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On the Lighter Side >> Blog Central >> Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog '08
(Message started by: ReeBop on Jan 10th, 2008, 7:44am)

Title: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog '08
Post by ReeBop on Jan 10th, 2008, 7:44am
Now that I'm recovering from the flu, it's time to start a new cycling journal for 2008.  Last year, I was able to do 1622 miles for the year.  This is the highest total for me since I got back into cycling in 2002.  I'm going to shoot for 2000 miles this year and I think I'll even go far beyond that if I don't get sick like I did in 2007.  I also am starting out with a much larger stable of rides this time, 10, as opposed to 4 last year.  I will also be completing a new "cruiser" ride based on a Peugeot Montreal Express for the spring.  All it needs is a recabling, computer and some other odds and ends.  I also have new pictures of the Rust Bucket that I'll post in the next few days.  All it is lacking is a new shiny chrome crank, which I will do also in the spring.  It is very rideable now and I took it out this past Sunday for a very flu limited.  Park Cities, White Rock Lake and River Legacy, here I come!


Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by madd on Jan 10th, 2008, 9:16pm
[smiley=icon_super.gif] [smiley=icon_super.gif]

Go Ree Go Ree

Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by ReeBop on Feb 23rd, 2008, 8:15pm
Today, I ride....

Let's face it, I haven't ridden much so far this year.  The weather has been complete crap.  I also had the flu in January, which didn't help matters.  Whenever the weather was nice, I had work lined up to do.  Very frustrating!  I was given another bike though but I'm not sure whether I'll keep it.  It is a Raliegh city bike that has been ridden a lot.  I'm not sure how it will clean up.  Today's weather is great if not a little chilly in the upper 40's.  It is supposed to warm up to the mid 60's though.  I'm not sure which bike I'll take out but it may be a Peugeot or the Rust Bucket.  See you on the streets!

[smiley=eyesanim.gif] [smiley=eyesanim.gif]

Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by ReeBop on Apr 9th, 2008, 5:51pm
Tour of Dallas 2008

I rode the Tour of Dallas this year with a group of friends from the Dallas Urban Cruise Sunday night ride.  We chose the 30 mile route (as most did) and were among 4000+ people enjoying a cool but sunny morning.  I rode down with someone I lent a bike to from my condo to downtown as a warm up and felt good.  The big issue was the freewheel breaking at the White Rock Lake rest stop.  I never had a freewheel break and lock like that and neither had the bike mechanic that was there to look after broken bikes.  It basically became a "fixed gear" with the pedals constantly moving.  I don't like riding a fixed gear and also, the freewheel could possibly spin itself right off the wheel.  I am not wanting to buy a new wheelset yet, so I was prepared to head back to the AAC in the sag wagon.  The friend I lent the bike to told me to finish on that bike instead.  The Lime Green Rain Bike is quite heavy for a road ride but I mashed the pedals around the lake at about 18 mph to make up for over an hour of lost time.  I rode back with someone that had his son in a bike trailer on his road bike and the miles back to the finish line went well even though I was a little tired from mashing hard around the lake.  It was by far the nicest weather day of the year and I had a wonderful time.  I've called Tom at the Bicycle Barn and there will be a selection of freewheels ready for me to choose from on my next visit.

Since the weather has improved and my schedule has slackened on weekends, I've been able to put in some 90+ mile weeks of late.  I'm feeling great and in much better condition than a month ago.  I'll keep my eyes open for other rides and I'm looking forward to several laps around White Rock Lake until I find more.

Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by ReeBop on Apr 22nd, 2008, 6:02am
I had my second ride on the new freewheel on my road Peugeot.  After 40 miles, I find it to be smooth as silk.  I also like the wider gear ratio on it.  I recieved a nice comment on the bike while waiting at a traffic light this evening.  There is a mystique about Peugeots and bike people have strong feelings about them.  I am not the only one as I did get great comments during the Tour of Dallas.  This is my daily roadie as well and not the show bike.  I wonder what people would say about that one?  I'll be getting the show bike off the rack soon for a tune up, detailing, seat pack and medium blue spongy handlebar tape.  I'll only put 100 miles on it for the year because it looks so pretty sitting on my show rack.  Bikes are made to ride though and I'll take it out for sure.  I did some work on a freebie K-Mart AllPro 3 speed and rode it Sunday night.  Lets just say that I have more work to do as the front fender came loose and the 3 speed shifter did not work right.  I will get some pictures up of that one soon.  The only words I can say about it are "Craptacular!"

Oh, I need to find where I put my Tour of Dallas picture.  I'll have it up tomorrow.

Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by ReeBop on Apr 22nd, 2008, 6:45pm
Here is a picture of me at the Tour of Dallas.  This is just SE of downtown I think and few miles away from where my freewheel broke.  It was a chilly morning but what a great sunny day to ride.


I'm in the background of the picture in my blue/red/white cycling shirt.

Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by ReeBop on May 20th, 2008, 6:10am
There has been a lot of time between postings here for me, but I've done a lot.  I've added a few more bikes to the stable and pictures will be coming as soon as they are ready.  For fun on my business trips, I have purchased a folding bike to put in the trunk and then I can easily ride anyplace.  I expect this bike to arrive towards the end of the week.  I have roughly 600 miles for the year and I have been riding most every evening that I'm home.  The weather turned hot today for the first time and it felt great to be out on my Peugeot road bike.  Tomorrow, I'll ride my green FreeSpirit and the Peugeot will be out again for Wednesday's Ride of Silence.  My next bike project is to rebuild the bottom bracket on my early 70's K-Mart AllPro 3 speed and then finish the cleaning and waxing.  I will then turn my attention to a 1972 Jeunet road bike I obtained about a month ago.  


Title: Re: Pedal Mashin' - My Cycling Blog 2008
Post by 3iNnA on Dec 25th, 2008, 7:59pm
Are you going to have cycling blog for 2009 also... ;D ;D

its fun reading this blog.  Do you know I don't know how to bike...hubby tried to teach me...laughing.   ::) ::)  I can't be good in everything...

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