Title: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 12:36am Hello.... 'Just want to share the following poems by Sarah Teasdale. She writes really beautiful poems. (though most are sad ones...) I hope she reaches your heart as much as she had reached mine. ;D I also would like to thank Teamay for introducing me Sarah Teasdale. I thank you so much Teamay. :) Enjoy! |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:11am Child, Child Child, child, love while you can The voice and the eyes and the soul of a man; Never fear though it break your heart -- Out of the wound new joy will start; Only love proudly and gladly and well, Though love be heaven or love be hell. Child, child, love while you may, For life is short as a happy day; Never fear the thing you feel -- Only by love is life made real; Love, for the deadly sins are seven, Only through love will you enter heaven. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/kianna_andrea/19830_wallpaper110.jpg |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:17am "What Do I Care?" What do I care, in the dreams and the languor of spring, That my songs do not show me at all? For they are a fragrance, and I am a flint and a fire, I am an answer, they are only a call. But what do I care, for love will be over so soon, Let my heart have its say and my mind stand idly by, For my mind is proud and strong enough to be silent, It is my heart that makes my songs, not I. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:23am Understanding I understood the rest too well, And all their thoughts have come to be Clear as grey sea-weed in the swell Of a sunny shallow sea. But you I never understood, Your spirit's secret hides like gold Sunk in a Spanish galleon Ages ago in waters cold. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:31am Thoughts When I am all alone Envy me most, Then my thoughts flutter round me In a glimmering host; Some dressed in silver, Some dressed in white, Each like a taper Blossoming light; Most of them merry, Some of them grave, Each of them lithe As willows that wave; Some bearing violets, Some bearing bay, One with a burning rose Hidden away -- When I am all alone Envy me then, For I have better friends Than women and men. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:36am http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/kianna_andrea/avatar104.jpg Because Oh, because you never tried To bow my will or break my pride, And nothing of the cave-man made You want to keep me half afraid, Nor ever with a conquering air You thought to draw me unaware -- Take me, for I love you more Than I ever loved before. And since the body's maidenhood Alone were neither rare nor good Unless with it I gave to you A spirit still untrammeled, too, Take my dreams and take my mind That were masterless as wind; And "Master!" I shall say to you Since you never asked me to. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:42am Alone I am alone, in spite of love, In spite of all I take and give -- In spite of all your tenderness, Sometimes I am not glad to live. I am alone, as though I stood On the highest peak of the tired gray world, About me only swirling snow, Above me, endless space unfurled; With earth hidden and heaven hidden, And only my own spirit's pride To keep me from the peace of those Who are not lonely, having died. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:58am But Not To Me The April night is still and sweet With flowers on every tree; Peace comes to them on quiet feet, But not to me. My peace is hidden in his breast Where I shall never be; Love comes to-night to all the rest, But not to me. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 2:13am At Night Love said, "Wake still and think of me," Sleep, "Close your eyes till break of day," But Dreams came by and smilingly Gave both to Love and Sleep their way. Enough It is enough for me by day To walk the same bright earth with him; Enough that over us by night The same great roof of stars is dim. I do not hope to bind the wind Or set a fetter on the sea -- It is enough to feel his love Blow by like music over me. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 2:25am In the End All that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun; All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take them as lightly as girls Pluck flowers after rain. And when they are ours in the end Perhaps after all The skies will not open for us Nor heaven be there at our call. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 12th, 2004, 2:37am Message I heard a cry in the night, A thousand miles it came, Sharp as a flash of light, My name, my name! It was your voice I heard, You waked and loved me so --- I send you back this word, I know, I know! tbc................. ;) |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 13th, 2004, 10:48am "The Dreams of My Heart" The dreams of my heart and my mind pass, Nothing stays with me long, But I have had from a child The deep solace of song; If that should ever leave me, Let me find death and stay With things whose tunes are played out and forgotten Like the rain of yesterday |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Oct 24th, 2004, 9:16am "It Is Not a Word" It is not a word spoken, Few words are said; Nor even a look of the eyes Nor a bend of the head, But only a hush of the heart That has too much to keep, Only memories waking That sleep so light a sleep. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Oct 28th, 2004, 2:06am J O Y I am wild, I will sing to the trees, I will sing to the stars in the sky, I love, I am loved, he is mine, Now at last, I can die! I am sandaled with wind and with flame, I have heart-fire and singing to give, I can tread on the grass or the stars, Now at last I can live! |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Oct 28th, 2004, 2:08am "My Heart Is Heavy" My heart is heavy with many a song Like ripe fruit bearing down the tree, But I can never give you one -- My songs do not belong to me. Yet in the evening, in the dusk When moths go to and fro, In the gray hour if the fruit has fallen, Take it, no one will know. