Title: partial or total log ban in PI Post by kim on Dec 9th, 2004, 5:37am 3 storm devastated several provinces in the phillipines just a few weeks back. Some of the worst cases were in Real and infanta Quezon. These provinces are situated in between mountain ranges and the ocean. Their main source of income was logging... coal making and fishing. Due to the illegal logging activities in these areas, a land slide during typhoon wennie occured wich killed hunders of people (death toll around 365 and several missing... death toll still rising). November 1991 flash floods in Ormoc city Leyte killed atleast 5,000 residents.... 5,000!!!!!! incuding helpless children were buried alive in mud an slowly died of drowning. All because of illegal logging!!!. Sad to say that the government and most specificaly DENR are all hypocrits and corrupt. Ormoc happened in 1991 and nothing was done to pervent it from happening again. Everytime a typhoon causes a landslide here in PI they wll blame the loggers.. But no one is doing anythign to prevent this. Every year this things happen... Lives were waisted... Houses distroyed... And it will take years n years to rebuild our forest... How are we going to recover? Total log ban and reforestration will help our forest recover... But what will the government do with all the small loggers and employies of the big logging companies that has no other source or income other than logging? |
Title: Re: partial or total log ban in PI Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 9th, 2004, 10:27am yes kimmy our government here has banned it in tasmania in most areas and only unpopulated areas are they allowed but also have to regrow policy |
Title: Re: partial or total log ban in PI Post by kim on Dec 10th, 2004, 4:03am well we actually have a law that say you must replace every tree you cut. But no one abides by it. |
Title: Re: partial or total log ban in PI Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 8:00am This problem in PI sounds a little like what happened here in the Uniteds States during the dust bowl years years in Oklahoma. My grandfather told me about it. It was called the Dirty 30's, because it was during the 1930's and it is what lengthened the great depression during that time. My grandfather said it was awful. It never rained and Oklahoma was like a dry windy desert. Poor agriculture practices are partially what caused this condition in the southern plains of the United States. My grandfather was a teenager at the time and he left Oklahoma with his young wife, my grandmother, to join the Navy. He returned after the War in the Pacific was over. Bad agriculture practices still go on here in the States still to this day, but I think the EPA keeps a good watch on things before they get to bad. The world could learn a lot from our previous screw ups. I say partial. Wood is a raw material that will never be totally abolished. Everything that is paper was once a tree. Im a big fan of forest, jungle, and water conservation, but it would be close to impossible to totaly ban something like wood due to the fact that we use it everyday in just about everything we do. Recycling helps a lot. I recycle a ton of paper where I live. They do have substitutes for wood that are better than wood. Problem is they cost a lot more as well. So I would say recycle, and find a substitute for wood in order to cut down on the wood consumption. If you chop all the jungles and forests down soon all the animals will die and that will mean I wont get to hunt no more. :( |
Title: Re: partial or total log ban in PI Post by gracia on Dec 22nd, 2004, 10:58am if i have to give my opinion, i don't want to totally blame the government of what happen. It's the Filipinos fault actually for not being responsible enough. The irresponsible behavior of the Filipinos is not governments fault. One of the many Filipino undesirable traits...only good in taking, not thinking of the possible consequences. As long as they enjoy now, never mind what will happen tomorrow. Sometimes its very disgusting that because of their tactless money making, many lives will suffer in the end. So in this case, i prefer total log ban! i'm sure those businessmen will find other ways of making money that will not endanger the lives of the Filipinos. |
Title: Re: partial or total log ban in PI Post by kim on Apr 13th, 2005, 10:49am I agree with you grace, they cant blame their stupidity to other people. Legit logging industries say that they are doing everything in a legal way. Including reforestration and respecting the bounderies. Butits actually the big legit logging companies that violate the law. Because they willg et permit to log in a certain part of the forest but what they do is that they extend the area where they cut the trees n if anyone asked all they would say is "he have permit". Ya sure they have permit but they are logging in the place where its already out of the bounderies of the permit |
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