Title: Food Smart! Post by okasantina on Jul 25th, 2006, 9:00am How are we aware regarding on what we intake? How easy are those "reduced fat", "light" of "non-fat" food to us..... How good is a good food when you dont know the facts of facing the right food to eat...yes its yummy! but is it really healthy for us? What`s to avoid and what`s to take? ::) Share some viewss about it...post awayyyyyyyy ;D |
Title: Re: Food Smart! Post by nOrKAy on Jul 25th, 2006, 12:38pm Well, if you want to get fat. This is the kind of meal I take most of the time. LOL. Well, yes, I am getting really fat now. Yikes, I gained 7lbs. Taken last Sunday at Outback. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b234/kriswen/23-07-06_1416.jpg |
Title: Re: Food Smart! Post by okasantina on Jul 25th, 2006, 5:02pm on 07/25/06 at 12:38:22, nOrKAy wrote:
Lol! as i can see on what you ate on that plate...well, its not healthy my bebe ... egg is ok but potato fries is bad ..bad cholesterol lol. If u wanna eat fries make sure that you have veggies beside your meal, but i noticed that it was only on the side of ure plate eh :d so it will be easy for those greasy to absorb the food that you ate. And maybe after 10 years from now ... you`ll find something that you are not expecting regarding your health ...so better be conscious early than doing nothing at all...yeah it really looks yummy duh :P |
Title: Re: Food Smart! Post by nOrKAy on Jul 27th, 2006, 7:06am LOL, Tina. Haha. Well, if they want to get fat though. Actually on the meal are Capuccino, Ceasar salad, French Fries, Chicken Fillet topped with Australian cheese,bacon, mushroom, green chilli peppers and tomato. But didn't finish. LOL. ;D |
Title: Re: Food Smart! Post by okasantina on Jul 27th, 2006, 12:01pm on 07/27/06 at 07:06:26, nOrKAy wrote:
Well its not bad at all Krissy bebe...just leave the french fries .... lol ;D |
Title: Re: Food Smart! Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 2nd, 2006, 9:30am Actually everyone can eat even the fattiest food they find salivating. The trick is not to let those fats sit on your stomach forever. A 20-minute exercise a day will help a lot. And drink a lot of water, too. |
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