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On the Lighter Side >> Blog Central >> Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
(Message started by: teagirl on Oct 13th, 2005, 1:37am)

Title: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by teagirl on Oct 13th, 2005, 1:37am

This section is open to anyone who possesses enough insanity to reveal private thoughts, repressions and expressions of creativity.

While our tools here are our words, our topics mostly ourselves, this is by no means an indication of weakness, and therefore, not an open invitation for anyone to ridicule.

The blog of each individual members are their own private havens, their repository of their artistic cerebrations, therefore, their own property. Any opinions, rants or musings written by the blogger shall be considered his/her own responsibility and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the other members of the Forum as a whole.

The blogger is given the free rein to write whatever he/she deems to be appropriate but should exercise caution in using his/her blog as a springboard to mock, disgrace, lie or spread rumors about any other members of the forum.

Dormant blogs of more than 4 months will be promptly closed and removed.

Thank you.


Title: Moderator's Message
Post by teagirl on Oct 13th, 2005, 1:38am


I didn't feel the need to put a message here for everyone to read regarding the Blog section before, but when I opened it this morning for my daily dose of blogfest, I was aghast to see that one of those who recently signed up with the forum left a very nasty and damning entry in one of the blogs here.

That cannot happen as long as I am the Moderator of the Blog section. I don't care if I step on your RIGHT TO SPEAK OUT but I'm cranky and I will NEVER tolerate any mudslinging, nasty comments, cutting down remarks of any kind against any of my precious bloggers POSTED on any of the Blogs here.

If you feel you need to do any of those things, you can be assured that I will swiftly delete any of your entries that you labored for a good number of hours while trying to wring out any words that appear intelligent from your meager brain, even before you can even bat an eyelash.

Maybe deleting is all I can do here but I can assure you that I will do it with flair.


Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by Moi moi on Oct 13th, 2005, 5:46am


What a judicial action you have made,Moderator.Thank you for speaking for all of us here,in the Blog section.

Really,I appreciate this action very much.


Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by ReeBop on Oct 13th, 2005, 5:49am
It was brought to my attention when I got home.  This will be the way I delete posts from now on.  His IP subnet, ID and e-mail address have been banned.  Let me know if he is able to get back on again.  

...we now return to our regular programming [smiley=hopcat2.gif]

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by killerabbit on Oct 13th, 2005, 6:11am
nice move tea.i only hope this doesnt prevent some of our dear friends from coming here now.The outrageous behaivor of some people.Disgusting.Thanks again kris and may and ree.

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by mylane on Oct 13th, 2005, 6:37am
good job miss moderator! ;D

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by beth on Oct 13th, 2005, 10:01pm
l thank you all for this action ;D

may my hongat ilong muach :)
also reeree... l like d way you remove d post hehe ;D look vewy cool 8) 8)

l really really appreciate it may my hongat ilong... thank you so much :)

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by earthlingorgeous on Oct 14th, 2005, 9:17am
:o wowz I have been away that long?????? :o but but but...I was just gone 2 days and this thing happened? wow... nice move may  ;D a toughy deserves a toughy lol!

Title: Moderator's Message
Post by teagirl on Oct 15th, 2005, 2:52am

Folks, I was just doing what I'm supposed to be doing. But thanks for the appreciation. MyMy, I'm still waiting for my paycheck though.

The Blog Section is looking for tortured souls, who are not exactly in their right minds, who can write accounts of their private lives. There isn't much requirement for this sort of thing, just your regular, run of the mill, everyday emotional incontinence will do nicely. And of course, the ability to type on a keyboard.

Once your blog has been created, send me a check for USD $19.99---ooppssss, wrong thread---just kidding! Once your blog has been created, the upkeep and the contents are your sole responsibility. Everything written there, unless you attach another name to it, will be deemed your own cerebrations and no one else's. Character defamation and gossip, unless attached to a Hollywood Celebrity, to a Larry King Guest or to US President George Bush, will not be tolerated in the Blog Section. (We have Yahoo Instant Messengers for that.)

There's nothing I hate more than anything else in the world than the discovery of a plagiarized work. In the Blog Section, you can dishonor your god, your parents, curse, kill, steal, commit adultery, covet your neighbor's spouse or goods and I won't bat an eyelid, but THOU SHALT NOT PLAGIARIZE or I will be all over you like white on rice.  This rule is non-negotiable and any complaints will be ridiculed.

My lack of comments in the individual blogs does not portend that I am not OMNISCIENT. I have wordlust so I read everything and that means, I read all entries in all blogs. I do not impose my opinions, I do not criticize and I do not humiliate any creative expressions that you needed to share with us, hence, you won't hear much from me but rest assured, like the creature of habit that I am, I'm reading the Blog Section everyday.  

Dormant Blogs of 4 months or so will be closed and removed. Four months is ample time, don't you think? Well, regardless, I think it's fair and just.

Questions, Complaints, & Opinions are WELCOMED. Provided I'm not PMSing.  

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by MissFartyPants on Oct 17th, 2005, 9:32pm
As usual May. I am in awe. (With all sincerity).

(I do not burn my bridges, I may falter with my steps and unbelievably stubborn most of the time --- but, I do have a point I think ;D).

Hats off to you May -- always have, always will.  ;) Splendid job.

Title: Moderator's Message
Post by teagirl on Oct 18th, 2005, 1:34am

Thank you, Cathy. Very much.

Title: Moderator's Message
Post by teagirl on Nov 4th, 2005, 1:52pm


If I wanted to be impressed, I'd read CS Lewis or Virginia Woolfe, but I want to read the stories your heart tells. Write from your soul. As I have said, I have wordlust. I'll read anything---I read grocery lists, meaningless punctuation marks and see a poem. Write from your soul. I look forward to the stories your heart tells. Write from your soul.

