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On the Heavier Side >> Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy >> Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
(Message started by: okasantina on Mar 13th, 2004, 10:31am)

Title: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by okasantina on Mar 13th, 2004, 10:31am
Sometimes our lives affects our needs spritually....does it has something to do with yoga thing or soul searching or soul healing to make your life more better and peace?

Or is it getting worse your life is till u found out that you are left out and spritually absent. :-/

Post awayyyyyyyyyyyyy roomies ;)

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by mylane on Mar 15th, 2004, 9:14am
i'm not spiritually active rite now unlike before that i used to read bible and join church organization but that doesn't mean my life is in worse.

Few events affects my belief especially in catholic church, it was started when Cardinal Sin joined the EDSA 2 and supported some politicians. That made me wonder many things about my religion. And some nuns joining some events...ahhh well u know wat im saying cuz tina....

Like i said i'm still finding a way to reconcile all my belief system.

But i dont have any plan to change my religion anyway.

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by okasantina on Mar 15th, 2004, 10:53am

on 03/15/04 at 09:14:26, mylane wrote:
i'm not spiritually active rite now unlike before that i used to read bible and join church organization but that doesn't mean my life is in worse.

Few events affects my belief especially in catholic church, it was started when Cardinal Sin joined the EDSA 2 and supported some politicians. That made me wonder many things about my religion. And some nuns joining some events...ahhh well u know wat im saying cuz tina....

Like i said i'm still finding a way to reconcile all my belief system.

But i dont have any plan to change my religion anyway.

You know cuz even if Cardinal and nuns joined in that EDSA 2 .... its not the religion that is what they are talkin about...its their belief, they are only humans. And in some reasons it happens to be that they have to choose for what they believe.  So i guess religion is out of it...i think its only ppl who thought about it  cause what ppl see believe and if they believe they will agree.

I understand about what u said that it changed ure reflections about religion and its normal.

Life will just get worse if u will not get marry soon so better find a hubby as fast as u can...... hahahaha ;Djk

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by thebeast on Apr 5th, 2004, 10:29pm
Well i get confused sometimes and do some things spiritual. If im confused about something i head out to the country or on a lake and fish or hunt or explore alone. Being alone in nature helps me puts things into perspective. It might not solve my problem but it gets me back on track and helps me focus on me and the things that i will do. It aslo takes my mind off of things for a while. Another thing i do is read the bible. That book is filled with all kinds of wisdom about all kinds of people and situations. Same thing with the bilble, it might not solve my problem but it helps me cope. Funny thing is by getting out in nature and reading the bible makes u realize lots of times u are really being silly cuz there are lots of people in the world and in the bible who probably had it 100 times worse than u are having it. lol

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by okasantina on Apr 6th, 2004, 1:33am

on 04/05/04 at 22:29:34, thebeast wrote:
Another thing i do is read the bible. That book is filled with all kinds of wisdom about all kinds of people and situations. Same thing with the bilble, it might not solve my problem but it helps me cope. Funny thing is by getting out in nature and reading the bible makes u realize lots of times u are really being silly cuz there are lots of people in the world and in the bible who probably had it 100 times worse than u are having it. lol

Your right there Joel .... The BIBILE is most wonderful book i have ever red, sometimes when im depressed and confused ... i only read a bible and theres the answer to all my questions...Its like the life that you are in now...its all in there...u rely ure life to what the bible says...and its very warming, feeling of easiness to what its happening on ure life and on the bible.  Someone tought me how to use it everyday...its like this...when ure in trouble and confused all you have to do is to put your hand over that cover of the bible and pray deeply and ask a question that you are confused of...then knock 3 times....then open the book with your closed eyes point out a topic....then read....ul notice that  ure question is answered by what you read....depends on what you understand ..relyin on what u read.... And its amazing. And its true it might now solve it but it wil you cope and understand on what life is in right now.  Its not becase your being silly or something its because you believe in yourself and in what you do. You believe that there is GOD that rotates our lives.  And im glad to know that your one of them.   ;) ;)

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by teagirl on Apr 6th, 2004, 5:40pm
huh? does my life affect my spiritual behavior? uh---actually its the other way around for me. My spiritual life affects or determines my life's behavior...

