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Entertainment & the Arts >> Television, Theatre & Movies >> BEST Movie With An Unpredictable Ending
(Message started by: mylane on Feb 23rd, 2004, 2:34am)

Title: BEST Movie With An Unpredictable Ending
Post by mylane on Feb 23rd, 2004, 2:34am
What's the best movie that you've seen that ended the way you didn't expected?

The Sixth Sense, unpredictable ending...damn

post away!!! ;D

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by keensryche on Feb 23rd, 2004, 10:54pm
Empire strikes back - Dath Vader is Lukes father? NO WAY!!

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by ReeBop on Feb 24th, 2004, 12:15am
Witness for the Prosecution....Tyrone Power was the......nope, I can't do it...you'll have to watch for yourself..

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by thebeast on Feb 26th, 2004, 9:49pm
I saw Runaway Jury this past weekend on DVD. It fooled me.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by coochie_baby03 on Mar 2nd, 2004, 10:11am
:oThe game*Michael Douglas and Sean Pean!!!! ;D

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by tarantada on Mar 8th, 2004, 8:20pm
The Sign or just Sign by Mel Gibson.... :-/ ???

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by Hernando on Apr 6th, 2004, 1:41am
My Bestfrend Wedding, can't believe they never end up together.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by teagirl on Apr 6th, 2004, 5:03pm
The Others
Nicole Kidman

I dont own a dvd copy of this movie because I have a crazy policy that I dont buy horror films. Well, macabre ones anyway. But to go straight to the point, this movie is one of those films that impressed me (next to Sixth Sense) with its twist at the end. I literally went "ah!" as the realization dawned on me.

Its always shown on HBO and it still manages to capture my interest probably because of the dark undertones the whole film wrapped itself into. And well, Nicole Kidman is simply gorgeous and riveting even in her miserable fate.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by capricorn1971ad on Apr 11th, 2004, 11:58pm
John Carpenters "The Thing" and also..

"the Fight Club"

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by thebeast on Apr 12th, 2004, 6:33pm
I saw this movie a few years ago and watched on HBO the other day. Its called Idenity with john cuzack and ray loita in it. Its a real good movie but kinda hard to figure out at the end.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by killerabbit on May 9th, 2004, 3:26pm
Its very hard to fool me with an ending.I pretty much figure it out half way through the movie.But the Sixth Sense almost got me.I like figuring movies out and I like originality.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Jun 5th, 2004, 12:41am
Two of the best movies with unpredictable endings are,

1.  Fight Club
         One of the most original movies that I have seen in recent years and definitely not for the squeamish. Just the mention of the name Tyler Durden brings a sly grin to my face. This flick is more of a guy thing, but ohhh what a flick it is. If you have seen it, you understand what I am saying. This is the best Brad Pitt role he ever had and probably ever will.

2.  The Usual Suspects
         This movie is a classic tale of a crime gone wrong, and is so well put together with twists and turns that keeps the viewer guessing. I love Kevin Spacey and his acting ability is second to none even with a great cast, Kevin Spacey stands out.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by teagirl on Jun 5th, 2004, 9:33am
I love Kevin Spacey too. He is one of those actors who can really dish out subtleties. He's also good in The American Beauty --- I wasnt surprised he bagged the Best Actor for that one.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by need4speed8dalejr on Jun 30th, 2004, 2:11am

Me too! Kevin Spacey was brilliant in that movie, and it was a very good flick to boot. One can only speculate that the reason he didn't win the Oscar was the touchy subject matters involved in the movie.

There must be too many men out there in Hollywood who are stuck in the same rut as Kevin's character in A.B., and maybe the movie hit too close to home and they felt ashamed to admit that they too have these problems. Also the style was genius to you & me, but to an 85yr old Oscar voter Im sure they just didn't get the movie. What a shame.

Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by MissFartyPants on Jul 6th, 2004, 12:23am

Not of all times... but of late, my vote goes to:


Title: Re: BEST movie with an unpredictable ending
Post by killerabbit on Aug 24th, 2004, 4:22pm
Once againMystic River almost had me fool but they dropped just the right hints for me to figure it out halfway through the movie

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