Title: The teacher who made a difference Post by thebeast on Sep 23rd, 2005, 12:12am Was there ever a teacher you had that somehow or someway made a difference in the way you looked at school and life in general. What was it that this teacher did. When was it and what was it that this teacher did to impress you? |
Title: Re: The teacher who made a difference Post by thebeast on Sep 27th, 2005, 1:43am Okay I guess I will start. I used to get into trouble a lot in grade school. I never really liked school back then. I would skip school sometimes and get my tail end whipped when I was caught which was just about every time I did skip. I would even play sick just to get out of going to school. My grades where always S which means satisfactory except for conduct and I usually got a U which means Unsatisfactory. I just really didnt care about school a lot. Then I reached the 6th grade. In the 6th grade the 7 point grading system started and letter grades. That means A, B, C, D, F. The day school started I was a C student at most. The first day of school, Mr. Bob Dury kept me after class. He told me he had one of my sisters and my brother in his class before. He also told me that my goofing off days were over. He said I didnt apply myself enough and that I wasnt ever gonna skip school again and that I was gonna like school. Well, Mr. Dury was the first male teacher that I had. He kind of intimidated me. No teacher had sat me down and told me straight up, what was gonna be expected of me. He was different than the other teachers I had. He wasnt extremely smart or full of any kind of great knowledge, but he cared. He also made school kind of fun. He would pop popcorn everyday, mostly for his consumption of course and he would also send me on errands all over the school. He showed me how to pay attention during class so I wouldnt have to study as hard and have less homework. He also told me never to study on the weekends. He told me if I did what I was supposed to be doing during the week, I wouldnt have to. He praised me when I did anything good. No one ever did that before. That 6th grade year, I had one of the highest grade point averages in the whole 6th grade class. I got awards for the highest grade point average and guess what...I also got an award for perfect attendence. I never missed class. I even went when I was sick. lol Now what made him different to me... was he cared and I also liked him and wanted to prove something to him I guess. And what is ironic is today..this man is the Superintendent of the school system that I was educated in. I used what he taught me through the rest of my education. |
Title: Re: The teacher who made a difference Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 30th, 2005, 1:57am Don't despair, Joel ;D I have this softball coach in high school who has served as my inspiration. She is childless and I think in her younger years she was a lesbian. She knows my situation in life so whenever we have game practice she always see to it that she brings extra lunch for me. Sometimes she would find odd jobs for me to do in her house so I can earn some money to pay for my school projects. There was a time she asked me to live with her out of pity. But I could never take advantage of her generosity. For the two years I have spent in that school, she has always been there for me. Borrowing books for me to use whenever I have homeworks, finding jobs for me,inviting me to accompany her to some occassions, and sometimes I cant stop her from buying lunch for me which I try to repay by cleaning the P.E. room. The other athletes were suspecting we were having a relationship because we were always together. I tried to tell them she was being nice to me coz she never had a child of her own but they never believe me so I let things be instead of insisting she was only trying to help me because I need financial help. I have my pride, you know :-/ When I graduated she was the one who went with me on stage to accept my diploma. Because my mother was in the province and can't travel to manila since she had just given birth to my youngest brother and my father was already bedridden at the army hospital. My aunt who I live with at that time cant be bothered of course while my uncle was super busy with his job. When I attended the last school reunion, I learned that she went to live in the US but died two years after. But I will never forget her. I still have our picture together taken at one of the games somewhere in Quezon Province. |
Title: Re: The teacher who made a difference Post by okasantina on Oct 23rd, 2006, 5:26am Only thing i remember is that i will never forget that teacher of mine when i was in 2nd grade ... as in she was a real terror, that she even hit me with a piece of wood at my ass when i cant answer to her questions....i always been absent during those time..cuz of asthma attacks...i was really afraid and stressed cuz of that teacher...Ms. Arico ...how can i forget her..even her FACE >:( lol. I didnt had an award or honor when i was in 2nd grade ... but in 1st to 6th grade i had...see what she did with my mentality thang? I became nuts and brain shrank from my lessons. ;D |
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