved when one reaches the stage of contentment with oneself and had come to terms with his/her past failures in relationships or in life. Through this process of healing which I have yet to undertake I hope will strengthen my innerself and the will to survive and appear a winner at the end of the day. Besides you my dear diary who has stood by me through pain and sorrows, there are few other beautiful souls to whom I'd like to convey my heartfelt gratitude for their understanding, strength and most of all their sincere and pure friendship who accept me for what I am and who has helped me unselfishly with or without their knowledge.... To My dearest friend in joy and sorrow... Isabel, I know that i am pretty stubborn and persistent in winning your friendship and yes i know that i have to earn that respect and trust from you. Even though it was a hard work but I think my sincerity and honesty towards friendship made it more easy for me and it just came naturally to me too and guess what.... YOU are worth it. You are the rarest gem I've ever found. A friend who would sit with me on the porch yet made me feel content even without any exchange of words cos your understanding, your wisdom and your careness surpass every word of consolation. Well at least i think i have already won half the battle with you and that you were forced to become so fond of me hehehhe. We have enjoyed good times together both in private chat and in AC1 room and hope to continue this beautiful friendship for many more years and forever. Wish you all the best in your future undertakings and hope to hear from you when you get to NZ. Do write to me @ saffire_65@yahoo.com.sg Littlecutty2003 aka Teri another of those very very few rare gems sieved through all those little pebbles I've found along the way. Like Isabel, Tammy is another one whom you could describe as.. a friend in need and yes shes a friend indeed! Thank you for the virtual chocolate you brought to me when I'm at my worst downer of the downest. You bring smiles on my stiffed face from too much grimace and tears ;D You are the only one who cares to take a break from your heavy schedule just to drop me an email. Eversince then I've looked forward to reading your email with so much glee. Love to hear about your daily activities and about what you achieve at work for the day. Your cheerfulness is like a warm sunrays on an icy winter night. My lil one as described by Ree and our lil friend as described by you know who ;D... you will always always be my special lil one friend to me. The fiery fiesty lady of them all....Krissy the spokeswoman of AC1 forum, whom I've admired your strength and your boldness in speaking up the truth in the name for justice. I recognised that fire in you as it exists in mine too ;) You have never failed me whenever I came to you for help. From not knowing anything about changing my style or fonts in forum to someone who has actually made a little difference in my presentation during my celebrityhotseat ;D Thank you too for the warm friendly responses in pm. Like I've said you are true to what you promised/said. Your capacity to empathise with others amazes me and how much love and care you are able to spread to others too. Kudos to you for a welldone job and the entertaining and knowledgeable contributions in the forum. ....and last but not least my dearest diary in you all my unspoken frustrations and thoughts remain..... Goodbye for now... till we meet again someday sometime [smiley=grouphug.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Apr 27th, 2006, 9:41pm Dear Diary, I asked my magic 8 ball if he still loves me... the answer it gave "maybe Yes maybe No. *sigh* not so promising is it. I asked it if we would ever be back together again..... the answer it gave...."Take A Hike!". Grrrrrrrrr I'm getting very frustrated now. [smiley=wall.gif] Some one sarcasticaly advised me to ask it 3 times because i did not like the answer until it gives me a satisfying one. Foolishly I followed every advice and the answer was still not so promising and eventually it got tired of me and this was what i read in the blue water space..... "HEADACHE. ASK AGAIN LATER!" [smiley=furious3.gif] Moments later I saw it crashed into my vanity mirror [smiley=oops.gif] Even though part of me wanted to believe what it said, the other part of me remain skeptical. Some friends asked how could i believe a magic 8 ball which was created by human to give a precise answer to all my unanswered frustrations? So I swallowed my pride and asked him the same questions i asked my magic ball. Being a human being of cos he was very selective with words he wanted me to hear. He said we are cool. He said he will talk to me later. My heart jumped for joy. Yippeeeeeeee I have proven the magic 8 ball wrong. Next morning I waited for my true love to come true. There were so many things I would like to tell him which i havent got the chance since his birthday. One hour later I was still waiting. 4 hours gone by and I waited and waited and waited *sigh still no sign of him. Trying to stay positive i told myself ... well he is probably busy. The second day I rushed home harbouring some hope of reading his offline message to me.... little magical words every women are dying to hear from thier love ones. Again I was dissappointed. :-/ Nevertheless I still wait for him to log on. Long gruelling and heart wrenching hours of waiting.... for how long I dont know...... Could what my magic ball advised me be right? Did he said WE ARE COOL was just to make me feel good? Or perhaps to release himself from the ransom i held him as he was dying and wanting to go to bed then. Have i misinterpreted the phrase "we are cool" from the actual meaning? The answer does not look promising.... Long till late at night i found myself still sitting behind my puter and faithfully wait for that little light of hope to light up his smiling icon on my buddy list ......... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on May 12th, 2006, 6:36am Emails after emails and pm after pm still there was no reply. My plea for him to show some sign if he still cares and loves me went unnoticed. Once i read about someone asking when is the time to stop chasing.... the answer is when there is no love on either side of the party. Diary, love in me will never die.. it will just be put aside and locked deep in my heart unknown to the world. Whenever he said he will talk to me later i wonder if he ever would. The second time he told me the same line,he disappeared into thin air. Am i that stupid to ignore the tell tale that hes not into me anymore? Has love blinded me to see the real truth or am i just ignoring the truth cos it was too much pain for me to handle? .......The shattered mirror remain unreplaced and the magic love ball lying on the same spot where it had landed weeks ago....... a reminder of the truth...... time to move on.... Pick up those shattered bits and pieces, brush the dirt off your hands and knees after the fall... look straight up ahead, stand tall with nose in the air and try to walk bravely again with whatever dignity that was left. Dont cry for me dear diary......... