Title: Hot air -- solution to energy crisis!!! Post by earthlingorgeous on Aug 19th, 2005, 9:05am when I was watching President Arroyo delivering her speech at the Dusit Hotel Nikko the other day in front of the Export Association of the Philippines, I was kinda waiting for a juicy,witty comeback statement against the opposition...and she just did; "if we harness all their hot air we would not have energy problem at all" -- Arroyo talking about the opposition and the so called "other" Philippines. I can't stop laughing when I hear her say that. Damn she's really witty sometimes... But wait, hot air can't solve the energy crisis jeeeez.... and besides...do we really have energy crisis? I think not so does the energy secretary thinks when he was interviewed at the ANC the same day also... Another diversionary issue...damage control...by her media handlers...they are good...she is good...she deserves an A for effort...effort to divert the issue...but she still have to answer re the election '04 did she or did she cheated? Environment Secretary Mike Defensor already admitted "it was the voice of the president, but it was not her talking" he said. huh...can u use my voice without me talking ...ohhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! GMA admitted that it was her and she issued a statement of her appology "I am sorry!" Add to that the relentless effort of GMA and her alies to cover up all the blunder they did. Like the raid held at Tabayoyongs apartment and confiscating all election returns in his possesion. Blah I am being a reporter again lol! anyway. Question: What do you think is the solution for the energy crisis? Solar Power...Hydroelectric Plant (uhno we will have water shortage) ... Post away... if you like |
Title: Re: Hot air -- solution to energy crisis!!! Post by earthlingorgeous on Aug 22nd, 2005, 2:24pm Ah... there's new thingy out... i think its used in the US now... the rad2go thingy... like a scooter but not really... however its electric charged...so huh...not so for the energy crisis either there's this bio-dieseled buses available now...this could be a better alternative...solar power would be good. |
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