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by TeaGirl on Oct 28th, 2004, 5:44pm I hoped that he would love me, And he has kissed my mouth, But I am like a stricken bird That cannot reach the south. For though I know he loves me, Tonight my heart is sad; His kiss was not so wonderful As all the dreams I had. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Oct 31st, 2004, 9:05am I Shall Not Care When I am dead and over me bright April Shakes out her rain-drenched hair, Though you should lean above me broken-hearted, I shall not care. I shall have peace, as leafy trees are peaceful When rain bends down the bough, And I shall be more silent and cold-hearted Than you are now. :-/ :-[ :'( :'( :'( :'( |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by TeaGirl on Oct 31st, 2004, 5:23pm ADVICE TO A GIRL No one worth possessing Can be quite possessed; Lay that on your heart, My young angry dear; This truth, this hard and precious stone, Lay it on your hot cheek, Let it hide your tear. Hold it like a crystal When you are alone And gaze in the depths of the ice stone Long, look long and you will be blessed: No one worth possessing Can be quite possessed. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:44am I Would Live in Your Love I would live in your love as the sea-grasses live in the sea, Borne up by each wave as it passes, drawn down by each wave that recedes; I would empty my soul of the dreams that have gathered in me, I would beat with your heart as it beats, I would follow your soul as it leads. Poem courtesy of Teamay. ;) |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 7th, 2004, 9:56am A Cry Oh, there are eyes that he can see, And hands to make his hands rejoice, But to my lover I must be Only a voice. Oh, there are breasts to bear his head, And lips whereon his lips can lie, But I must be till I am dead Only a cry. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 7th, 2004, 10:05am A Little While A little while when I am gone My life will live in music after me, As spun foam lifted and borne on After the wave is lost in the full sea. A while these nights and days will burn In song with the bright frailty of foam, Living in light before they turn Back to the nothingness that is their home. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 7th, 2004, 10:16am A Prayer When I am dying, let me know That I loved the blowing snow Although it stung like whips; That I loved all lovely things And I tried to take their stings With gay unembittered lips; That I loved with all my strength, To my soul's full depth and length, Careless if my heart must break, That I sang as children sing Fitting tunes to everything, Loving life for its own sake. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 7th, 2004, 10:47am Hidden Love I hid the love within my heart, And lit the laughter in my eyes, That when we meet he may not know My love that never dies. But sometimes when he dreams at night Of fragrant forests green and dim, It may be that my love crept out And brought the dream to him. And sometimes when his heart is sick And suddenly grows well again, It may be that my love was there To free his life of pain. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 8th, 2004, 1:17am Debt What do I owe to you Who loved me deep and long? You never gave my spirit wings Or gave my heart a song. But oh, to him I loved Who loved me not at all, I owe the little open gate That led thru heaven's wall. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Nov 8th, 2004, 1:25am Deep in the Night Deep in the night the cry of a swallow, Under the stars he flew, Keen as pain was his call to follow Over the world to you. Love in my heart is a cry forever Lost as the swallow's flight, Seeking for you and never, never Stilled by the stars at night. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Jan 2nd, 2005, 3:24pm Houses of Dreams You took my empty dreams And filled them every one With tenderness and nobleness, April and the sun. The old empty dreams Where my thoughts would throng Are far too full of happiness To even hold a song. Oh, the empty dreams were dim And the empty dreams were wide, They were sweet and shadowy houses Where my thoughts could hide. But you took my dreams away And you made them all come true -- My thoughts have no place now to play, And nothing now to do. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Mar 16th, 2005, 7:36pm The Wind A wind is blowing over my soul, I hear it cry the whole night thro' -- Is there no peace for me on earth Except with you? Alas, the wind has made me wise, Over my naked soul it blew, -- There is no peace for me on earth Even with you. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by KiAnNa on Mar 16th, 2005, 7:43pm Buried Love I shall bury my weary Love Beneath a tree, In the forest tall and black Where none can see. I shall put no flowers at his head, Nor stone at his feet, For the mouth I loved so much Was bittersweet. I shall go no more to his grave, For the woods are cold. I shall gather as much of joy As my hands can hold. I shall stay all day in the sun Where the wide winds blow, But oh, I shall weep at night When none will know. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on May 14th, 2005, 12:52pm http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v211/kianna_andrea/39408_wallpaper110.jpg Oh You Are Coming... Oh you are coming, coming, coming, How will hungry Time put by the hours till then? -- But why does it anger my heart to long so For one man out of the world of men? Oh I would live in myself only And build my life lightly and still as a dream -- Are not my thoughts clearer than your thoughts And colored like stones in a running stream? Now the slow moon brightens in heaven, The stars are ready, the night is here -- Oh why must I lose myself to love you, My dear? :-/ Awww,..shucks. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by theworstofthewest on May 15th, 2005, 8:36pm Nice one. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on May 20th, 2005, 6:48pm Thank you. Sarah Teasdale really writes such beautiful and touching poems. ;) |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on May 28th, 2005, 6:57pm The princess has her lovers, A score of knights has she, And each can sing a madrigal, And praise her gracefully. But Love that is so bitter Hath put within her heart A longing for the scornful knight Who silent stands apart. And tho' the others praise and plead, She maketh no reply, Yet for a single word from him, I ween that she would die. