Title: Who do you think Christ is? Post by Kitch on Feb 26th, 2006, 6:58am The Koran says: Jesus was born a pure birth; he was a prophet making him a good man. The Mormons say that Jesus is God of this world. God the Father is the supreme God and if you’re in the will of God you will be the God of a world when you die. Jehovah Witnesses say that Jesus was an angel however just a creation. Gandhi said “I like Jesus he was a Good man, it is Christians I don’t like.” You will here some Jewish people say that Jesus was a good man a Rabi that later Paul corrupted his teachings. You will hear in Secular society around the US at least. People will say I believe that Jesus was a good guy a teacher, some will even credit with him being prophet like. New Ages believe that Christ is one of many Gods and that when you die you to will become a God. Christ just happened to be more in touch with the God in him. Some Hindus will tell you that it is okay for you to worship him because that is your culture but Vishnu and some other Gods are there primary Gods of 360. And of Course Christians feel that Jesus is God part of the tri un God one God in 3 distinct personalities. Yet there is the A Pentecostal Sec that believes that Jesus God and the Holy Ghost is the same individual in 3 manifestations which isn’t very biblical and not all Pentecostals believe that. |
Title: Re: Who do you think Christ is? Post by Kitch on Feb 26th, 2006, 6:59am Well were in luck when it comes to answering the question who is Jesus. For there as many ancient documents written about Jesus as there are about any other person in history. The Antiquities by Josephus, The Talmud, writings of Herodotus, and numerous others who were not Christians by any stretch of the imagination. They all state that there was a Man name Jesus who supposedly healed many people and did numerous other miracles, Was executed for claiming to be God and his followers claimed that he was raised from the dead. Just from these sources you could say one of a few things about Jesus. So we know that Jesus was not a Good man, for if Jesus is just a man and he claimed to be God that would make in wicked or crazy. Yet all these accounts speak of his miracles and if he did miracles doesn’t that show a sign that he is what he is what he said he is. For how do you do the super natural and not be supernatural or supported by the super natural. Even people that hated everything that Jesus stand for could not say anything about him. Julian the Apostate who was known for his brutal persecution of Christians wrote.” Christians have been worshipping this man Jesus for 300 years and all he did was healing some sick and raise a few dead.” We can also go to a better source that is the Bible. Muslims and Mormons will say that the bible has been corrupted in time. However there has been over 24,000 copies of the books of the bible founded dating back as early as 70 A.D. (which would have been shortly after the death of Christ) with a 99.8 consistency between and the errors in them were such that they were easy to figure out the errors like spelling of words and punctuation. Also when you look at the Old Testament you will see 360 Prophecies all pointing to Christ. Which the oldest copies of that which have been found have been dated before Christ. So who do you Think Christ is? |
Title: Re: Who do you think Christ is? Post by Wicked_Witch on Mar 26th, 2006, 9:33am I don't care what other people say about who Christ really is. I will stick to my own belief that He is the son of the Holy Spirit and that He has the power to save mankind if we follow His teachings. I will believe in what my church says. That He was crucified to save the souls of mankind. That He listens to and answer prayers. That He is a just person and what we all get are what we deserve. That He will still embrace those who have turned their backs on him. |
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