Title: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by okasantina on Mar 31st, 2004, 8:54am What? where? when? why? and how? ??? ::) ??? ::) post awayyyyyyyy :) |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by teagirl on Apr 3rd, 2004, 7:06am When I was a kid, we didnt have cable then. Not that it mattered anyway because we weren't even allowed to watch tv. So back then, I just listen to music quietly and read a few books. On Holy Thursdays we would go and do the "Visita Iglesia"--thats when we go and visit several churches in the city while we say our rosary. On Good Friday, we would listen to "Siete Palabras" (7 Last Words of Christ) and eat "binignit" ---its root crop (taro, sweet potatoes) and plantain boiled in coconut milk. Then we would get ready for the procession. On Black Saturday, we stay home...maybe read... As you can see, the whole world grinds to a halt when its Holy Week in Cebu. But nowadays...well, when I'm not on duty in the hospital, Holy Week usually finds me do some of the usual stuffs I just mentioned or just watch tv or go online. |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by okasantina on Apr 3rd, 2004, 9:27am That is were we used to do too Teagirl.... ;Dwhen i was young ;D ;D But then on we have this PANATA thing....my mom and the rest of the family have this PABASA...singing the passion of the christ w 272 pages for 3 days non-stop! starting from Good Friday and ended till Easter Sunday ;) and get together all the family praying ....then after eating and drinking.... ;D |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by mylane on Apr 3rd, 2004, 10:26am As the usual practiced during holy week, we don't eat pork or any meat. Mom and Dad usually prepared vegetables and fish for the whole holy week. I usually go to our church near my school when i was in gradeschool just to watched a play. (Crusification of Jesus) or sometimes the whole family was out of town. |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:27am holy week? i hope you all dont say "see the Passion of Christ 10 times" i mean geez, it is another week, acording to th bible itself, "remember the sabbath day and keep it holy", it doesnt even say to go to church... tithe, i tend to think tithe meant to give time to or to help your fellow man, not give your money to an organization... organized religion makes a mockery of the bible.... |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by teagirl on Apr 13th, 2004, 8:02am ::) |
Title: Re: What do you do during Holy Week?? Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 29th, 2004, 10:23am when oka why oka who oka |
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