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on May 30th, 2005, 7:31pm Young Love I I cannot heed the words they say, The lights grow far away and dim, Amid the laughing men and maids My eyes unbidden seek for him. I hope that when he smiles at me He does not guess my joy and pain, For if he did, he is too kind To ever look my way again. II I have a secret in my heart No ears have ever heard, And still it sings there day by day Most like a caged bird. And when it beats against the bars, I do not set it free, For I am happier to know It only sings for me. III I wrote his name along the beach, I love the letters so. Far up it seemed and out of reach, For still the tide was low. But oh, the sea came creeping up, And washed the name away, And on the sand where it had been A bit of sea-grass lay. A bit of sea-grass on the sand, Dropped from a mermaid's hair -- Ah, had she come to kiss his name And leave a token there? IV What am I that he should love me, He who stands so far above me, What am I? I am like a cowslip turning Toward the sky, Where a planet's golden burning Breaks the cowslip's heart with yearning, What am I that he should love me, What am I? V O dreams that flock about my sleep, I pray you bring my love to me, And let me think I hear his voice Again ring free. And if you care to please me well, And live to-morrow in my mind, Let him who was so cold before, To-night seem kind. VI I plucked a daisy in the fields, And there beneath the sun I let its silver petals fall One after one. I said, "He loves me, loves me not," And oh, my heart beat fast, The flower was kind, it let me say "He loves me," last. I kissed the little leafless stem, But oh, my poor heart knew The words the flower had said to me, They were not true. VII I sent my love a letter, And if he loves me not, He shall not find my love for him In any line or dot. But if he loves me truly, He'll find it hidden deep, As dawn gleams red thro' chilly clouds To eyes awaked from sleep. VIII The world is cold and gray and wet, And I am heavy-hearted, yet When I am home and look to see The place my letters wait for me, If I should find ONE letter there, I think I should not greatly care If it were rainy or were fair, For all the world would suddenly Seem like a festival to me. IX I hid three words within my heart, That longed to fly to him, At dawn they woke me with a start, They sang till day was dim. And now at last I let them fly, As little birds should do, And he will know the first is "I", The others "Love" and "You". X Across the twilight's violet His curtained window glimmers gold; Oh happy light that round my love Can fold. Oh happy book within his hand, Oh happy page he glorifies, Oh happy little word beneath His eyes. But oh, thrice happy, happy I Who love him more than songs can tell, For in the heaven of his heart I dwell. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on Jun 14th, 2005, 6:43pm Less than the Cloud to the Wind Less than the cloud to the wind, Less than the foam to the sea, Less than the rose to the storm Am I to thee. More than the star to the night, More than the rain to the lea, More than heaven to earth Art thou to me. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on Jun 30th, 2005, 6:35pm Roundel If he could know my songs are all for him, At silver dawn or in the evening glow, Would he not smile and think it but a whim, If he could know? Or would his heart rejoice and overflow, As happy brooks that break their icy rim When April's horns along the hillsides blow? I may not speak till Eros' torch is dim, The god is bitter and will have it so; And yet to-night our fate would seem less grim If he could know. :-/ :-/ :-X |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by kianna on Jul 1st, 2005, 5:22pm Hidden Love I hid the love within my heart, And lit the laughter in my eyes, That when we meet he may not know My love that never dies. But sometimes when he dreams at night Of fragrant forests green and dim, It may be that my love crept out And brought the dream to him. And sometimes when his heart is sick And suddenly grows well again, It may be that my love was there To free his life of pain. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by psyche on Aug 17th, 2005, 5:33pm Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten, Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold. Let it be forgotten forever and ever, Time is a kind friend, he will make us old. If anyone asks, say it was forgotten Long and long ago, As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall In a long-forgotten snow. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by WinGaRdiuM LeVioSa on Oct 13th, 2005, 8:24pm I went back to the clanging city, I went back where my old loves stayed, But my heart was full of my new love's glory, My eyes were laughing and unafraid. I met one who had loved me madly And told his love for all to hear -- But we talked of a thousand things together, The past was buried too deep to fear. I met the other, whose love was given With never a kiss and scarcely a word -- Oh, it was then the terror took me Of words unuttered that breathed and stirred. Oh, love that lives its life with laughter Or love that lives its life with tears Can die -- but love that is never spoken Goes like a ghost through the winding years. . . . I went back to the clanging city, I went back where my old loves stayed, My heart was full of my new love's glory, -- But my eyes were suddenly afraid. |
Title: Re: A Collection of Poems by Sarah Teasdale Post by teagirl on Oct 14th, 2005, 3:21pm "The Old Maid" I saw her in a Broadway car, The woman I might grow to be; I felt my lover look at her And then turn suddenly to me. Her hair was dull and drew no light, And yet its color was as mine; Her eyes were strangely like my eyes, Tho' love had never made them shine. Her body was a thing grown thin, Hungry for love that never came; Her soul was frozen in the dark, Unwarmed forever by love's flame. I felt my lover look at her And then turn suddenly to me – His eyes were magic to defy The woman I shall never be. Sarah Teasdale |
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