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On the Heavier Side >> Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy >> Getting the most out of reading the bible
(Message started by: Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 1:22am)

Title: Getting the most out of reading the bible
Post by Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 1:22am
Lot of Christians doesn’t read their bibles like they should, for numerous reasons.  Yet the ones who do read their bible don’t get as much out of their scripture reading as they can.  For this reason you will get a lot of weird opinions of what people believe to be in the Bible and what is actually there.  Compounding the issue you have a lot of bad teachers out there teaching things are not in the bible and twisting what is there to what they would want it to be.  A couple examples of the many false teachers out there you have Joe Osteen and his word of Faith movement were there is power in your words.  Yet that has nothing to do with the Biblical concept of the Power of Faith.  One day saw a program called Shepard Chapel and the person on that show read the bible saying that there was a man and woman created prior to Adam and Eve.  He said many other things that just made me scratch my head and say how did he get that craziness.  You also maybe a member of a particular church with its specific traditions, yet do you know if their traditions are biblical or based on man.  Do you know why we do the things we do, so it is important to know your bible and know why we do some of the things that we do at church and to be able to discriminate what is actually a Godly and good Tradition or man made tradition.

First step in reading the Bible find a translation that you will understand,  As much as I like the way Old English sounds I would not recommend the King James if someone doesn’t have a fluent understanding of Old English because your not going to get as much out of the Bible as you can.  You will hear a lot in the American Christian they only want the KJV.  The theories behind that are flawed and bias they will tell you other translations are from the Latin bibles while the King James is from Greek that isn’t entirely too for the King James does have additions from the Latin Translation.  Yet most translations are translated from the original language for a translation of a translation becomes problematic.  However there are a few versions I would recommend not getting as a primary bible.  I would not get the Message or the LT for they are paraphrased bibles and that can to easily have a personal doctrine in placed in the verses however as an extra resource it would be okay.  The NLT (new living Translation) and the TNIV (Today’s New International Version) are two that I don’t like because they are gender Neutral.  Which tends to make finding Masonic prophecies unclear.  The NCV (New Century Version) is a Jehovah witness version and has been changed to make their points so avoid that one completely.  

Versions that I would recommend are ESV (English Standard Version), NASV (New American Standard Version), Amplified Bible, and the Holman Christian Standard Bible.  These are word for word Translations that way you will get the idea of the original intent of the author without having people inserting their doctrinal values.  I would recommend some resources to help you in your bible reading, first is the Strong’s concise Concordance.  A great tool to find particular bible passages, the second resource that I would recommend is the Vines concise Dictionary.  The vines dictionary will help you with the original Greek and Hebrew text in the words so that you will get a better Idea of the meaning in the words.  The original Greek and Hebrew Texts used 8,000 different words while in English we use 3,000  so the details can be lost in even the word to word Translation.  Sorry I can’t give recommendations in other languages but I am sure that they may help even in your languages if you find a good translations and resources to understand the original languages used in the Bible.  There are many other extra bible resources, some good some bad but these two I mention would be the most help.  For they don’t tend to be contaminated with what people believe the scripture says but are straight out unbiased tools to guide you in your studies.  I also have some Commentaries and other resources but, that is more for the someone trying to teach the Word of God at church or something like that.  Yet if you do want to get a little more in depth study some good studies are the Wilmington Study of the Bible and the McArthur Study of the Bible.

Title: Re: Getting the most out of reading the bible
Post by Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 1:23am
You may notice that the bible that protestants and Catholics are different.  The Catholic bible has a few more books and may wonder why that is.  The Protestants Old testament is the same as the Hebrew people used in the time of Jesus in the Palestine area.  The Catholic bible has Old Testament books that were included in the Hebrew people’s bible that were out side of Palestine.  Yet these books were considered secondary scripture by these Hebrew people which is why they never inserted them into the bible that they read.  The first appeared in the Catholic bible in the 1700’s I don’t believe that they are contrary to the rest of scripture yet since they are not in the Old testament books that would have been around in the culture that Christ came in I feel the do hold a less of am importance.  Since the Hebrews that did have it considered them secondary I feel that they should be treated as secondary.  I could be very wrong however that is the General theory of Bible translators.  Yet Jesus did however make a point of the Pharisees that would be contained in the Maccabees so I would not straight out dismiss the books.

The worst read the bible is a verse here and there; it doesn’t give you the best picture of what the bible is saying.  Give you an example you take every bible verse write it down one by one on index cards and decided your going to read a verse a day to get your daily motivation.  So the verse you pull out is Judas hung himself, and then you say that is no help you so you pull out another verse that says go and do likewise.  Reading the bible for all it is worth is very important.  First thing to do is Pray about what your going to read asks the Lord to open his word to you and give you understanding.  The next step I feel is to open the bible and begin reading.  For me I start with Genesis and work to the Revelations.  When you’re reading like for example Genesis you will see that certain topics repeat themselves and expand that is actually a common style of writing today.  A brief overview then a detail description of what is going on.  You find that style in a lot of self help books.  When reading a section of the bible I would also recommend for example if you’re reading a book in the New Testament or Ecclesiastes read the entire book and just not a few verses.  For you risk taking the topic out of context. Give you and example. Ecclesiastes 9:7-9 if you read those bible verses just that way you would think it is be good to be drunk and a glutton.  Yet if you read more of the book you will find that is what it is like to live if there were no God.  You also have to take in mind that when reading the bible there are metaphors so that the people reading the bible will have a better understanding.  For example Satan will be compared to a dragon or a Serpent.  So don’t actually picture a dragon or necessarily a Snake.  It is used to describe what Satan is like so that we have a better understanding.  

