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On the Heavier Side >> Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy >> What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
(Message started by: mylane on Feb 25th, 2005, 4:11pm)

Title: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by mylane on Feb 25th, 2005, 4:11pm
What do you want to be? anything? an animal? superhero? living things? non living things? why?

Support your answer please...

I'll post mine later ;D

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by gracia on Feb 28th, 2005, 2:25am
hmmm i'll be back ...not an easy one

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by beth on Feb 28th, 2005, 5:56pm
hmmmm... ::) its just "what if"... l know it will never happen thow ;D
but u were right, partner, me need to think furst ;)
l'll be bak after  l get my pills lol lol

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by norkay on Mar 1st, 2005, 5:13am
I want to be as what i am right now- the highest form of living things.And if God gives me the power,(if you mean the power like He has) well, I will do all/everything I know that makes Him happy, since everything would be possible for me because i got the power :D, or since power is now with me,i will do all the things that were impossible for me to do....but ofcourse those that give Him the glory.The power will be taken back,otherwise.

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by mylane on Aug 15th, 2005, 8:40am
I wanna be superhero like Darna...she got nice tits...lol ;D

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by Forgettable on Aug 15th, 2005, 9:04am
LMAO Mylane.....tits  ??? love your own tits! LMAO.Hahaha.

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by gracia on Aug 15th, 2005, 10:06am
I hope God will give me the healing power....so i can heal all kinds of sickness because hospitals nowadays is very expensive.

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by mylane on Aug 16th, 2005, 11:03am

on 08/15/05 at 10:06:34, gracia wrote:
I hope God will give me the healing power....so i can heal all kinds of sickness because hospitals nowadays is very expensive.

gracia, you will controversial if thats the case people around the world will be visiting you in Talamban to sick medical help....ahihihi...can i be your manager when the time comes? ;D

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by gracia on Aug 17th, 2005, 6:40pm

gracia, you will controversial if thats the case people around the world will be visiting you in Talamban to sick medical help....ahihihi...can i be your manager when the time comes?

j you can be my manager by then My....free of charge okay.... ;D :)

Title: Re: What If God Will Give You The Power!!!
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 19th, 2005, 4:10am
A healing power like Grace and the real ability to cast spells ;D

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