When I'm tired at the end of my duty---I just want to crawl to bed but then I get a call from the ER and the patient is malingering. The instinct would be to get angry at the patient and scold him for his malingering and wasting time---but because I know I am there to help, despite the fatigue, I extend to my patient my most courteous behavior, talk to him and get him all sorted out.

Where does spiritual life figure in that situation? Well, I'm not under any delusion that I can make it on my own without God. The talent to heal/cure other people is a spiritual gift not given to everyone and for this I am thankful I am given the chance to serve and to help. Thus, my spiritual life dictates my behavior in dealing with people especially my patients.

If my behavior dictates my spiritual life? I'm sure I would be in a mess. Its like saying that everything instinctive rules over reason.

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by okasantina on Apr 6th, 2004, 8:54pm
Life affects our spritual responsibilities and obligation to our souls...the more spiritual you get - the more sensitive you will become to the energy level of your surroundings including humans in your direct physical neighborhood at home, among friends in your leisure time, as well as during shopping or at work.  :D

Soon you will experience that there are some sort of human vampires. humans who withdraw YOUR vital force - sometimes within seconds - to a point that may make you sleepy and physically weak within seconds or a few minutes. most of you may have encountered such situations. may be without knowing why and how such can happen to you. you may go to a meeting or a restaurant or any other public place, even at school/ you may feel fresh and awake - and suddenly all your vital energy is gone and you may feel weak or even fall asleep.
human vampires are people who life from vital energy of others. such behavior is directly proportional to the purely material and financial behavior of humans. millions of humans are living from the active labor and work of others without ever contributing substantially to their life and true needs through the power of their very individual physical WORK.  ;)

Its like...life can be stagnant if ure spritual content is empty...or maybe life can be pleased if ure spritual awareness is open concievable. :D

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by gracia on Jul 1st, 2004, 1:54am
yes my life affects my spiritual behavior.....am very dependent to God...i keep on calling Him no matter how small the trouble is and i make sure i thank Him in everyway....

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by killerabbit on Jul 1st, 2004, 7:51pm

on 04/06/04 at 17:40:41, teagirl wrote:
huh? does my life affect my spiritual behavior? uh---actually its the other way around for me. My spiritual life affects or determines my life's behavior...

When I'm tired at the end of my duty---I just want to crawl to bed but then I get a call from the ER and the patient is malingering. The instinct would be to get angry at the patient and scold him for his malingering and wasting time---but because I know I am there to help, despite the fatigue, I extend to my patient my most courteous behavior, talk to him and get him all sorted out.

Where does spiritual life figure in that situation? Well, I'm not under any delusion that I can make it on my own without God. The talent to heal/cure other people is a spiritual gift not given to everyone and for this I am thankful I am given the chance to serve and to help. Thus, my spiritual life dictates my behavior in dealing with people especially my patients.

If my behavior dictates my spiritual life? I'm sure I would be in a mess. Its like saying that everything instinctive rules over reason.

Very well said may.

Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by norkay on Sep 18th, 2004, 1:12am
(not sure if it is here to post this)
       A good samaritan turned bad,saved woman's life and then stole her purse.According to a police investigation,a passerby had noticed a distressed woman getting ready to jump off a bridge.The man went of a rescue,he struggled with the woman until she broke free and fell back onto the concrete and was knocked unconscious.That's when the surprise came.According to the witnesses,the suspect then grabbed the woman's purse and ran off.
        After reading this story,i was reminded of the outrageous behavior of the Pharisees.This illustrates their pattern.The Pharisees seemed ready to go to the rescue of others.They were advertised as men of prayer,men of the Scriptures,champions of the faith,and helpers of the needy.But the intentions of their hearts revealed that they were actually thieves and exploiters of people.
         I hope none of us is above such behavior.We too can reach out others with good motives,honest desire to help them ,yet underneath we may more interested and concerned about our own welfare than theirs.But the Lord is there to  turn our weaknesses into strengths only if we are willing to surrender.
          Shall we say say this short prayer:

          "Lord help us to be honest and loving children of yours.Help us not to soccumb to selfishness and as we share Your love to others,don't let our motives turn into a desire for self-advantage.In Jesus' name we pray,amen."

Please read MATTHEW 23 as a supporting chapter


Title: Re: Is your life affects your Spritual behavior?
Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 2nd, 2004, 10:04pm
here here kris i agree

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