There are actual statements that are not metaphors they are actually what happened and realizing which and which maybe complicated to the New Bible Reader.  Generally for example when a thousand is used it means much much more.  Like God owning a thousand cattle on a thousand hills, would mean that God owns all the cattle.  In Prophecies terms like weeks or days can actually be years.  Yet when it comes to the creation account I believe days were actual days.  That is why prayer before hand is very helpful, if not necessary.  Don’t dismiss the Supernatural as being a metaphor for you will really miss the Scripture.  Take the bible like it is another book of literature knowing what is metaphor and what is actual you will have a much better understanding.  You can’t assume that nothing is a metaphor or you will be confused nor can you take the point of view that all is metaphor that is just as dangerous if not more so.  If you come to a point where you feel it contradicts something else in the bible go back and read what proceeds it and what follows each passage and you will find that they don’t actually contradict because there is a qualifier to help you understand what is being said.  I had numerous people tell me that certain verse contradict and have gone back and showed them actually how they didn’t.  That is were reading the bible the right way is important.  

Say you want to study what Paul says about Marriage so you turn to 1st Corinthians 7 and you read the chapter I would have out the Vines dictionary and look at the particular Greek words that were used and the definition that way you have the clearest possible understanding of what is being said.  I would also have a good Study bible; Nelson publishing for example will also help you find key phrase in a passage.  Also another help is the bishops table in the index that will pull correlating verses to help you in your study.  

Title: Re: Getting the most out of reading the bible
Post by Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 1:23am
One thing I want you to beware of, there are people out there that will tell you that their translations of the bible is the only right way to understand the bible.  You must read the bible for yourself and see if you agree what they are saying.  Avoid any group that says you need to read our literature to clarify the meaning of the bible.  For example the Mormons will have you read their book to have an understanding, or the Jehovah witness will tell you have to read the watch tower material to understand the bible.  I remember of hearing of a protestant group in the Philippines the English name of the church is the church of Christ.  Yet they follow the bible in how it understood by their leader.  The men sit on one side of the church and women sit on the other side.  The leader of this church was originally Methodist then converted to 7th day Adventist but was dispelled for immoral behavior.  You can use out side resources like I have suggested but I would avoid any material that will add or detract from the meaning of the verse.  Also avoid any group that says their traditions trump the bible.  For Jesus himself put great weight in the Word and none in the traditions at his time.  Another thing to look out for is people that claim to have new ordinances from God or Prophets.  For the Cannon is closed, we have all were going to receive in words till the time the Lord returns.  Yet if you listen to one of these people and want to know if they are being true see if it contradicts what the bible says.

Some other simple things to help you reading your bible, find the time of day your mind is most alert. Don’t late for just before bed when your mind is tired and you won’t retain what is written (I am sometimes guilty of that) A lot of people recommend first thing in the morning.  That means getting up early.  Find your best way of reading weather it is stretched out on the floor or at a desk and make time for you to read and not be interrupted.

Title: Re: Getting the most out of reading the bible
Post by okasantina on Feb 27th, 2006, 2:30am

on 02/27/06 at 01:23:31, Kitch wrote:
One thing I want you to beware of, there are people out there that will tell you that their translations of the bible is the only right way to understand the bible.  You must read the bible for yourself and see if you agree what they are saying.  Avoid any group that says you need to read our literature to clarify the meaning of the bible.

Some other simple things to help you reading your bible, find the time of day your mind is most alert. Don’t late for just before bed when your mind is tired and you won’t retain what is written (I am sometimes guilty of that) A lot of people recommend first thing in the morning.  That means getting up early.  Find your best way of reading weather it is stretched out on the floor or at a desk and make time for you to read and not be interrupted.

This is actually true, its all in the way you understand whats really "IN" the bible.  Another instance also if i am confused or bothered i just pray first before i open the bible and the first page i open iwill surely be the answer to my questions.....its kinda complicated when u read it but the way you comprehend and uphold to what your reading you`ll suddenly just noticed that all your answered questions are there regarding your life. Me and my family have proven it.  ;)

Title: Re: Getting the most out of reading the bible
Post by Kitch on Feb 27th, 2006, 6:26am
Tina exactly ;) We don't need a teacher for we have the holy spirit with each of us that love the Lord and when we pray for discernment with Gods word he gladly grants it.  For God would not have his children confused over his will.  The best way to know the will of God Read his word and come to him in Prayer

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