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on May 17th, 2006, 8:30pm In an attempt to forget my pain I finaly accepted Lin's invitation to go clubbing. gosh its been years since i last stepped my foot into any pub. The music was good.. the lights too dim.... i stumbled my way in. Ohhhhwellll... my poor vision. Lin ordered vodka for herself and as for me i ordered coke. We had a great time until Lin got hooked up with this finnish man. His shining hairless head reminded me of vindiesel. Just the head tho. One look of him i know hes a moron. I could tell one by one look and i could smell a perv from miles away. Not that i'm being judgemental but i go by intuition and it has never fails me. Minutes later i saw white hands groping Lins all over as she smiles into his eyes welcoming every touch. I felt disgusted and looked away. I dont wish to ruin Lin's 'happy' moments. I joined the dance floor and dance all alone in my own fantasy world blinded by the colorful flashing lights. I'm the dancing queen engulfed in total seduction to the beat of the rythmic sound booming across the floor. Dance after dance , chasing away all the blues and letting go all the frustrations through every sways of my hip and seductive movement of my torso and hands in the air realeasing every spasm of disappointments in me i found pure pleasure and freedom for that brief moment. Soon exhausted and sweltering hot from the dance i moved back to where Lin was. She was nowhere to be seen. The finnish guy who had joined our table told me that Lin had gone to the ladies. I sat and took a sip of my freshly ordered 7-up (i'm always careful with my drinks not wanting it to be spiked by some hungry sex moron during my absence) As nite grew weary the music changed its rythm from fast to slow one. There... all of a sudden the thought of him came back to mind. I sat and listent to the slow tune of 'Sorry seems to be the hardest word"... my vision was blurry by the welling tears in the corner of my eyes. ....My heart ached for him... i felt a lump in my throat as i tried to swallow it hard. Suddenly i felt warm hands groping my thigh underneath the table. Disgusted i turned around and told that finnish guy to lay his hands off me. Being drunk as he was he yelled back at me. Above the din i couldnt figure our what he was yelling about but one word boomed clearly into my ear drum.. yes unmistakenly the f word that i hated most. I turned and looked at him right in the eye held his gaze there... grabbed the top of his belt and with a swift movement of my hands i grabbed his glass of beer and smiled sardonically while i pour it down into his pants. That brief silent moment i felt as if the world gone dead on me what I saw infront of me were just a pair of disbelieveing grey eyes wide open with mouth gagged with shock. I placed the glass of beer with so much grace. straightened my back stood up and walked away. Lin was half way towards the table from the ladies. She did not see the whole scenerio but seeing me walking out of the pub she grabbed her purse and went out with me. We burst out laughing in a cab after I told her the whole drama.. She felt bad for what happend and blamed herself for inviting that finnish guy to our table. I hugged her and smiled down at and said..... Lin I had a great time. Thank you for the wonderful evening ;) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on May 18th, 2006, 2:36am man i hate to really get u mad!! :-* ;D [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on May 26th, 2006, 9:50pm Saturday morning 2:40 a.m. sitting infront of my puter feeling rather annoyed at derek for ruining my day! dang what he think he is a somekind of a sexy casanova who would come in and go in my life whenever he likes? I am not going to give him a second chance!! 2:42 a.m. still thinking who shall i bother in pm now.... hmmmmmmmmm. grrrrrrrrrrr i'm dying a slow death from boredommm Thoughts are all jumbled up. cant decide if i should go to bed or jot down my sob story in you again dear diary. 2:44 a.m. getting frustrated for i wasnt able to post in other thread. Whenever i go to a different thread I will get logged out. wonder why?? This is sooooooo darn frustrating!!! 2:45 a.m. a minute has gone by while i'm sitting here getting frustrated. Got to tell ree about this problem. Hmmmm wonder if it was just me or did anybody else experiencing the same problem in staying connected. 2:47 a.m. ok thats it i had enough. I'm going to chat in room now to let off some steam hehhehe. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 5th, 2006, 12:39am What a day full of drama in AC1! The topic of politics and religion rocks the room beyond expectaion. There were lots of movements going on in room and mic grabbing as well. But it was all in good fun. This time the debate ended well with no 'casualites' ;D until another lady chatter came and dwells on the topic. She was too detailed into the discussion of sex which i had no idea of how it came about from the topic discussed earlier. So time to put a stop but boy oh boy i was challenged to put her on iggy so thats what i did. Down she went into my iggy bin. Things worsened when the other chatters did not put her on ignore and got worked out with what she had to say. In the end there was ugly cat fights ..... scratching, screaming, hair pulling, panty grabbing whatever they could get hold of just to get even with one another. Oh Lord there i witnessed the ugliness of human being .... I lost control of the situation [smiley=wall.gif] Talk about ugliness.....Prior to that I had been personally humiliated inthe room by someone whom i thought was a friend. Her PMS got the best of her and everybody in room received the bitter end.... the wrath of a frustrated bimbo.....poor our innocent soul. I was hit the hardest cos she went on personal attack on me for whatever reason....I have no clue at all. One thing for sure I knew that she was a bitter jealous backstabber. She