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Entertainment & the Arts >> Fine Arts >> Favorite Books
(Message started by: ReeBop on Feb 24th, 2004, 11:34pm)

Title: Favorite Books
Post by ReeBop on Feb 24th, 2004, 11:34pm
Well, this is the best topic to start off this new forum.  What are your favorite books and authors.  For me, my favorite book is Catch-22, by Joseph Heller.  I've given away many copies just because I feel so strongly about this book.  It is funny, witty and dark all at the same time.  I find the some of the situations...especially between Major Major and Yossarian to be very relevent to today's issues.  

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by mylane on Feb 25th, 2004, 12:03am
programming books...

like i have a choic :-/e

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by teagirl on Feb 25th, 2004, 8:11pm
Thankee bopbop for making this topic. This is just right up my alley  :P

Favorite Book of All Time:
The Little Prince by Antoine St. De Exupery - from where the famous quote come from: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by keensryche on Feb 25th, 2004, 9:27pm
Seeing the unseen, by Joe Bean.
Greatest book on spiritial warfare.

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by thebeast on Feb 25th, 2004, 10:22pm
Jaws by Peter Benchly. I read this when i was in the 4th grade cause my friend told me it had a lot of dirty words in it. Well yeah it has a lot of foul language in it but it was still a good book. Thats the first novel i read. Since then Ive read so many and got so many favorites, so i pick my first one as my favorite. lol ;D

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 11th, 2004, 11:20pm
too many great books to mention, for sci fi i liked William Gibsons "count Zero" Robert Anton Wilsons "Illuminatus trilogy" William F Lairds "Boomer bible" Philip K Dicks "Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep" (Which became the movie "Blade Runner" philosophy i would say Lao Tsu's Te Tao Ching, Sun Tsu's "the Art Of War" Miyamato Musashis "Book of 5 rings" for classic literature i would say Machiaveli's "The Prince & The Discourses" Dante's "Divine Comedy" Edgar Allens Poes "collected Works" So Many great books not mentioned... too many to mention...

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by deerhunter74105 on Apr 12th, 2004, 6:11pm
the dark elf trilogy by r.a. salvator  he is an excellent writer not sure if i spelled his last name right but good series

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by okasantina on May 10th, 2004, 8:04pm
40 Ways to Teach Your Child VALUES by Paul Lewis

    Itz about honesty, Managin money, Making good choices, controllin tv...courage...etc... ;D

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by kim on Dec 6th, 2004, 8:55am
i got too many books in mind... some are... all teh books in vampire cronicles by ann rice... books by john grisham... lord or the rings and harry potter... And on the heavier side i love edgar allan poes works... he's so mysterious n even creepy  ;D

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 7th, 2004, 5:56am
lord of the rings,harry potter, i like the stra trekseries to was ok,like some of the barbara taylor stuff

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by Saffire_65 on Jul 21st, 2005, 10:11pm
I read romance most. My best bet is "Woman of Substance" by Barbara Taylor Bradford

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by mylane on Jul 28th, 2005, 3:09pm

on 07/21/05 at 22:11:13, Saffire_65 wrote:
I read romance most. My best bet is "Woman of Substance" by Barbara Taylor Bradford

Hi Saffire, Actually, Woman of Substance is one of the books included in Harte Family Saga.

A Woman of Substance
Hold The Dream
To Be The Best
Emma's Secret

I already read "To be the Best"  the characters in this book are all Emma Harte's grandchildren.

I'm still waiting for the 3 books. My Filipino friend based in Cali will be sending the 3 other books.  ;D

Title: Re: Favorite Books
Post by Saffire_65 on Jul 28th, 2005, 5:01pm
Hey mymy i read them all but am not sure if i've read Emma's secret Its been years tho  ;)  Anyhow i enjoyed woman of substance best cos that was the very first beginning of Emma harte and how she struggled from a little woman to a single mother and journeyed into the world of cruelty and bitterness before she became a powerful, successful business magnate and build her own empire  8)

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