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On the Heavier Side >> Government & Politics >> THE US Military: as human rights violators?
(Message started by: mylane on May 4th, 2004, 12:05pm)

Title: THE US Military: as human rights violators?
Post by mylane on May 4th, 2004, 12:05pm
6:15pm (UK)
Torture of Iraq Prisoners Prompts Wave of Revulsion

By PA News Reporters

The Allied occupation of Iraq was under fresh scrutiny tonight as shocking pictures of United States troops torturing prisoners prompted a wave of revulsion across the world.

Prime Minister Tony Blair was among those to condemn the TV pictures as the Iraqi Governing Council said they would increase anti-American sentiment.

President George Bush said he was disgusted by what he saw, adding “that’s not the way we do things in America”.

The pictures sparked outrage as they were broadcast across an already hostile Arab world by Middle East TV stations including Al Jazeera.

The chilling pictures show hooded and naked prisoners cowering and being sexually abused by their smiling captors, who include women.

The prisoners were being held at the Abu Ghraib prison which Saddam Hussein used to torture his own people.

Mr Blair’s official spokesman said: “The US army spokesman has said this morning that he is appalled, that those responsible have let their fellow soldiers down, and those are views that we would associate the UK Government with.”

Asked if the Prime Minister was appalled, the spokesman replied: “The Government view is the same as that of the US army.”

President Bush said: “I share a deep disgust that those prisoners were treated the way they were treated.

“Their treatment does not reflect the nature of the American people. That’s not the way we do things in America. I didn’t like it one bit,” Mr Bush said.

One Iraqi prisoner is shown standing on a box, hooded, dressed in black robes with wires attached to his hands.

He was reportedly told that if he fell off the box, he would be electrocuted.

Other pictures show US soldiers, men and women in military uniforms, posing with naked Iraqi prisoners.

In some, the male prisoners are positioned to simulate sex with each other.

One photo is of a female US soldier standing by a naked prisoner, also hooded. The soldier is pointing at his genitals and grinning at the camera.

Mr Blair’s spokesman said: “The previous regime under Saddam carried out actions like this as a matter of policy.

“These actions are carried out in direct contravention of all policy under which the coalition operates.

“Nobody underestimates how wrong this is and how wrong this is seen to be.

“But equally, what should be recognised is that it has been condemned by the US military and they have taken action.

“That does not excuse what’s happened but it does set it in perspective.”

Arab television stations led their news broadcasts today with the photographs.

One network said the pictures were evidence of the “immoral practices” of American forces.

Many Arabs are already angry about the US-led occupation of Iraq and violence has being worsening in the country in recent months.

“This will increase the sense of dissatisfaction among Iraqis toward the Americans,” said a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, Mahmoud Othman.

“The resistance people will try to make use of such painful incidents.”

Mr Othman, whose council is the interim governing authority of Iraq appointed by the US, added: “This is a shame on the Americans. We used to criticise Saddam (Hussein) regime regarding the beating of detained people.”

CBS Network, the US TV station which published the pictures – taken late last year – said they surfaced after being passed around among troops, one of whom went to his commanding officer.

Mr Blair’s human rights envoy to Iraq, Ann Clwyd MP, said of the published photos: “I think they are absolutely terrible. I am shocked.”

The MP told BBC Radio 4 that she had previously discussed the treatment of detainees at Abu Ghraib with officials in President Bush’s administration.

“I was told by a very senior person there ’We don’t do this kind of thing.

“Clearly the people in charge did not know this was going on.

“A small number of cases, horrible though they are – you cannot compare that with the tens of thousands of people Saddam Hussein was responsible for executing and torturing,” she said. “You can’t make that comparison.”

Amnesty International UK director Kate Allen said: “Amnesty International has taken numerous testimonies from Iraqis who allege torture at Abu Ghraib and other prisons, where they are held incommunicado and without charge.”

Brigadier General Janice Karpinsky, who ran Abu Ghraib prison for the US Army, has been suspended.