If I am silent, it's because I am reading.
Write from your soul.

I cannot overly emphasize the prudence of giving credit where credit is due.

We all know that this does not only apply here, but in real life as well. We have to give credit where credit is due. You know what they say---Plagiarism is like masturbation. In the end, you are just screwing yourself.

Please be mindful of the plagiarism rule in the blog section.


Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by okasantina on Nov 5th, 2005, 11:46am
What if im out of the country for 4 months and 2 weeks? ??? ::) My blog will still be deleted? Shall i make an excuse letter telling yall that i might not be in the forum for months...but i shall come back as soon as possible ::) is that accepted? lol just kidding.... Its clearly stated and all are understood... ;) Ill just make a formal letter on my blog if ill be out of the country for so long...again..thanks for putting my blog back ... :-*

okasan :)

Title: Moderator's Message
Post by teagirl on Nov 5th, 2005, 2:21pm

Welcome back, Tina

Hi! I hope you are glad to be back. I can keep your your blog open regardless of inactivity for more than 4 months for the right price. I don't know how much keeping a blog open is going for these days but I'm sure my accountant, Gracie, will advise you of our rates. *winks*

On a serious note, consideration to the rules of the blog section that I have established is greatly appreciated. No excuse letters or promissory notes are required as we are not school children anymore. The rules are not for me but for our readers and your blogfans who would like to know if you are coming back or not when you're gone for a lengthy period of time. I was just being considerate of the people who find it a joy to read your life stories. They are the most important people here and we don't want them be visiting your blog all the time, moping and feeling abandoned, do we?

Now, I know its been awhile since you've been here and I just wanted you to know that I have established a few rules and I think they are quite fair. Of course, they are not for my convenience but for our readers. You can have a free rein to do whatever you want in your blog and the rules I've established are just some guidelines to make the blog corner harmonious.

If you have any problems with any of the rules that I have established here, please, send me a private message and we can discuss it and find ways to compromise. I would really appreciate that very much.

Thanks once again and I hope you enjoy blogging as much as I do.

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by mylane on Nov 5th, 2005, 2:29pm

.thanks for putting my blog back ...

anytime ;D

Hi Tina...again welcome back ;D

We actually don't delete thread we just closed it and put it in the Archive. If there is a request of re-opening a certain thread then we unlocked it and moved it back to the proper section where it belongs.  

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by daviefaescotland on Nov 21st, 2005, 4:55am
:'(may whats happened to ur blog i looked forward to reading it :'( [smiley=wall.gif]

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by ChAntiQ on Nov 24th, 2005, 1:09am
awws pakner, yea me too, but it's all gone.  Hope she's happy where she took her blogs to... We lost some, but we won a lot here, now that you have your blog up pakner ;D and lots of new members wow.

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 9th, 2005, 12:19am
good to see we as moderaters are kickin those bad people and doin a fine job at it ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Moderator's Message
Post by nOrKAy on Dec 9th, 2005, 6:29am

on 12/09/05 at 00:19:44, nelson3082000 wrote:
good to see we as moderaters are kickin those bad people and doin a fine job at it ;D ;D ;D ;D

Oh, kickin? Are you, Nelson? We don't have the right to kick,Nelson. It's only our right/job to correct. If you mean by kickin is banning, only the administrator can do that.

Anyway, let us limit extraneous posts in this area, unless, it's related to a moderator's message, or a material issue to talk about, with the moderator.

Title: Re: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by okasantina on Feb 5th, 2006, 6:19am
To all the moderators,

    There will be a meeting for all moderators in this forum... the agenda is about issues regarding members and co-moderators relating to their own issues settling differences and other issues.  

Its not about the forum..its about the camaraderie of this site ... US as one whole family.

Meeting will be tomorrow MONDAY 12 nn Philippines time. 

Thank you.

Title: This is why I don`t Masturbate whiLe Blogging!
Post by COOX on May 19th, 2006, 5:23pm
TThis is why I don`t buiLd any Blogs in here yet --- while MAY is around.*LMAO!!!*

She makes me loose my multitasking skills of masturbating & blogging . . .[smiley=smash.gif]

on 11/04/05 at 13:52:23, teagirl wrote:
Plagiarism is like masturbation. In the end, you are just screwing yourself.

http://www.clanforen.de/clanforen/images/smilies/smilies031205/rules.gif http://img125.echo.cx/img125/7155/attention9ha.gif
OKAY . . . read up there again ... *lol*
ActuaLLy I got screwed last year and got pregnant, but I was not blogging that time.[smiley=smash.gif]
I dunno if I`ve been plagiated or being the CopyCat.


Psssttt! . . . I`m back MAY, in case you`re lurking around here again like always.
I need the help to catch up the dramas! *LOL*

Title: Re: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by Nani on May 26th, 2006, 4:54am

Heidy where have you been?? How are you??? Been ages!!

Title: Re: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by mrs_nj07 on May 23rd, 2007, 6:40pm
The whole gang is here :o :o :o...

Title: Re: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by luca_gaga on Aug 29th, 2007, 5:26pm
Ah, it is a relief that moderators here are pro-active.  Gonna start my own as soon as I find my way to where it is located, hahaha!

Title: Re: Rules & Policies For All The Bloggers
Post by ReeBop on Aug 29th, 2007, 5:37pm
Yes, we are active.  We want to make sure that blogs and posts are not offensive to others and that the language, pictures and links are not of a "pornographic" nature.  We are here to have fun, relax and voice our opinions!

...and maybe learn something!

[smiley=angel.gif] [smiley=angel.gif]

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