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On the Heavier Side >> Government & Politics >> FAREWELL RONALD
(Message started by: mylane on Jun 9th, 2004, 10:45am)

Post by mylane on Jun 9th, 2004, 10:45am
Rest in Peace. It's heartbreaking to see the effects that the terrible disease can do, hopefully now he has some relief.

He was sure a good president and good leader for America, not to mention his years as an actor and his service. My condolences.

Post by Hernando on Jun 10th, 2004, 2:44pm
Reagan was a decent human being and one of the most influential U.S. presidents ever.

My condolences as well.

Post by keensryche on Jun 10th, 2004, 10:36pm
Never has there been a President like Ronald Reagan. He know how to communicate and deliver a speach. He got people interested in politics and got the county to be proud of it's self again. He was also harlarous.

Watching his state funeral on TV, I felt tears rolling down my face. In my 34 years on Earth, he's the 1st President I remember well, to die. Forever he will be in my memory.    

Post by thebeast on Jun 30th, 2004, 11:42pm
I dont think I have ever seen one person have so many funerals. Hell everytime I turned on the tv for about a week there was another funeral service for Ronald Reagan. He was a great speach maker, but I never thought he was all that great of a president. The Iran/contra is a big blemish on his record. Maybe he didnt know about it but what kind of president dont know whats going on in his own administration. He was also very forgetful. Everytime he answered a question the first word in his answer was ...... well,. He was a good man and an okay president. I liked him, but for most of his adminstration he was just lucky that things happened. For example the realese of the hostages in Iran and the ending of the Berlin wall. I dont think he had a lot to do with those things. He was just the presidnet when it happened. He was big on military which I am always for and the star wars thing which I liked alot. Never really cared for his trickle down economics though. All the big business got a lot of money and tax breaks, but the small businessman kinda got screwed. He didnt take no bull which is an aspect I like in any president. If something bad happens I like to see some kind of action taken. I could care less if that action is good or bad politics.

Post by killerabbit on Jun 30th, 2004, 11:51pm
shaddap beast!Always someone got to put something negative in:PI bet youre a democrat:O

Post by thebeast on Jul 1st, 2004, 12:02am
I am a democrat but I never vote for them. Hell I voted for both Bush's. Im not party loyal and Im pro Bush. I just dont think Reagan was a great president. He was okay. I would say Reagon was about as a good president as he was an actor. And he didnt win no acadamy awards for his acting. But it is sad to see him go.

Post by mylane on Jul 1st, 2004, 5:03pm
I chatted once with a political minded american and he said:

"Democracts and Republicans are the same, they just find slightly different ways to screw you!"

hahahahha ;D

Post by thebeast on Jul 5th, 2004, 2:04am
Thats probably true mylene. Democrats cheat on thier wives and sleep with other women and get caught but republicans do also but seems that its never out in the public. Now Republicans seem to do deals that are considered shady politics but they get caught and democrats do it also but seem to keep it behind closed doors.  ;D

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