In March, the US Army announced that six members of the 800th Military Police Brigade faced court martial for allegedly abusing about 20 prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

An incident involving British soldiers photographing the alleged torture of Iraqi prisoners of war hanging in netting from a fork-lift truck came to light in May last year.

Allegations surrounding the torture and death of Iraqi civilians in the custody of British troops were reported in February this year.

A number of investigations are being carried out by the Royal Military Police Special Investigations Branch (SIB) but no British soldiers have yet face a court-martial.

A spokesman confirmed eight cases of alleged mistreatment of Iraqis by British personnel were being investigated by the Army’s Special Investigations Branch.

Lets hear ur views and opinions guys...

Title: Re: THE US Military: as human rights violators?
Post by mylane on May 4th, 2004, 12:12pm
The US as champion of human rights and has poked its nose all four corners of the world.

With the airing and showing internationally by 60 minutes and CNN photographs of Iraqi prisoners of war naked, abused, humiliated some simulated of sex acts, shamed and touted by the US military is appalling, barbaric and beyond comprehension that a civilized persons can do.

lets stick to the topic :)

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by ReeBop on May 4th, 2004, 12:32pm
Well, from what I am seeing in those photos, they are poking  much more than noses in people's business in this case.....

Sorry...couldn't resist...

[smiley=bobby.gif] [smiley=oops.gif] [smiley=drummer.gif]

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on May 9th, 2004, 2:13am
The problem is higher up. Who are the ones in charge here. These people guarding these prisoners are not even military intelegence qualified. This really angers me. Now the media has got a hold of it and stories are flying all over the place. I wonder if these people were just following orders? Even though this is bad and it is against geneva convention standards these prisoners r still treated a hell of a lot better than american prisoners would be treated if that was the case.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on May 9th, 2004, 2:24am
Those images showed that American soldiers stooped to the same level as how Iraqis would treat POW's.

What a shame. Those stupid smile on their face is sickening as well.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by capricorn1971ad on May 13th, 2004, 6:43am



Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on May 13th, 2004, 11:45am
Prsioners getting abused here and there either by us or by them.What is funny is how people react to it.Something else much more involved is going on here.And it goes back to this lil war we got going on here in the US.It all started back when the democrats lost the election.Their plans got upsetted.Its time these so called radicals in the US get beaten down.For me the democrats are showing their silly asses.Who is not to say they didnt stage that crap about abusing prisoners?They did say they got their orders from higher up.I dont know.Damn democrat radicals are pissing me off with their lies and decitfulness.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on May 13th, 2004, 12:11pm

on 05/09/04 at 02:13:44, thebeast wrote:
I wonder if these people were just following orders? Even though this is bad and it is against geneva convention standards

About Geneva Covention, US signed it,   therefore they have to respect it, if they don't, then officially tear it up and tell the world what kind of hypocrits the US are preaching Human Rights to the third world.

When you call yourself a world power, then you lead by example. The only example you've set is the kind that will have american citizens and soldiers tortured to death in all four corners of the world.

these prisoners r still treated a hell of a lot better than american prisoners would be treated if that was the case.

It doesn't change the fact that the US are an occupant, and iraqis are resisting.

And like i said the my previous post. The US military is there to liberate and protect not to humiliate and abuse.

Regardless of the kind of prisoners those Iraqis are, those soldiers are expected to treat them humanely.  

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on May 13th, 2004, 12:25pm
Interesting news update nanay.Some of those photos if not all were fake.Boston Globe has admitted to it.And the British have discovered it.Seems my comments earlier were right on.And to add to this.Where is the outrage concerning an american getting his head cut off?No one is outraged by this??

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by keensryche on May 13th, 2004, 5:55pm

on 05/13/04 at 12:25:08, killerabbit wrote:
And to add to this.Where is the outrage concerning an american getting his head cut off?No one is outraged by this??

