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On the Heavier Side >> Government & Politics >> Things we can do to change the world
(Message started by: earthlingorgeous on Dec 20th, 2005, 9:04am)

Title: Things we can do to change the world
Post by earthlingorgeous on Dec 20th, 2005, 9:04am
violence and crime is found everywhere in the world ...
diseases and calamity happens at almost every part of the world ...
sufferings and poverty are a painful result of these ...
often than not we blame our government for not acting the way they should and do their work to alleviate our lives....
but have we thought about the little things we can do to our fellowmen, our community, that could have impact to change what we often say is useless and hopeless case?

yes this is a serious matter but a simple deed can do big to anyone and everyone...remember the movie pay it forward?

what can you do to make this world a better place to live in?  share your thoughts... we can make a petition out of this too you know  ;) Thanks!

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by nOrKAy on Dec 20th, 2005, 9:40am

They say and I agree:

"To change the world, start with yourself."  ;)

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by earthlingorgeous on Dec 21st, 2005, 10:31am
Ok Krissy  ;D I hear yah! I'll start lol!

I will not write untruthful and unjust statements without having to get the side of the other personality or organization involved.  

We have a big responsibility, what we write influence lots of things...its a simple article but really lots depend on whats writen.

I hate how the thing about the media now work; if your story is does not involve corruption, crimes and violence or any juicy revealing stuff it won't sell and when its good it doesn't sell . Its now the media mentality of bad news is good news and good news is bad news

As long as I'm here I'll try not to go with the flow... that's so me! lol!

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by nelson3082000 on Dec 22nd, 2005, 11:30am
things we can do to change the world
yes kimmy we all ned to agree on a common direction and move forward as one. look around the world of all the bad things and how many countries treat there people and lifestyle is poverty.

oi just seen on the news about japan hunting whales just so they can eat the food and harvest the whales purities. theses creatures are harmless and i hope greenpeace fight them more and put it all over the world news. Isnt it about change in life and moving ahead as  a 1 world not all separate directions as we are today.

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 5th, 2006, 6:15pm
EArthy, the day when people starts thinking of Christmas seriously as the birth of Jesus and not just a holiday to have lots of christmas decors, foodstuffs, gifts, visit with friends and relatives, vacation from work, is the day we can think that there is still hope someday. ;)THEN I'll start to think of ways I can help. :P

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by thebeast on Jan 5th, 2006, 7:44pm

on 01/05/06 at 18:15:18, Wicked_Witch wrote:
EArthy, the day when people starts thinking of Christmas seriously as the birth of Jesus and not just a holiday to have lots of christmas decors, foodstuffs, gifts, visit with friends and relatives, vacation from work, is the day we can think that there is still hope someday. ;)THEN I'll start to think of ways I can help. :P

Well Edith you gonna have a problem with all of the Jews and Muslims lol

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 4:20am
Lol, Joel...was thinking of Christians, afterall, the Jews and the Muslims don't celebrate it :P

Title: Re: Things we can do to change the world
Post by kim on Feb 27th, 2006, 9:05am
IT is hard to belong to a clan composed of communists and soldiers. BEcause for one thing i dont know where to stand and there is always tension whenever we have renions. I was born in the 70s in a family where in my aunts was in prison during martial law and my grand parents and parents always talk a bout freedom and how we can achieve it. In short, I was brought up to respect other people.

But i am not the type of person who'd go to the streets and rally all day long. WHy? because even if my heart is in the right place i know that everything about politics is tainted with so much dirt and scum that even if you put a good person in the circle we will eventually go rotten. "But a fresh tomato ina bag or rotten once and it will turn rotten too" SO i do my best to serve my beloved country in my own simple way. Simple things as obeying he law, paying my taxes right, helping out in community service every chance i get. And making sure not to step on anyone in my way up.

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