Title: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by mylane on Jan 23rd, 2004, 3:01am I do support the NASA program, don't get me wrong. But is it really necessary to spend all that money just to push President Bush's Man on the Moon "proposal"? homeless people who needs to be fed. Medicare/health insurance... that needs improvement. Soldiers who needs to be back in their homes........the list goes on. watelse that needs to prove? ppl been to the moon before...any benefit mankind will reap in going or colonizing the moon? We already know human habitation is not possible...i guess...i dunno... Anybody here know why we're sending people to the moon? Any benefits from sending people there? Anybody know why people were sent there in the first place? post ur opinion guys....lets hear it ;D |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by madd on Jan 23rd, 2004, 6:20pm Had we not cut the space program after we beat the Russians in the space race, we would have either sent people to mars already or be very close in doing so. I support the space program because I find it very interesting. I like seeing the pictures of the planets. In a sense I support it, but on the other hand we need to get this stupid country moving. |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by mylane on Jan 23rd, 2004, 9:59pm agree with u matthew....it is really very interesting.... unfortunately, the mission to mars is darn so expensive. and our current level of technology in terraforming and recycling methods is still primitive. i think the main issue here is not exploration but of colonization. For the rich countries like the USA, Japan, even recently China has sent its first astronaut in outer space, showing it's determination to join the other nations in the Space Race. for Third World countries such as the Philippines, we have other more pressing matters to concern about such as alleviating poverty and graft and corruption in the government. But for rich nations, space exploration is important if not vital. But im so grateful that other rich countries explore the moon and the mars to give the whole world some details about it. And beside science is a continuous quest for the truth. it should never stop. still lots of major issue that needs to be solve... |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by thebeast on Jan 25th, 2004, 9:49pm Hey I support NASA and whatever they do and I dont care what it costs. We can only discover more about ourselves and and more reasons y things are the way they are. Space exploration will only improve the technology we have now and help us understand more about the final frontier. I dont care where it takes us. There is still so much we dont know about earths own moon. And these pictures from Mars are amazing. And this landing on Mars with the air filled sacs all around this ship on the landing thats some neat stuff. One day, maybe not in my lifetime but in the future, I believe anyone will be able to travel in space just like taking a flight from new york to hong kong. |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by thebeast on Jan 25th, 2004, 9:59pm And mylene there will always be other issues no matter what. Lots of things discovered in space help military help health care and help improve technology. And I believe for the most part people agree with that because y else would they sacrafice their own lives to discover new things. When Columbus set out on his adventure there were other issues also, but look what he discovered. Yes there are other issues but these issues will in the long run will not be resolved if space exploration is not funded properly. |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by capricorn1971ad on Feb 2nd, 2004, 4:28am maybe we could make another penal colony on the moon, like the US or autralian :D |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by gracia on Feb 5th, 2004, 12:58am visa application to moon and mars.....gracia agency will accomodate ya! |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by madd on Feb 8th, 2004, 1:10am I'll go to mars gracia. Just one thing though, are the people that annoy us allowed to go to? I want to get away from some people. ;D |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by gracia on Feb 23rd, 2004, 8:56pm madd, if they can afford the visa..then they can go...anyway, moon is not overpopulated yet, so u have much space to hide or to kill that person...no one will know....no government there either...so feel free to kill! |
Title: Re: Should We Go To The Moon Or Not? Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 12th, 2004, 12:08am GRACIE :o |
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