I stand and cheer for you Wabbit. I couldn't agree more.

Look, It's bad that some of our soldiers violated the  Geneva Covention and they will be court marshalled for it, but killing a hostage is another thing. All will answer to GOD at the approperite time.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on Sep 1st, 2004, 1:09pm
House of Horrors
Last April, American troops helped Iraqis topple a statue of Saddam Hussein in downtown Baghdad.

That statue was only a symbol, but it was an important symbol. Its fall -- an image broadcast around the world -- signified the fall of Saddam's tyrannical reign. Other statues were soon torn down and American troops were busied tearing down other such symbols of the hated regime, including the omnipresent posters and murals of Saddam throughout the capital.

But some symbols remained. Among them was Abu Ghraib -- the fearful prison where enemies of Saddam's regime had been taken to be tortured and disappeared. Abu Ghraib was a symbol far more important -- more significant in every sense -- than the statue in Firdos Square.

It should have been razed, torn down so that no two stones were left standing and the ghosts that haunt it could be put to rest.

The notion of a literal haunting is superstitious and irrational. Yet the idea persists. We tell stories of haunted places -- places where the shadows of past evils linger -- because these stories convey some truths that transcend mere superstition.

Saddam's Abu Ghraib was a house of horrors and perhaps the single most powerful symbol of his tyrannical regime. Yet it remains intact and in use because, for all the death, pain and terror its walls have housed, it remains a useful facility. The occupying powers of the U.S.-led coalition had need of a prison and Abu Ghraib proved too useful to destroy. The benefit of such a ready facility was considered greater than the merely symbolic benefit of destroying it and salting the earth where it stood.

"The coalition authorities had the floors tiled, cells cleaned and repaired, and toilets, showers, and a new medical center added," Seymour Hersh reports. "Abu Ghraib was now a U.S. military prison."

Thanks to the hard work of coalition contractors, the useful facility was made even more useful, more modern and more efficient. The coalition's cleansing of Abu Ghraib involved the work of carpenters, plumbers and painters. It should also have included the work of priests.

The house of horrors has a fresh coat of paint, but it remains a haunted place.

The danger of superstitious tales of haunted houses is that they can be used to mask the moral agency of the people involved. Saddam and his followers should not be allowed to escape responsibility for the evils they ordered and carried out within the evil walls of Abu Ghraib. Nor should its current overlords.

The "superstitious" idea that the prison is an evil, haunted place does not excuse them for the deeds done there any more than they are excused by a "rational," utilitarian calculus that this house of horrors can now be employed for some greater good.

Abu Ghraib is an unholy place. It is a house of horrors whose only facility is in allowing such horrors to continue.

Burn it down. Burn it down until nothing is left.

Taken from slacktivist.typepad.com

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by teagirl on Sep 1st, 2004, 2:10pm
Good stuff, Chris. When I first read it, I thought, wow, he can write. The article is very engaging. Then  I noticed you credited a website where you got this article. I must say, I can't thank you enough for doing that. Its only right that when we take something off from the internet, we credit the author or the website.  Its bad enough that sometimes we have to use their opinions when we cant form our own into writing but its worst when we dont give credit where credit is due.

Still, I wish you wrote it.  ;)

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 2nd, 2004, 11:23pm
We often reacted violently on what we've seen on pictures, videos or to any inhuman act, but who doesn't?  And we often categorically accused, merely because we sympathized the oppressed....and that's normal.  But i guess the root of these was simply revenge and some military are just so angry and freaky.  Not all US Military are loyal to human rights,   some of them, get most of their fun out of it - maltreating the prisoners and the likes.  And this happens also because of the failures of the high ranking officials to know what is happening down to his rank and file and most probably, the officials themselves tolerated it. But to those affected officials..am sure their  washing their hands now.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 22nd, 2004, 10:07pm
So what can you say about that new dreadful video of an iraqui beheading american soldier?

