Title: The latest Attempt of Evolutionist to Defraud us Post by Clicker on Feb 28th, 2007, 3:11am There was a recent release about Genetic Code stating that Chimps and men have 98.5% similarity in their genetic Codes. Of course The Media and other liberals outlets jump on the band wagon and fail to report the entire truth of these claims. The facts that the News Medias didn't cover when telling this Story. Here are the Rest of the Facts The scientist only compared 2.4 billion Genetic Strings out of 3.3 billion leaving 900 million stings that they could not line up. If you ignore this small fact the genetic markers codes make up 2 to 4 % of how the life form will turn out what is more important is how they are placed in the cell and what order. When the researchers were making comparisons they were lining up Chromosome 1 in the human to like chromosome 8 in the Chimp. So at Best it is messy research or at worse Fraud. On a side note, as stated by Bill Gates " Genetic Code is the most advance ditigal Code ever writing" |
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