Title: Pet Food Post by ReeBop on Jan 24th, 2004, 6:24pm What type of food do you give your pet? Do you tend to spend more on premium types and brands, or go with regular brand or store branded food. For myself, I think I've found a happy medium. I have found a premium brand cat food, that when you buy a huge bag, you can save a lot of money. It's about $9.00 per bag (at Sam's Wholesale Club), for a huge bag (can't remember the wieght) and it lasts a very long time....nearly 3 months. And, they just love it! |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by badfurball on Feb 13th, 2004, 6:45pm hmm my dad is a veternarian...i go for the good stuff but it gets expensive...i can research find out what's good for dogs and cats then post again. |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by okasantina on Sep 16th, 2004, 7:41pm One time i saw my janitor fish eatin the gold fish :o i was so shock at first...fish cannibalism lol! Then after i saw it...i removed the janitor fish and throwed it...hmm good for him! >:( |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by gal_fr_unknown on Sep 22nd, 2004, 1:55am does anyone know of any weight management food for cat? ??? ack..i overfed my neigbor's cat and now he/she/it is soo fat..all Ginger do is eat and sleep..and walk draggin the poor big tummy.... :'( |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by TeaGirl on Sep 22nd, 2004, 8:47am on 09/22/04 at 01:55:15, gal_fr_unknown wrote:
OMG. OMG. OMG. Please, please....I'm fighting off my addiction to cats. Why do you have to torture me so...Have pity. :'( :'( :'( |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by heinz_ketchup on Sep 22nd, 2004, 8:56am my dog eats nothing but the best everything hes an eating machine |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by norkay on Sep 23rd, 2004, 2:31am Me and my dog love to eat doritos ;D and no one can stop us ;Dhi ;Dhi ;Dhi ;Dhi ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by okasantina on Dec 1st, 2004, 6:00am Eukaneba for mi COUCH doggie ;D Fish food for mi fishes Bird Food for mi love birds..plus vitamins and stuff ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by mylane on Dec 3rd, 2004, 7:18pm my cat eats anything....she likes to stole food from the kitchen....lol ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by Norkay on Jun 26th, 2005, 5:26pm I got lot of dog's foods here left by Roy, my rottie. Anyone wants to buy? Shipping expenses included. LOL. |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by gracia on Jun 27th, 2005, 7:00am Krissy...can i have it for free ???....i'm the dog in the house and its nice to eat free meals u know...especially i've been starving for months. I can eat anything under the sun. ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by Norkay on Jun 27th, 2005, 8:52am Oh Gracie ;D. LOL. I would send you a cartoon of Iced Green Tea instead. ;D. You were right when we talked about it. Yummmy, refreshing and healhty. ;D To send you dog's food and you'll be the one to eat ? :O You're starving? Where are your neighbors? May,Looky, Ann and Mylane ? Huh? Or are they fed up feeding you now? LOL. ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by gracia on Jun 27th, 2005, 12:16pm ohhh Krissy forget the dog foods if u gonna give me a cartoon of green iced tea [smiley=icon_drink.gif]...i dont think if i can share the dog foods to Andrea..but geeze she's a green iced tea drinker u know. I agree with you --- very yummyyyyyyy [smiley=icon_drink.gif] By the way, our friends here feed me already...but i can't impose them to feed me daily...that is too much to ask...so i have it on schedule [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by mixin4livin on Dec 1st, 2005, 1:19am We have a big vareity of aquartic Fresh water fish.. The biggest fish we have is about 2 1/2 Feet long.. I love Cat Fishes..Some they Mew at nights just like pussy cats. I have a vareity of cat fishes including The pure Black, pure white (Albino), Upside down Cat fish,High Fin Catfish, Red Tail Cat Fish Etc.. Apart from them I also have the High fin Carps (callico), Silver Dollars and Giant Albino Gurami's (Red Eye). As some should be knowing these fishes they eat a lot.. For the Giant Gurami's we use to feed one loaf of bread and one bunch of Kankung a day. They love eating lot of fruits like banana, Papaya , grapes , apple etc aswel...We keep the Giant Gurami's seperate in a Tub made by Ciment under a lightly shaded place out side because the water turns green or gets dirty fast for the food they eat.. For the rest of all the fishes we feed twice a day. We use two vareities of fish meal (Dried Worm Cubes and Some Japanese Pond Fish Pellets-Yellow) , apart from that we also give them Kan kung and very smalled Dry shrimps..Pets are just like us..they love to have a variety of food. We have a calander marked when to feed what. [smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif][smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif][smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif][smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif][smiley=fish.gif] [smiley=tier010.gif] |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 9th, 2005, 12:09am yah ny nelson the dog he loves meats and dry foods like the biscuits and other things as well like chicken and he always gives that sad face so ya have to give him more food each time the sneaky bugger ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by 3iNnA on Dec 22nd, 2008, 5:35am For our bird we only buy 1 brand. she is a picky eater that Lara. For our dog we buy supermarket brand and brand names...depending if it goes on sale. We tend to buy it in bulk so we travel less... |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by ReeBop on Dec 22nd, 2008, 7:13pm Lola the Cat and Serge the Cat get Iams. They seem to really like it and I mix between two different flavors. For awhile, I had Serge on the "diet" Iams as his tummy was kinda big. Lola is "chief administrator" of the food and water and will let me know any morning that levels are too low to her liking. [smiley=catsmiley.gif] |
Title: Re: Pet Food Post by 3iNnA on Dec 22nd, 2008, 7:31pm I never knew you have 2 cats now. I have alot to catch up I see...take picture...I am more visual than typing.... ;D |
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