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on Sep 23rd, 2004, 1:26am

on 09/22/04 at 22:07:27, gracia wrote:
So what can you say about that new dreadful video of an iraqui beheading american soldier?

I am saddened by the death of innocent people.

The people being murdered by al Queda are not tools of American Imperialism and deserve our sympathy for their families and our disdain for the actions of their killers.

Correct me if I'm wrong gracia, the dead american man was not a soldier, he was an engineer.

BAGHDAD, Iraq - A video posted Monday on a Web site showed the beheading of a man identified as American civil engineer Eugene Armstrong. The militant group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi claimed responsibility for the slaying and said another hostage—either an American or a Briton—would be killed in 24 hours unless the group's demands were met.

The decapitation was the latest killing in a particularly violent month in Iraq, with more than 300 people dead in insurgent attacks and U.S. military strikes over the past seven days. Earlier Monday, gunmen in Baghdad assassinated two clerics from a powerful Sunni Muslim group that has served as a mediator to release hostages.

The video of the beheading of the man believed to be Armstrong surfaced soon after the expiration of a 48-hour deadline set earlier by al-Zarqawi’s Tawhid and Jihad group for the beheading of the three civil engineers. The men — Armstrong, American Jack Hensley and Briton Kenneth Bigley — were abducted Thursday from their home in a wealthy Baghdad neighborhood.

heres the link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6015597/

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 23rd, 2004, 10:52am
oh sorry i'm wrong..ur right My..he's not a soldier..but soldier or not, if u knew ur fellow men treated that way, human as we are we always seek for revenge. Men in general think it that way.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on Sep 23rd, 2004, 11:07am
Anyone who would purposely kill an innocent human and make a video of the event and hide behind a mask while he or they do this-is a spineless, no good, scum of the earth coward and deserves to suffer as much as possible.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on Sep 23rd, 2004, 11:48am
Just a question, what was he doing there in iraq? I mean the dead american guy?

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by heinz_ketchup on Sep 23rd, 2004, 3:55pm
he was in construction i think to help build a better iraq

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by xXx on Sep 23rd, 2004, 10:42pm

on 09/22/04 at 22:07:27, gracia wrote:
So what can you say about that new dreadful video of an iraqui beheading american soldier?

This shit would have never started if Bush would have never ordered the Invasion of Iraq, blame on Bush.
Since Bush declared war to Iraq, all foreigners in Iraq are considered as illegal Invaders, since its their land they will fight for it, or do you expect them to sit and watch while they houses are bombed and their kids killed for throwing rocks to a Yankee?

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 24th, 2004, 3:04am

I DONT GIVE A f**k!  
This shit would have never started if Bush would have never ordered the Invasion of Iraq, blame on Bush.  
Since Bush declared war to Iraq, all foreigners in Iraq are considered as illegal Invaders, since its their land they will fight for it, or do you expect them to sit and watch while they houses are bombed and their kids killed for throwing rocks to a Yankee?

I can't put all the blame to Bush either, after what had happen to the twin towers, killing thousands of people, if u happen to be one of victims family, you surely agree on what Bush did.  You can't expect Bush also to just sit there and wait for next attack.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by norkay on Sep 24th, 2004, 3:24am
I agree Garcia,and one thing more,the war is already there so why dont we just give our supports and prayers to those who are there working very hard for the rebuilding of the said country,especially the militaries? For me i still admire President Bush for his determination and commitment to what he has started about the war.I hope and pray it will end successfuly very soon.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on Sep 24th, 2004, 9:37am

on 09/23/04 at 22:42:43, xXx wrote:
This shit would have never started if Bush would have never ordered the Invasion of Iraq, blame on Bush.
Since Bush declared war to Iraq, all foreigners in Iraq are considered as illegal Invaders, since its their land they will fight for it, or do you expect them to sit and watch while they houses are bombed and their kids killed for throwing rocks to a Yankee?