pulled all personal details which i have shared with nobody else but her long time ago... She breached the trust which she'll never be forgiven even if she shed a river. She thought i didnt knew who that id was? She must be a dumb bimbo who is full of jealousy. She got no guts to trash me personally, instead uses an alter ego. Thats what i called cowardness!! This wasnt the first time she did to me though. The first time was enough to get the whole room of pinays on her sides against me but I stood tall to all the challenges. She got the sympathy of others with her soft spokenness and her bloody tears.... what a hypocrite she is. I pray to God that oneday others would see her true ugly color. She may feel proud and self-proclaimed in the whole entire world that shes prettier than me and that her boobs are of the size of a watermelon compared to my pingpong mounds ::) I dont really care cos what i saw in her was pure ugliness. MUch much uglier than the dirty beggars on the streets or the prostitutes in the backstreet. I was just wondering why a pretty gal like her would even compare herself with a plain jane me? why wouldnt she compare herself to Miss Universe? I think she felt superior with her 'pretty' face with no X factor....ohwell ::) I know a pretty face when i see one LMBO. Here is an ugly woman whose husband slogged for a living to bring wealth to the family while she flirts with so many other strangers in room and seduced them with her bedroom voice...till late at night she left her husband sleeping alone and cold on their matrimonial bed....bless that poor soul..... doesnt she see it or is she just playing dumb?! Here is the ugliest woman whom was given the trust by another but she failed to safeguard the trust because of her stupidity and uncontrolled rage....and this is the ugliest woman i've ever met, who backstabbed her own friend after riding on her popularity just to gain hers....what an ungrateful bitch!! Dear diary forgive me please for I have jotted nothing much but PURE UGLINESS........ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Jun 5th, 2006, 3:59am [smiley=juggle.gif] lol this is what i miss lol i see things havent changed in their. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 6th, 2006, 4:44pm on 06/05/06 at 03:59:43, cuddlydereksun wrote:
Well isnt thats what we keep coming back to room for? FOR MORE ACTION AND DRAMA!! LMBO Next time let me know if you coming cos i'll book you a first class ticket with complimentary coke and popcorns to go along with :P |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 6th, 2006, 4:54pm Dear Diary, Here is my single's love horro scope for Saturday, June 3: Any applicants for a position in your heart are getting extra scrutiny now. Sure, it's a good idea to give that resume a close look (and to check references, if possible), but be sure to give them a fair chance too. hhhmmmmmmmmm [smiley=thinking2.gif] yet another one horro scope of mine [smiley=freak.gif] Dear Diary, Here is my single's love horro scope for Tuesday, June 6: Caution: The charm level you've got now could be dangerous! Deploy it with some serious thought only -- what's just a friendly flirtation on your part could be a major heartthrob on theirs. [smiley=omfg.gif] [smiley=oops.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Jun 7th, 2006, 5:51am :P |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 9th, 2006, 9:46pm 1:56 a.m. just sitting still thinking about the last convo we had in private. Sad that i had to put an intellectual friend on iggy. dont want to hear fithy thoughts of him anymore. Happy that i've flushed him out of my life. He could neither be seen nor heard of anymore. Is it good, bad or will i miss him? i dunno . time will tell.... 2:04 a.m. I miss Isabel. Shes away visiting her parents. 2:07 3 minutes have gone by. Gee this is how fast time flies.. 2:08 Listening to Selena crooning "Dreaming of you" on yahoo radio. 2:18 Gosh where was I for the last 10 minutes? i cant recall. "wind beneath my wings" playing softly through my speakers...... I feel peaceful for that little moment. 2:21 I command sleep to engulf me into its warm soft cuddle. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep...... Dang but my eyeballs have mind of their own. 2:23 Just hoping and praying someone interesting to chat with would pop up on my buddy list..... 2:24 .... fat hope. Seems like I'm alone again tonite. Duh this advertisement on yahoo radio is so annoying!! 2:25 Looking back on our last tele convo I wasnt shocked neither was I sad when he hung up on me. I wasnt sure if he did hung up on me or was the connection bad that we got disconnected. But ohwell whatever it was it doesnt matter cos we were constantly argueing and i thought its best too to end the convo in that manner. Hes not into me anymore. I should have known that months ago. should have believed what the 8 ball told me. I'm numb now. I dont think anything could hurt me anymore. 2:40 My eyes finally getting heavy But my brain still racing with too much thoughts... blame it on the thick coffee i had at the office. 2:42 Ok i think i have to resort to the old ways of putting one to sleep..... 1 baaaaaaaaaa 2 baaaaaaaaa 3 baaaaaaaa 4 baaaaaaaaa comeon now sheep keep coming so that i could count you all....... 5 baaaaaaaaa 6 baaaaaaaaaaa 7 zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 11th, 2006, 12:14am What i see in you..... is a cheap immoral gossip monger. I do not know who you talking about. If 'she' said she doesnt even knew me its either she is lying or probably you got a wrong person. Anyway i'd suggest you read what was typed earlier and compare what she accused me of. I wasnt the one who picked on everybody in room. I wasnt the one who belittling other womens' physical outlook. I wasnt the one who got upset. I am too cool to hate anyone just because so and so got the MOST ATTENTION. I think i had enough attention especially from you cos you stalked me in room and even here. Thank you so much now i knew i got an ardent fan who couldnt resist poking his nose into my bloody affair ;D I'd wish to correct you though... THIS IS NOT SAFFIES DIARY! Its nice to see postings from others in here. Seems like I have succeeded in reviving the life span of this thread :P You are most welcome to post anything you like in here or poke your bloody nosey nose in others 'diary' but i wish not to associate with a gossip monger further. