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On the Lighter Side >> Blog Central >> The return
(Message started by: dandpatta on May 15th, 2006, 8:25am)

Title: The return
Post by dandpatta on May 15th, 2006, 8:25am
I haven't been lost. Just made myself sucked into the blackhole of a phenomena that's called 'being busy'.

I call it a phenomena because one hand you have 60 seconds to a minute and 60 minutes to an hour and 24 hours to a day and almost, if not exactly, 30 days on average to a month.   That's 43,200 minutes every month and 518,400 minutes a year.   Given an average lifetime of say 80 years, that's 41,472,000 minutes.

These minutes look big, very big.. indeed.   Had it not been for that famous Indian mathematician "ARYABHATTA" (and the Indian civilisation that gave the world 'zero') , we would not have been blessed with the compactness of reading figures in millions, billions, quadrillions, quintillions and... umptillions so easily.

Ah.. so where was I? Oh.. i was busy.. yes.  Busy in a psychological phenomena called being busy.  

Yet, after crunching all these numbers, I have begun to wonder.. am I really so busy that I can't make hay and luxury of the million minutes that I have up my sleeve?

But then that's humanity for you.  We want to be  busy when we want to be. Lazy when we want to be. We fake being busy when we dont want to see someone and we fake laziness when we want to see someone.  We have sex when we have the time - ooops.. the minutes !!  ANd we still have sex called "the quickie" when we don't have enough time.  

We will stop by and look at sunsets in awe but when it's high noon, we will not look up in the sky.   Strange isn't it, that when nature is beautiful, we gaze at it.. when not, we dont ! And, we say to ourselves.. lets get busy moving to some other place.

Minutes? Seconds? Hours? Days?  Or nanoseconds or milliseconds ? How do we.. or should we.. define time? Or shall we just let ourselves loose into believing that time is...   relative?

Yours sincerely

Title: Re: The return
Post by nOrKAy on May 17th, 2006, 8:34am

Hmmmm, hmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. OK, I'm not gonna comment. But, yo Dan! WELCOME BACK ! I missed you. Been so long time , you left me [or even us] wondering where were you. Anyway, I hope all is well with you.  :-*

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