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On the Heavier Side >> Government & Politics >> Are you doing something to help your country?
(Message started by: mylane on Jan 22nd, 2004, 8:40pm)

Title: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by mylane on Jan 22nd, 2004, 8:40pm
What is heroism?

Does it requires decorations? Fame? What is patriotism?

post away ;D

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by keensryche on Jan 25th, 2004, 4:00pm
I'm spending money which is helping the economy. I need to stop being so helpfull. Currency is getting low.

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by tarantada on Jan 25th, 2004, 10:36pm
im paying my taxes on time

is that enough?

or should i do community service too?

i have to think of wat other things i can do ???

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by thebeast on Jan 26th, 2004, 7:48pm
Im playing the texas lotto. Does that help? It sure dont help me cuz i never win so its helping someone or something. ;D

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by cebuanalyn on Feb 4th, 2004, 4:59pm
my government gets more from my salary than me  :-X my net salary is for my bill and the income tax is higher than my net  :-X  :P don't you think i'm not helping my government making them more corrupt?  ;D

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by mylane on Feb 4th, 2004, 8:15pm
'We cannot do everything but we can do something'

As citizens, we must take that responsibility-- to vote wisely.  ;D

Leaders are the voices of the people.

like a good frend of mine sez:

Let us not forget that our leaders are the ones who feels with the people, lives with the people and is one with the people.

and by the way analyn....i agree with u...damn taxes...lol ;D

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by gracia on Feb 4th, 2004, 8:16pm
i'm paying my taxes when i there's no way to evade them. hahaha.....but they keep on proposing to increase our tax dues coz they said they are losing :'( its not fair ...

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:10am
heroism? thats when a person takes risks to his life in extreme conditions to better things for his own people. Patriotism, thats when you would resort to heroism for your family, neighbor, your familys neighbors, your neighbors families etc.. it has nothing to do with ones government, god knows that the government dont give a damn about nobody, unless they are rich...

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by thebeast on May 3rd, 2004, 7:27pm
I bought 100 dollars of U.S. Savings every month for the past 5 years. I know thats helping. I hope it pays  for the bullets that kills terrorists. That way when some terrorists get killed, I can say hey i bought those bullets that killed those terrorists. Im really not gonna complain much if one of those bullets accidently gets fired and hits sadam hussain in the head either. :)

Title: Re: Are you doing something to help your country?
Post by kim on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:44am
I'm not payign my taxes!!! bwahahaha!!! Well as if i can do that...  :P

i'm not saying that all the militant groups here in pi are all idiots since my aunt is in a high possition in NDF  :P ;D... But i dont like it when they always rally abouts omany things and object every single thing that the government does. no matter what government it is they will always oppose to it... If you want to do something good to your country it is not enough that you go to the streets and shout out that the government is not doing its job. if you wnat to help your country, first of all "vote wisely" (dont need to explain on that since mymy has already said enough  ;)) another thing is pay your taxes properly (eventhough there is a great chance that they will just go to our beloved politicians wallets  :-[)... if you can, do some community services... you dont have to start a foundation and feed all the hungry but atleast help those people near you that need help...

Am i helping my country?

every chrismas we share our home to an orphan... Its actually a government project "share a home for christmas" the orphanage will give you one child that will spend the whole christmas vacation at your house. we may not be able to provide him/her a permanet family to live with but atleast he/she will spend christmas with a foster family even for just a few weeks.

We live near marikina river but there are a lot more who live just beside the river so when the river rises they are forced to evacuate... Most of the time they got to the church near us... what we do is we cook poradge or hot soup and give them to the families. and we also give them medicines.. since my mom is a doctor... and we also give them blankets and some cloathes to wear... donate them instead of having a garage sale  ;)

You dont have to be rich of famus to help... start by helping people in your house (specially if you have helpers). and then start helping people in your commutity

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