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Jun 11th, 2006, 12:25am :) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 17th, 2006, 5:18am awwwwwwwwww i see you erased your previous posting and editted the last one too. Is there something you trying to hide? well if you dare to post something in here then leave it as it is and face the consequences and do the tango :P *chicken* LOL |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 17th, 2006, 6:14am I met him for the first time. What a luck... there wasnt any late movies and we got stuck along orchard road while others were watching world cup. The disaster has yet to unveil itself LOL It was pouring all of a sudden while we were happily strolling along orchard road. Caught in the rain!! dang it! Got no place to go and stuck with a guy who shares his conversation with the entire community...ohme.... ohmy! All of a sudden the sound of the pouring rain is all so soothing and calming compared to his loud abrasiveness. But i got to make the best out of everything. I chose to meet him and so i just need to make myself happy. He was after all not bad a person. Should give him a credit for his dry humour ::) (how i wish he would learn to speak softly... I guess i was right huh... americans are loud and rowdy ppl LMBO [smiley=oops.gif] no offence intended ;D Trying to be polite I chatted him all nite long till the wee hours. He doesnt want the evening to end neither do I not for any solicited reason tho. At least I have someone real to talk to than those bots in the cyberspace LOL. And also like i said hes not bad at all. He tried to kiss me [smiley=omfg.gif] whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. go easy there...... I panicked but took it all in a coolest stride. Turned my head to the other side that his lips landed on my ears LOL. He felt uneasy for while but Thanks to me I'm smart enough to save him from the awkwardness heheh. I pretend nothing happend and chat gaily and smile sweetly into his eyes. He admitted that he thought this was not going to be easy as he was not used to blind date... ohwell first time for me too but i think I'm cool ;) I dont really think this as a date tho... more of meeting a new friend. I think he likes me. He asked if he could meet me again. I was so tempted to say NO but my tongue betrayed me...so i said yes instead[smiley=wall.gif] He wanted to meet me the next day?!! The early morning was already the next day hmmmm does he mean he wanted to meet me in the evening ? Isnt that too soon? but I guess i can do that. after all I'm home alone again. The time we parted was the joyous moment of my life. We took a seperate taxi home. I thought finaly I found some peace and could snooze while the driver drives me home but oh no!! He drove me nuts...Yaiksssss I got a yapper driver [smiley=wall.gif] He yapped all the way home! Not a topic of my interest.... the most talked about World Cup Soccer grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. I played it cool and sweet. He asked me which team i like .. I said England .. knowing nothing much about the team but at least I said something intelligent i think. I dont care i just want my sleeppppppp [smiley=bigcry.gif] He kept on yapping and i was lost to the world [smiley=sleeping.gif]....... the next word I heard him say... ok missy you are home! |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 19th, 2006, 2:37am No matter what i did he still lurks deep in my mind. I swear i thought i saw him sitting there watching me dancing on the dance floor. His smile .. his eyes.. his lips...they were so much like him. I couldnt take my eyes off him and that fleet moment I felt truely happy. I panicked when i couldnt see him at the table between the crowds. I scanned the crowd for that familiar face but he was gone. Could it be my mind playing some trick on me? Was i visualizing something which could never be possible? Was he really there? that is soooo IMPOSSIBLE. Cos i knew he was too busy to even think of me anymore. He is too busy with his work that he has discarded me...I'm nothing but just his security blanket while it was stil good. I felt guilty cos I have ignored my dance partner. He tried his best to get my attention but it only annoyed me more. How i wish he would just leave me to dance alone. ....There! Its him again.. ohgosh my heart skipped a beat and I dont want to lose that familiar face in the crowd. Secretly i wished he would come up to me and ask for a dance. I could only imagine... I closed my eyes and pretended i was dancing with him. His smiling eyes loomed in my head...it felt so real. When i opened my eyes again he wasnt there anymore. I scanned the crowd for that familiar face but he was really gone this time. Once more i danced the blues away.....Somewhere out there...someone thinking of me ...somewhere out there ..someone saying a prayer......... somewhere out there..... :( |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 25th, 2006, 2:47am Although how much i wish not to associate with people like you somehow I have grown so fond of reading your thoughts, your kepotismn (busybodiness) and your wreckless sense of humour. WHERE ARE YOU CUDDLEY!! [smiley=bigcry.gif] You dared to come forward in here while others just secretly drank in every little joy and sorrow of my poorly typed memoir. You showed me that undivided attention while others silently cursed me for my boldness to utter my unspoken thoughts. YOU YOU YOU whom i yearned to hear so much from! DONT BE A CHICKEN just because others might shun you for being yourself. They who treat you any different is not worth your friendship. They are nothing but little crows that feed on your daily bread. Lets rise above others and be different if you dare.....To Us I hold a toast [smiley=icon_drink2.gif] LONG LIVE DEAR DIARY!! [smiley=icon_drink.