I guess Bush paid all those terrorists to fly into the World Trade Center also. Bush didnt declare war congress did. And when congress declares war that means the majority of American people declare war. If you not majority you minority. I think u minor.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by xXx on Sep 24th, 2004, 1:01pm
how many CHILDREN have had pieces of metal shoved through their soft beautiful skin to the extent that they are no longer alive, that they are destroyed forever in agonizing pain, as a result of Americans dropping bombs, firing missiles, and firing rounds? How many "innocent" people who are working for the companies that are usurping Iraq's only viable piece of economic worth have had their heads cut off on camera? Let's try to find a conservative ratio here.
Is it a good thing that this guy got his head cut off? No. He made a mistake. Is it a good thing that American soldiers get torn up by road side bombs? No. They made a mistake. However, for the ten thousand or so Iraqi's dead who did NOTHING WRONG, made no mistake other than being born in the wrong part of the world. For the people who have watched entire families murdered in their sleep or at dinner...I have very little f**king sympathy for anyone who chose to go over to Iraq and profit from it. And if you think this guy wasn't getting paid a f**k load of money for going to work for a private entity in the most dangerous place in the world you are high on the lies of your own concept of reality.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by xXx on Sep 24th, 2004, 1:16pm

on 09/23/04 at 15:55:14, heinz_ketchup wrote:
he was in construction i think to help build a better iraq

Better Iraq? Was he working on an American military base or trying to get more oil into Exxon's waiting tanker? And he was getting paid big bucks
the American engineer was trying to better himself. If Iraq got better in the process (which is debatable), this would just have been a bonus.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by heinz_ketchup on Sep 24th, 2004, 1:46pm
i dont believe he was doing either i believe he was building roads. i may be wrong you have a valid point however i dont think he worked on oil rigs or military bases

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on Sep 24th, 2004, 3:43pm

on 09/24/04 at 13:01:47, xXx wrote:
how many CHILDREN have had pieces of metal shoved through their soft beautiful skin to the extent that they are no longer alive, that they are destroyed forever in agonizing pain, as a result of Americans dropping bombs, firing missiles, and firing rounds? How many "innocent" people who are working for the companies that are usurping Iraq's only viable piece of economic worth have had their heads cut off on camera? Let's try to find a conservative ratio here.
Is it a good thing that this guy got his head cut off? No. He made a mistake. Is it a good thing that American soldiers get torn up by road side bombs? No. They made a mistake. However, for the ten thousand or so Iraqi's dead who did NOTHING WRONG, made no mistake other than being born in the wrong part of the world. For the people who have watched entire families murdered in their sleep or at dinner...I have very little f**king sympathy for anyone who chose to go over to Iraq and profit from it. And if you think this guy wasn't getting paid a f**k load of money for going to work for a private entity in the most dangerous place in the world you are high on the lies of your own concept of reality.

How many kids lost their moms and dads when the they were burned to death and smashed to smitherens in the World Trade Center on 911.  Then their loved ones left behind had to identify them by a body part.
Its the terrorist in Iraq who are doing these things in Iraq. If terrorists had their way they would never want Iraq to become a prosper and safe nation. Terrorist are no different than the Klu Klux Klan. Killing innocent people then hiding behind a mask is not any different than what the KKK does. Iraq needs democracy. Its 2004 and the people still live like its 100BC over there. As far as making money from Iraq's oil. Dude we have spent so much money over their there is no way we could get a return on oil. We get plenty of Oil from Mexico and South america. There needs to be some stability over there or the whole world will suffer economic distress. Terrorists blow up the oil rigs in Iraq. Y? Osoma Ben Hiding is supposed to have all this money. Y dont he use the money to make the middle east a better place. I will tell you y. Because he dont give a shit about nothing but an old outdated worthless tradition/radical religion . A tradition that treats women like crap, keeps children uneducated, except male children they teach to shoot a gun to fight for thier warped minded cause,  and the people as a whole poor. Oh and by the way xxx u need to stop plagerizing. I know u got the agonizing pain sentence from Pulp Fiction. lol

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on Sep 24th, 2004, 6:23pm
Who cares what you think trip x.Get back into the closet.:P

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 24th, 2004, 9:21pm
What ever conclusion you're having triple X, both parties suffered mostly in same ways, the only difference here is the number of casualties.  If the terrorist haven't started this, Bush will never come to decision of attacking Iraq.  

