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On the Heavier Side >> Government & Politics >> Alleged murder and framing of Iraqi children by US
(Message started by: teagirl on Jun 24th, 2005, 5:41pm)

Title: Alleged murder and framing of Iraqi children by US
Post by teagirl on Jun 24th, 2005, 5:41pm


Insurgent Kill?
The above link is a particularly controversial article of what seemed to be photo evidences of American soldiers killing teen-agers in Iraq. The background story is this: American  soldiers allegedly open fired at teen-agers playing soccer. Based on the photos,  the  dead bodies were gathered and evidence of weapons were  planted (RPGs)  to justify  their killing of  these young boys.  

Title: Re: Alleged murder and framing of Iraqi children b
Post by skepticzero on Jun 25th, 2005, 6:03pm

on 06/24/05 at 17:41:40, teagirl wrote:

Insurgent Kill?
The above link is a particularly controversial article of what seemed to be photo evidences of American soldiers killing teen-agers in Iraq. The background story is this: American  soldiers allegedly open fired at teen-agers playing soccer. Based on the photos,  the  dead bodies were gathered and evidence of weapons were  planted (RPGs)  to justify  their killing of  these young boys.  

Have you seen any follow-up to this story?

Title: Re: Alleged murder and framing of Iraqi children b
Post by teagirl on Jun 28th, 2005, 5:38pm

on 06/25/05 at 18:03:58, skepticzero wrote:
Have you seen any follow-up to this story?

Nope.  None.

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