Title: Accident vs. Design Post by Kitch on Jan 27th, 2006, 6:59am There is a reality new movement in the scientific community called intelligent design, a lot of the secularist panic and believe that it is creationism. Yet this movement doesn’t point to a particular Creator but takes the available evidence and says this proves design. Science of the last couple of centuries have been blunted with the Theory of Evolution, which in my opinion is very flawed and problematic Lets start with the big Bang Evolutionist will say that for countless amount of time all matter was compressed in a singularity drifting through space and all of the sudden for some reason it exploded. When asked what caused this bang is where the theories run wild and are more then can be counted. Now if a creator spoke the universe into existence to me that seems like it would cause a huge bag. From this big Bang our universe formed in a pattern to rotate around the sun in harmony placing the moon the exact right shape and distance from the planet to control the tides so that human life is possible on this planet. To understand how incredible the creation of the Earth is I would recommend reading “Privilege Planet” it takes quantum physics and cosmology and places it in understandable terms for the lay person. It gives very good pictures to tell you how precise this planet is to provide life as we know it and the odds of one and all these things to happen. Einstein once stated “God did not play Crabs with the Universe.” From Studying the universe Einstein determined that there has to be a God he would not make a committed statement of a personal God but did confess that there has to be a God. When NASA searches Space for intelligent life it listens to sound ways that have a pattern if there doesn’t appear to be a pattern they don’t believe it is from intelligence. So when they look out to the Cosmos to they see the intelligence in the way that the planets orbit stars and stars in a universe rotate in themselves. Napoleon commissioned some Mathematicians to figure out the shape and the volume of the Moon and with modern technology they have proven that the Mathematicians were correct. They said that it had to be that way or the planet would fall off it axis tides would stop and life on Earth would be impossible. |
Title: Re: Accident vs. Design Post by Kitch on Jan 27th, 2006, 7:00am Evolution, Darwin’s theory which was quite Racist, which people seem to ignore and just call the book Origin of Species. This theory came rise well before we knew how complicated the cells actually are. A mathematician has taken sat down and figured the odds of a single cell organ forming in a ocean deep of all the chemicals needed for the odds to that to form is 160 to the 10 power and anything over 15 to the 10 power is considered impossible. In the most basic single cell organism there has to be 24 Amino Acids in a chain that has to be exactly right order for the cell to work and this happens several different areas of the cell if one Amino Acid is wrong the Cell dies. In the human Cell there is enough information to fill 12,000 encyclopedias And Scientist have said that DNA is a Digital Code Upon hearing that statement it was noted that Bill Gates stated that ”the human Cell is more complicated then all the computer programs every written.” I heard that one Statement second hand but the source I heard that from is pretty reliable. Steven Gould a famous promoter of Evolution at a convention of Evolution debaters suggested to no longer arguing with Creationist because there has been over a hundred serious Debates and every time Evolution has lost. Another promoter of Evolution Dr. Atkins in England who wrote thousands of book ounces stated Evolution can not be proved but to consider anything else would mean we are responsible for our sexual immoralities and that is unthinkable. Evolution violates a few fundamental laws in Science and if a theory is disproved by scientific law doesn’t that makes a theory invalid. First Law relates to thermo dynamics, that says Energy can not be created or destroyed well if everything started from nothing then it was created. Yet if the energy came from a Creator then the energy always existed with in the creator. Another scientific law in Thermo dynamics says everything is wearing down and getting worse, yet if you follow evolution things are getting better but they have proven that everything wears out and wears down. Evolutionist will tell you that the human brain developed like it did was because the first up right primates started eating fish feeding their mind protein to grow. If that is the Case why haven’t pelicans and sea gulls mastered space flight yet? They talk about mutations causing these steps in evolution, yet every know mutation that we run across in medicine is detrimental for example Dow Syndrome comes from a Cell mutation. A majority of the finds of the alleged missing links connecting man to the Apes have been frauds from Java man to the countless others. The infamous Lucy is mostly plaster and some scientist even state they don’t believe that Lucy walked up right at all. Also the same scientists feel that Lucy doesn’t show much signs being connected to humans or even apes. So she is not much of proof. |
Title: Re: Accident vs. Design Post by Kitch on Jan 27th, 2006, 7:01am Scientist date things on the Earth being extremely old using carbon 12 and Carbon 14 counting the half lives in the carbon of an object however when they put Slate in this test it never test nearly as old as other stuff they test around it. You also been told that dinosaurs died out long before man walked on Earth yet there is a place in brazil where fossilized foot prints of a dinosaur and man are in the same layer of earth. Would the same ground fossilize twice? In South America they have found many carvings of dinosaurs which are pretty consistent with what we know of dinosaurs. These dinosaurs are in harnesses like they were beast of burden. Did the Early people of the America’s imagine powerful animals to help them plow that match animals that were several million years before their very existence? A couple of decades ago some scientist made a discovery about Mitochondria which is the cells in your body that come from the Mother and the mother alone. It provides the power that the cells run on. They come to the realization that everyone on the planet came from the same woman, so they measured the mutations and changes in the Mitochondria and discovered that Black people had the most mutations making them the first people on the Earth. They study this and called this first woman Mitochondria Eve they theorized that she lived about a hundred Million years ago wasn’t the only woman at the time but only her descendants survived through the years. After figuring out the mutation rate of Mitochondria they discovered that the woman had to live 6 to 8 thousand years ago so they tossed out the theory. These are just some of the thousands of facts that I have seen and read about, and something for you to think about. So if Evolution if false then there has to be a God, and if there is a God it would be a good idea for you to search him out. For other facts about the origins of the Earth and man kind for you to think about you may want to visit http://www.answersingenesis.org/museum/ there are other resources and I hope this little statement will make you check these out for yourself. |
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