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On the Heavier Side >> Faith, Beliefs & Philosophy >> The DaVinci Code
(Message started by: Kitch on Apr 9th, 2006, 7:04am)

Title: The DaVinci Code
Post by Kitch on Apr 9th, 2006, 7:04am
The Da’ Vinci Code the Movie

You may have heard of the famous book called the Da Vinci Code written by Dan Baker.  If you haven’t read the book there is a chance you will go and see the Movie since it was produced by Ron Howard and one of the stars of the Movie is Tom Hanks.  The Da Vinci Code is based upon a book written 20 years ago named Holy Grail holy bloodline.  The Book takes random unrelated historical events and weaves a tail trying to show an imaginary conspiracy.  Dan Brown book states that Jesus was married to Marry Magdalene, and had children and that the early church didn’t believe that Christ was divine.  He Contents that in 520 ad the council of Niacin took a vote and by a small margin the church decided that Christ was Devine and burned 100’s of books stating Christ humanity.  Baker states that the lineage of Christ took the throne of France, and has gone down through the centuries.  The reason that book is called the Da Vinci Code is the fact that suppossibly that Leonardo DeVinci was a precept of this order that kept the records of the blood line of Christ.  That you can find clues in Leonardo’s paintings.  He says the apostle John in the Painting of the last supper is actually Mary Magdalene and they are separated by a V for the femine Deity.  This totally ignores the fact of the painting that Leonardo made of Mary Magdalene worshipping Jesus.  Also the V in the painting is a common renaissance styling showing action.  Baker also contents the apostle holding the knife in the painting was to show the contempt the Apostles had for Mary.  Baker is right about the knife having symbolic meaning the Apostle that was holding the knife was believe to be came a Martyr by being stabbed by a thousand times with knifes. There has been sever books written debunking the DeVinci  code.  Like Breaking the DeVinci Code.  Devinci Code fact or fiction.  There were books that were excluded from the Cannon but they had been excluded lone before this council and the reason they were excluded for they were written way too late to come from the apostles.  Also the books that were excluded came from the Gnostic View and the Gnostics claimed that Christ was not Flesh.  It came from the Greek View of the flesh being Evil and the Spirit being pure.  So they say Christ was never flesh.  A couple of the books that were excluded separated the God of the Old Testament and the new testament all of these books came about 500 A.D.  And were never considered to be scripture.  The view of the DaVinci code is so far out there even the history channel debunked it and they try to take a neutral stand when it comes to Faith.

Title: Re: The DaVinci Code
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 9th, 2006, 11:15pm

Dan Baker or Dan Brown  :o

Title: Re: The DaVinci Code
Post by Kitch on Apr 10th, 2006, 12:17am
yeah I miss spelled his name lol it happens lol  just put it up quickly for I am sure everyone should know by now how bad of a fraud the book is

Title: Re: The DaVinci Code
Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Apr 13th, 2006, 2:12pm

I have the book now but is still finding the time to read it. I'm just interested to read for myself what the controversy was all about.

I'll never going to watch the movie, only because Tom Hanks stars in it. He's over rated.

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