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by xXx on Sep 24th, 2004, 10:01pm

on 09/24/04 at 13:46:20, heinz_ketchup wrote:
i dont believe he was doing either i believe he was building roads. i may be wrong you have a valid point however i dont think he worked on oil rigs or military bases

Contractors make six digit salaries, but the work is insanely dangerous. Wouldn't weighing such a risk be difficult? However, with the unregulated exportation of the American economy to other countries, most contractors don't have a choice if they wish to provide for their families. The economic policies of the Bush administration have not only failed to reach projected job quotas, but the jobs being created are low-level service industry (ie. minimumn wage equivilant) positions.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by xXx on Sep 24th, 2004, 10:03pm

on 09/24/04 at 18:23:31, killerabbit wrote:
Who cares what you think trip x.Get back into the closet.:P

Oh please, grow up. if you don't have any better things to say just f**king find an article that you can post in here since thats all you can do.  ::)

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on Sep 25th, 2004, 9:14am

on 09/24/04 at 22:03:33, xXx wrote:
Oh please, grow up. if you don't have any better things to say just f**king find an article that you can post in here since thats all you can do.  ::)

Awww...Go suck on some balut. :-X

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by Forum Admin on Sep 25th, 2004, 10:20am
first warning

stick to the topic.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on Sep 25th, 2004, 10:48am
Yes mam/sir ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by killerabbit on Sep 26th, 2004, 4:29pm
Heres a saying for you since you called for one....

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
John Stuart Mill

Natch ;)

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by norkay on Sep 26th, 2004, 10:21pm
Well that's one's opinion and we respect everyone's idea but here are some questions for us to think about:

You dont need to post your answers for we are going very far from our topic which is THE US MILITARIES AS HUMAN HUMAN VIOLATORS.The administrator might close it ;D

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on Sep 27th, 2004, 4:04am

on 09/23/04 at 22:42:43, xXx wrote:
Since Bush declared war to Iraq, all foreigners in Iraq are considered as illegal Invaders, since its their land they will fight for it, or do you expect them to sit and watch while they houses are bombed and their kids killed for throwing rocks to a Yankee?

Hi xXx and welcome to the forum as well. You a fan of Vin Diesel I bet ;)

Do you think the terrorists in Iraq are majority Iraqis? Hmmm...I doubt it. Most of them come from the neighboring countries on with their own agenda. They want to kill Iraqis as well as foreigners.

They blow up Iraqi civilians in car and bus bombings, kill police officers, etc. These are normal people trying to live in peace after the war is over, and they get killed by foreign terrorists.

When Saddam was taken out these normal people (children and woman) are glad that he is gone, but now they want everyone to leave them alone (US and terrorists included) so they can go about with their lives. The regular Iraqi wants a job, so he goes to be a police officer, then gets killed in a car bomb by some terrorist from Saudi Arabia or somewhere.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by mylane on Sep 27th, 2004, 4:09am

on 09/26/04 at 22:21:49, norkay wrote:

I think the best question is if the reason of this war was fully justified and not just for a group of people own interests.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on Sep 27th, 2004, 11:18am
Here is an idea. Get all of the good hard working trustworthy of Iraqi people out of there and bring them to United States. Then we should bomb that hell hole to kingdom kum. Then take the Iraqi people back over there and start from scratch. Good idea  but it probably to violent and cost to much money.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by gracia on Sep 27th, 2004, 8:26pm
Joel, please don't forget to take to US the infants, kids or grown ups, they are the future of their country.  Maybe in US, they can be molded as a good person, a good warrior, a respectable citizen.  And clean up  iraq while they're gone.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by okasantina on Sep 28th, 2004, 12:51pm
ok wassup now ::) ::) ;D :P