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 25th, 2006, 8:33pm THE LOVE OF MY LIFE JULIE....... was the latest news in his profile. Who is Julie? What am I to him? How men forgets so easily. How easy are they to be able to replace old flame with someone new in their life. Part of me died today. I thought I died long time ago but here I am still surviving on the remnants of whatever there is left of my tormented life. Tears in Heaven .... repeatedly playing over and over. I wonder if Heaven would cry on the day my soul depart this wasted body? I wonder will my id be remembered by so many 'strangers' whom had crossed my path. Would anyone ever think of me with such fondness at all? I wonder.......... Tonight i grieve the most griveous pain and sorrow. I'm choked with so much unshed tears. NObody ever hear me scream my tormented heart. Betrayal upon betrayal... disappointments one after another... whats more there is lay ahead of me in this most treacherous path i tread upon.. I think they all lied to me. There is no light at the end of the tunnel of abyss darkness... There is no silver lining behind dark clouds... There is nothing... just emptiness. I lost all hopes and desire to live on.... To the most infamous clone whom I have unashamedly grow fond of... remember to share your minty oreo the next time we meet in heaven. I know my stupidity and upfrontness would only be met with so much mockery but remember by then i'll be smiling down on you cos I know that I had made a Mark in your cloning life and that I have been remembered in a not so fondly manner but that does not matter my dear clone friend.... in me you'll always find a friend who understands and respects your principle of life. My Dearest Isabel.... I'm too ashamed to face you anymore..how i wish you knew the truth. Love you with all my heart and soul and thank you for the Eternal friendship. My one and only Lil Email friend I hope you'll continue writing to me about your daily experiences. You know i'll be smiling each time i get your email....tasted the virtual chocs you'd share with me hehehhee talk about choc crazy jim too like to offer me chocolate coated candies... pls tell him I love him too. So many names I'd wish to mention, too little time and space for me to utter my utmost gratitude to all of you members and chatters for making my virtual life in AC1 a pleasant and not so pleasant but surely an ejoyable and exciting one. One very very dear friend whom I shall not mention here...you know who you are. Thank you for being there always when I realy need a chat companion. With you I hope my deep dark secret lies intact till my bones turn to ashes in you it shall remain. You are the most understanding and patient man of all and I pray you happiness always. HOw blind I was to your unexpressed feelings that runs deep for me..... I know i dont deserve such a pure loving man like you but a soulmate is all i could offer.... Last but not least to all those ppl who had made life tolerable....RJ.. thanks for the video clip on my b'day......huxley stay sweet always...netter, karen and many other female chatters thank you for the happy times in AC1...converse.. my apology if I disappointed you for not able to accept the offer to replace your nosey secretary (kidding) ......goodbadgrouchy hope you stay true to yourself always. I had so much fun with you , Astro, Fugi and of cos with my sweet isabel. Do take care of her when I'm gone and be nice to her always. If I could write a book about each and every men I've loved before I would require another 40 years to complete the story but life is short for me. I dont have much time left. Each and everyone of you is special to me and each has a special attribute that attracts me to you. If only i could find one special attribute from each one of you in a man of my dream....only then would I look forward to a meaningful future with my dream man...but for now it still remain a dream parished in the whirl autumn wind. For those men out there who have secretly harbour deep feelings for me... trust me, that feeling is greatly appreciated ..... thank you all for loving me the way I am and for what I am. Dearest Diary........Tears in Heaven softly playing in the background....hushhh now....... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Jun 26th, 2006, 4:14am :) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 9th, 2006, 7:32am Saturday 10th Sept 2006 Time 1211 hrs Dear Diary, I was in room after a long break. Boy oh boy did I ignite hatred in all chatters. Was it because of me or was it something to do with what I said? I dont remember a thing. All I was doing in room was just being nice, prim and proper. Like i've guessed my moment in chatroom will never be smooth and free from getting picked on by some unknown morons whenever my worst enemy is in room. Its not that I bother to acknowledge her bitchy presence in room but this is no coincidence when i got picked on while shes in there. Being a bitch she is she just cheered on whenever i got picked on. Was she enjoying it for her self satisfaction I dont care and not wanting to know more. But why pick on me when i havent done any damage to her? Is she feeling insecure by my presence? ohwell at least i feel compensated by the euphoria feeling of making someone feel insecure and jealous of me LOL. never thought i'd have any impact on ones life LMBO. Enough about that bitch cos I'm not perfect myself. I believe in karma. She already got it from her own lover derek. I could only empathise for such bad karma that befell her after her flirting fails with derek. IT BACK FIRED! One valuable lesson i learnt in room...... YOU CANT TRUST ANYONE IN ROOM. NOT EVEN SOMEONE WHO POSE AS AFRIEND UNTIL HE/SHE PROVED THIER LOYALTY THROUGH YEARS OF FRIENDSHIP. He/she may be a friend for awhile but just because of one insignificant mistake you made in room and you are judged forever for being disrespectful and therefore severed the friendship you just made. Its a sad sad world. anyway its not my lost at all. Its either you like me or you hate me. The choice is yours ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by igotuuu on Sep 9th, 2006, 9:36pm Have faith like a tiny mustard seed, believe in the goodness of people, eschew the miscreants, perish their thoughts. Listen to your own mind. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Sep 10th, 2006, 2:30am [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]lmao!!! |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 10th, 2006, 6:31pm Hello igotuuu whatever ur Id is, Thank you for joining me and for taking time to read my 'lil gossipy diary'. I havent come close to meeting a mustard seeds hence I have no idea of how faithful it is. Anyway those are words of wisdom with abyss depthness.. something to ponder on. And my dearest fan ,stalker, clone etc etc is that all you have to say after the long agony of waiting for my latest entry? Its been a month is it not? How time zoomed us by. By the way I have noticed similar behaviour between you and your lil flirty bitch. Is that what you picked from that stinky butt.... just laughing out loud and rolling on the floor? Gee thanks for cleaning the floor! If thats where you both belong then both of you just fit to be my doormat ;D Anyway derek incase If you hadnt noticed her most bragged about boobs, arent they placed a little bit too high? Seriously I havent