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by thebeast on Sep 28th, 2004, 11:13pm

on 09/26/04 at 22:21:49, norkay wrote:
Well that's one's opinion and we respect everyone's idea but here are some questions for us to think about:

You dont need to post your answers for we are going very far from our topic which is THE US MILITARIES AS HUMAN HUMAN VIOLATORS.The administrator might close it ;D

kris, terrorists have one objective. To kill innocent people in order to cause terror in peoples lives in order to get something.  They want to make a big show out of it. The more media coverage the better. That means more people will see the terror. They really love attacking the United States because they believe we are the devil. Usually its done to make a political point or release some prisoners.  If this means killing themselves while they do it it means they will go to heaven and be some kind of hero. They have no rules of war and they follow no geneva convention code. They hide behind masks just like the KKK did here in the United States. They are a minority group who are uneducated and poor and are holding on to some insane lost cause. They usually have leaders that preach that killing yourself for the cause is a great thing. Yet none of these leaders never seem to want to kill themselves for this cause. The leaders of the terrorists are consumed by hate. The hate they have gives them a purpose in life. They want thier countries to stay the same, which is poor and unaware to the changing world the are in. They dont believe in equal rights for sexes. They treat their woman like dogs and beat them whenever they feel like it. Terrorists have absolutely no morals or ethics. If you are not the same color of skin, same religion, same tribe u are a devil and you die is how they think. Basically they are no good red neck discriminating basturds just like the Klu Klux Klan.

Now the United States objective is to kill or capture all the bad guys they can without pissing everyone else off. Sometimes they do sometimes they dont. But as long as Terrorists are held at bay its a good thing.

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by kim on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:17am
ok before i continue i jsut have one question... how come when violations agains americans occur everyone gets mad and say "thats so inhumane" but whenthe violation happens to other counties it is seldom heard on the news.. people dont care..

No offence to the my good american friends.... Sad thing is that "most" (I'm not saying all) americans think ofthemself as the king of the world.. they can do what ever they want and no one can stop them. the war against iraq killed many innocent people. Every war does... bush wanted to declare that war ages before the sept 11 incident. He jsut found an excuse to do it.

Human right violation in the military has been happening since the time of egyptian kings... and it is still happening everywhere in the world. Whats sad is that america prides themselves as the "land of the free" and act like they are the savior or the world. Grace said that it is mearly out of revenge and that is true... treat them the way they treaded others. But if you do that then you jsut stooped to their level ( as mymy said ).

Some of the videos might be true or not... I have heard from a reliable soucre that the military sends out videos like taht to use in psy war... let the enemy think that they are also as barbaric as them... But it is also a fact that human right violations were present during the early wars.. ( ex: vietnam )... and they are stil happening today.. I dont know how to solve this problem but i think that if the whole system is reviewed they might figure out why our souldiers end up being so barbaric

Title: Re:  THE US Military: as human rights violato
Post by kim on Dec 6th, 2004, 10:24am
about teh lates beheaded american.... it is one thing to kill a soldier because if that soldier had the chance he'd kill yo fisrt.. Thats war... but its another thing to kill someone whos reason for being in the middle of the war is to held repair the damages that has been done in the area... The reason why it didnt cause an outrage was because it was the US government's desision not to give in to terorism.. It is sad that he was killed and it shouldn't have happened. But if you give in to terorist then they will just get worst.

Thats whats happening here in pi now... Gloria gavein to the terorist to free Angelo dela Cruz... now all the filipinos are targets for kidnapings since they know that out government is weak and will easily give in....

last but not the least.. i dont think there is still hope for the soldiers who are abusing their power... because they are already corrupted by their anger... But if the system will be revised or reviewed then we might produce better soldiers int he future

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