noticed it until another chatter mentioned them to me LOL hmmmm i bet my pingpong sized boobs which she rudely joked about in room are more au naturel than her too highly placed boobs eh LMBO. Wonder how many tons of padding needed to make those mounds appear huge. gosh is that what insecure women had to go through just to give them a boost of wee bit of confidence? :) Anyway the reason why I'm here is not to waste my energy in bad talk a poor insecure ninkampoof who isnt here at all to defend herself. LOL. My so imperfect life is already too much and exhausting for me to handle. If i may recall someone ever wrote about relationship and religion. Is religion the root of all disaster in relationship? How ones religion could hinder two souls in love to be reunited as one? How unfair it is to blame it on religion when it is meant to reunite human race instead it keeps two lovers apart. Havent we heard a saying which goes.. LOve conquers everything? And yes in every religion we are taught about LOVE...love towards mankind, animals big and small. So where have we gone wrong when a relationship stalled because of religion differences? Dear Diary I have no answer to my own question because I am a VICTIM of my own predicament. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Sep 12th, 2006, 1:54am i dunno about the"boob" thing. but she insists they real. hahahah. maybe in that one pic they padded hahahah [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=spank.gif]. ohhh and as far as the so called flirting. well you see i CAN flirt, im single you see (knock on wood). and my opinion about marrieds flirting is either they nympho, or they are gold diggers. sometimes both wooowhooo. i was told she may be a swinger also grossss [smiley=cat39.gif]. well in either case none is true love as they call it [smiley=icon_drink.gif]. well anyways i have to go i wont be on chat for awhile since ive recently had a death in the family. syanara. [smiley=angel.gif] and by the way i have a yahoo 360 it explains my chat expierences. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 12th, 2006, 3:13am Dear Diary heres my horrorscope which I believe was very close to how I felt few days before i received it. Who says hororscope is a bullshit? Sometimes it tells the truth which we all try to deny. Its not that I have faith in it and neither do I rely on it to predict my future. I like to analyse situation and I receive every opinion or suggestion with an open mind. I received this few days after I desperately seeking ways to get him back into my life. I went to the extreme, made a pact with the devil and sold my soul. Dear Kamie, Here is your single's love horoscope for Friday, September 8: You want a little piece of someone's heart. No, scratch that -- you want the whole thing! Your strong attraction to this person leaves you puzzled as to what to do next. Why not start off by saying hi? Dear Diary how I wish someone would tell me that I did the right thing! |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 12th, 2006, 3:24am I'm sorry I missed your entry first time derek. My deepest condolence on your recent berievement. I'd like you to know that my Prayers and thoughts are with you and your family[smiley=angel.gif] Yippeeeeeeeeeeeee we are free from derek for awhile. No cloning no stalking etc etc...... Lets party!!!! |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Sep 12th, 2006, 3:28am :-* lol mark flemming is the cloner and stalker. i just "stalk" sushi bars. :o look at the shout box theirs the proof. :-* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 12th, 2006, 3:39am :o you are here !! LIFE!!! Hey i've checked your blog. boy oh boy you are just like me. We have the favourite thing of saying etc etc eh LOL ^5 to ya |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by cuddlydereksun on Sep 12th, 2006, 3:44am ya i be here for a lil bit. waiting on my flight. and for the record i dont like flying lol. i get lagged sometimes. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 14th, 2006, 2:34am Dear Diary heres another hororscope of mine. This one reminded me of my experience with my ex fiance who tried to make a come back into my life after 2 years of MIA... Dear Kamie, Here is your single's love horoscope for Sunday, September 10: At first your date's need for attention seems natural and uninhibited, but then you start wondering why they're so insecure. Can you really afford to spend all your time shoring up this person's ego? Dear diary if he tried to get my sympathy. he already got it from me but i hate him acting so pathetically just so that he could win my heart again. Cos i'm not going to get fooled this time. I'm a changed person and a stronger one too. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 14th, 2006, 11:29am Dratt, Twinnie, I have started to believe my horoscope a few times I read it. It's exactly the way it was happening at that time. And then all my hopes were dashed coz the following issues do not even come close to what was happening in my lovelife during the weeks that followed. So I understand now that they are not true but just simple coincidences. ;D The horoscope are just that, wild guesses. And sometimes they hit the truth, sometimes they are way too far. Oh well..... |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Aftr_it on Sep 17th, 2006, 9:53am take some time to smell the roses , stand back from the mountain lookout and se |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Aftr_it on Sep 17th, 2006, 9:55am ;DMy horror scope says that Im gonna make a great house wife for some lucky guy..........................................like yeah |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 25th, 2006, 11:44am I told you not to believe in horoscope, son! [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] [smiley=spank.gif] Hello, Twinnie. Just dropping by to say hello and to spank my bloody son. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 25th, 2006, 6:37pm Dear Twinnie poo, this diary does not belong to just me. Some how over the lonely months in an attempt to revive this long abandoned thread I had became the sole avid writer. While others think that it belongs to me, I certainly have no right to claim ownership as the true owner was Analyn Thank you for your contribution in here twinnie. I hope to see many other members come forward with thier unspoken thoughts and feelings very soon. To my dear dearest friend who has been there always for me when I was down and lost, from the bottom of my heart a million thanks for the undying support. Do drop by more often please. Help me to revive this thread from premature death. My one and only ardent fan of the diary, I'm sorry that you found this thread has lost its spicyness. Give me more chilli and Indian spices, i'll make it hot hot salsa for your ever gossip hunger cravings. Dear diary I see how AC 1 moves with the global changing tide. From a chatting room to a music spinning room. It has somehow losts its uniqueness of being one warm, happy chatting family. AC1 now is no difference than any other chatroom I've visited locally or internationally. Everywhere I go all I heard were the sound of music. Its not that I am against music lovers. Some of the tune spinned were so awfully head banging which i wouldnt even dare to call it a song. I think whoever composed that head banging song must have lost the inspiration to write a decent song. Probably that head banging song was just the product of his outrage stormy feeling for failing to think something beautiful at a deadline. And yet it was received with thunderous applause by so called 'music lovers' who doesnt even know how to differentiate between quality song to garbage notes.::) Looking back how i wish everythings in room the same again, where you could hear the chirping of voices over the mic greeting every passerby. *sigh* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by ReeBop on Sep 25th, 2006, 11:32pm I miss the "old days" too. It has gotten very quiet in the room of late and even in this forum as well. Where did everyone go? I hope that things revive again and the room becomes a fun place to hang out and chat again. I got tired of all the music and gave up on voice chat for the time being. Music occasionally is ok, but not every single day. I guess I look upon Asian Connections:1 differently than some. Yeah, my "buddy" does tend to damper things in there, but why people refuse to put him on ignore is something I cannot figure out. I remember a "slow" time a few years back when old regulars left and new ones arrived. It is time to bring back the spirit of community again. [smiley=drummer.gif] |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by okasantina on Sep 26th, 2006, 3:51am on 09/25/06 at 23:32:49, ReeBop wrote:
I feel you there ree...i missed the old days too ... lots of fun indeed. Everyone seems so sudden become busy, well we cannot blame them cuz that means they have a life out there you know....but being here is really different. :( |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Sep 26th, 2006, 8:12am Dear Diary, Wow, It's been almost a year we didn't hear each other. Well, you know I'm always running when I am awake and never want to be disturbed when asleep. Anyway, don't worry I'm not here to worsen your headache contemplating on problems that my friends bring to you. I wish you more power, strength and patience to give you help, however. I am actually here to give you smile, because everything is alright on my side-- and I know you need to hear this too, to make you smile and not always about my problems. Indeed, everything is doing fine here and I'm feeling great about things that are happening with me and around me-- from my family, job and myself. All I need, though, is your perennial support, prayers, and companionship, and I hope I may figure out everything--what I really want, will have the right choice, and will have the kind of life I've been dreaming of. Missing you, ~Kris~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Aftr_it on Sep 26th, 2006, 11:24am on 09/26/06 at 08:12:24, nOrKAy wrote:
hmmmmm just goes to show what I logged earlier perhaps we all should once and a while stop and smell the forrest instead of just driving past it |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Sep 26th, 2006, 1:36pm My Dearest Diary [Graeme], You see, although, you are always here to listen and help for our whinings, I know you would like to hear some good news, too. Thank you and I hope you and Daria are doing great together. Oh, by the way, have you finally found her? Hey, it would be great to know, as well. :) Love, ~Kris~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Aftr_it on Sep 27th, 2006, 5:20pm Dearest Diary Isnt daria a cartoon Character I seem to rememebr my song watching Daria on TV. Oh Yeah Im the silly old bugger who is her Father |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Aftr_it on Sep 27th, 2006, 5:28pm Dear diary wish I could remember how to type I didnt mean Song I meant my Son Lol My English needs as much work as my Tagalog. I will lend an ear for any one who wants an ear, I will lend my heart for anyone thats needs heart I will lend my soul for anyone who doesnt believe but what if I lose that belief |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 29th, 2006, 11:05pm Dearest Diary, I could do with a new pair of ears as my present one are starting to fail me when I'm in AC1 due to too much contamination from the f word outbreak by the users and also partly the blame on head banging music hehehe. I dont mind a new heart transplant though cos mine has been diagnosed by the doctor as having abnormal heartbeat. A soul? I havent any for I had sold it to the devil in disguise [smiley=bigcry.gif] I would request for a pure saintly soul. Only one thing which I needed most that you havent offered. A new pair of eyes. Mine are as corrupted as the owner. While you are scanning through a list of potential donors, may I also add to my preference list that those eyes be a virgin one.. those which have never seen any evil or naked cam ;D and oh oh yeah errrrrrrr make it hazel/green too. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 29th, 2006, 11:22pm Dear Diary, Never have I thought my squiggly scribbles in you only brings problem and headache. If so, my thousand apology for its never been intended. My motive is clear with no solicited sarcasm. How I wish I could jot something beautiful and cheerful..... *sigh* which only a heart in love is able to do. Pardon me for my demented broken heart..... there seem to be no joy, no song, no dance could ever lift my sodden spirit soaring high to the sky. Last I could use is sarcasm ::) *sigh* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 30th, 2006, 8:16pm Dear Diary, Today marks the most glorious day of my ownership over MY UNPRIVATE THOUGHTS. [smiley=woot.gif] I think I'm the rightful owner as it was the genius brilliant idea of mine at first. I've longed to write something controversial but when a friend of mine needed help I gave the idea away. I'll continue her mission and my mission too. I believe in a freedom of speech and I pray that this forum will live again. I pray that more and more active members would come forward to deliver their freedom of speech in here. Its kinda get too quiet and too monotonous with very few forum contributors. I pray you well my diary :-* |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by CooCHie on Oct 1st, 2006, 9:00pm on 09/30/06 at 20:16:55, Saffire_65 wrote:
I am sorry to read this again, if your idea is" unprivate thought," are you saying that Teri, since she is only the obvious person to use that word is your idea? I just want to clarify things here and dont like to speculate what is going on behind everyone's post. Just be direct, if someone is stealing your idea then I suggest to chat with that person in private and make sure that to clairify to that person that she got that idea of you of using unprivate thought....this is my assumption based on your comment..I am just trying to comment on your comment here.. And all I see based on how you phrase it is a direct pinpointing behind someone (who is obviously the only one using it) why cant you directly say the name? ( this is what I meant by not going directly because it cause friction to everyone here who will read it and I might be wrong as well...and if I am forgive me. this is the reason why i want to clarify things ...) to someone that already used that phrase here... we dont have any clarification of legal biinding whose idea to used in here except if that person uses your idea, then she/or he better acknowledge you as the originator...nonetheless, there is no copyright to whoever used some phrase if they wish to put it in their blog...just a thought. Thanks again...and dont take this wrong ok....just trying to clarify something here that is still vague to me. |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Oct 3rd, 2006, 1:34am Dear Diary, I was told by a friend from the chatroom that someone actually came to the room and was looking for me. Gee I suddenly felt very POPULAR! She was clucking like a drunk mother hen, calling me a chicken. I wonder who could that be desperately looking for me? Hmmm if she meant well I would welcome her but if she came in like the way she was... apparently sounded drunk like what my source put it I might as well disassociate myself totally from such person. I dont want to stoop down to her level. I dont drink I dont hear evil neither do i post any evil offensive pic. Talk about educating others about how precious life is oh come on we all know that but do we need to see such offensive picture to be reminded of it grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrosss!! I couldnt even look at it twice (unless if i was a sadist evil minded person) let alone share it with the ppl whom i LOVE AND CARE very much . (what a convenient excuse she made ::)) Anyway whoever that was I'd suggest you get to know me better before you even provoke me more or even challenged me to start my own blog. ::) I actually trying to help minimize the work for you guys upkeeping those long abandoned thread. I'd rather safe those space for those who realy NEED it. Any way I am not much of a blogger person. I have my own 360 and thats already taking up too much of my precious time. ;D Dear Diary I am so very glad to know that my lil email friend has finaly found some peace and entrust me the ownership of Unspoken Thoughts. For those who have difficulty in RESPECTING my ownership of UNspoken thoughts I do understand your lost, but trust me it is all for her own good. I love you littlecutty sis and shall continue to revive it as long as I still support this forum :) |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by nOrKAy on Oct 3rd, 2006, 11:12am TO ALL MY BELOVED AVID FANS, Yes, I am always here to listen and contemplate with your whinings. I am always here to talk with about anything, HOWEVER, I notice that some letters are very hurtful for others to read, since it's clear that they are the subject of some letters. Please be advised then, that if you want to confide an issue, or if you have a problem among the other fans and want to share, PLEASE USE the PRIVATE MAIL BOX. I understand that this OPEN MAIL BOX [this thread] is more convinient to use, but please let us give a little consideration and use the private and secured mail box to write me. Moreover, I am sure everyone's private mail box is available and easy to reach. I , your Diary, will be very happy if you guys can settle your issues in a good and private way. Loving You ALL, ~ Diary ~ |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by thebeast on Oct 14th, 2006, 12:51am Dear writers to the Diary This the Diary. I want you all to know that I have my own problems. If you all cant get along maybe you all should just get guns and shoot each other and be done with it. PS the diary loves you all :D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Wicked_Witch on Oct 14th, 2006, 8:13am Dear Diary I am sorry but I find these so funny so I am going to laugh. Nyahahahaha! [smiley=cat39.gif] [smiley=cat39.gif] [smiley=cat39.gif] You are so bloodthirsty, Joel. I say let them get whatever it is that's bothering them off their chests. Afterall, women are known to blabber a lot. It makes an interesting read, don't you think? As long as one don't get too personal or attack someone personally, I think it's ok. Heck, it would be interesting to know what they will say next. Women are so unpredictable sometimes, you know. ;D Would like to see who can get smarter or dumber. ;D |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by okasantina on Oct 14th, 2006, 12:48pm on 10/14/06 at 00:51:11, thebeast wrote:
Woooooooohooooo [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=clap.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] LMAO Joel!!! |
Title: Re: Dear Diary... Post by Saffire_65 on Sep 4th, 2011, 10:49am Re visiting after those lost years of absence. last posting was 5 years ago. how time flew us by so quickly. I'm so glad to be reunited with you my dear diary. I don't know what to say or write in here anymore. Things have changed around us but in here the time stood still. I thought my come back would help to revive this forum but through my analysis it is beyond hope. Nobody comes in here anymore except for those loyal ones. Anywhere it does not matter who comes in here or not. I'm just too happy to be reunited with my long lost confidante ....my dear diary ;D |
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