Title: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 5th, 2004, 9:39am This new Thread is for all the "other" Reality TV series... - Survivor - The Apprentice - Fear Factor - Richard Branson's "Rebel Billionaire" And any other Reality Shows that you want to post about. *However please keep all posts about "The Amazing Race" separately on the other thread.* Thanks and enjoy! |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by mylane on Dec 5th, 2004, 10:00am You didn't include Jessica Simpson and Nick Newly weds reality show...lol ;D Fear Factor is very good but when it comes to those stuff that a contestant need to eat...sigh...very gross. I kinda like the reality show Joe Millionaire 1....see how all the ladies react when they found out joe was not really a real millionaire...lol ;D |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 5th, 2004, 10:26am on 12/05/04 at 10:00:04, mylane wrote:
Yep..that one is good. But from what I read, Jessica & Nick won't be together much longer. Her next reality show will be "Newly Single" lmao Quote:
Fear Factor for me, has gotten boring. I mean who many times are they gonna eat Cow Eyes & Eel Guts! Eeeeeuuuww!! Quote:
I really liked that show too! I think because the dude who played Joe "Evan something or other" was kinda down-to-Earth. He was the perfect choice for the millionaire. And that's why every "Joe Millionaire" or "The Bachelor" since hasn't lived up to the first. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by mylane on Dec 6th, 2004, 7:37am How about The Family Osborne?...hahaha ;D |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by kim on Dec 6th, 2004, 8:47am the mother fawking Osborn family who cant fawking compose a sentence without the "f**k" work ;D... I like watching them because they are funny but i wont recomend that to my niece ;) Joe millionaire I is cute ;D Fear factor is yucky... talk about eating anything other than balut :P I like the swan.. if you ever know that one... ITs the show where they get ugly or not so pretty women n transform them physically into a sexy ass girl ;D... lipo suction breast implants etc... ;D ;D Um is pimp my ride included here? ;D |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 8th, 2004, 4:16am on 12/06/04 at 08:47:35, kim wrote:
The Osbourns are totally outta control! And that's why I like to watch them. It sems that EVERY aspect of their lives is open to be filmed...their sex lives(or lack of in Ozzy's case) drugs, booze, PMS, celeb friends...you name it. It's all there. They live in totally filthy rich surroundings, buy whatever they want when they want. Dangit...such terrible problems to have Ehh! I like the one when Ozzy looses his huge-azz diamond ring, and the one where Ozzy has an addiction to burrito's. Those are classics. Quote:
Yep, that series worked well. I think Evan was down-to-Earth, and gave off a sense that he wasn't arrogant and felt a little scared to be there. So the audience embraced him and cared what happened to him, and were really involved in what Gal he was going to pick. Plus the huge "Inside" joke that he wasn't really a Millionare was a huge hook. Quote:
Hmmm...no Balut!!?? Dang...so they haven't eatten everything gross under the Sun. lmao Quote:
I watch that show. It's Great! Seriously though.....those girls look amazing at the end. The crazy thing is most people don't realize the whole show takes 2 months from start to finish. Quote:
Ya..sure why not!! |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by mylane on Dec 8th, 2004, 6:25am Taking about the Swan- yay! can you imagine those processes that they need to pass through just to be pretty. Surgery, omg....Its really painful but then again the outcome is really worth of all the pains. As for Evan the first Joe Millionaire...he is really cute, I like his smile. Very natural as well thats why the joe millionaire was really that popular during that time. There is a reality show I just forgot the title Gay or Straight or something ??? The show is a combination of straight guys and gays. Can imagine those hot guys and at the end they will admit that they are not straight...what a disappointment. As for the The Bachelor, I completed the Aaron series, the second bachelor. Sux, Helene and Aaron broke up at the end and to many negative stuff to say about Aaron. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 12th, 2004, 9:04pm on 12/08/04 at 06:25:13, mylane wrote:
I feel the same way MyMy, I tried to watch the Follow-up to the Original Bachelor, but it just wasn't the same. I found that the Producers tried too hard to match the magic they found with the original series. I also think that most of the women who were on the series really didn't want to marry the dude, but just wanted to get their face on TV, while the Bachelor's tried hard to get the Gal's naked on TV. Ohh...I guess we are all looking for different things ehh. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 12th, 2004, 10:38pm http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/need4speed8dalejr/Survivor.jpg Tonight is the 2 Hour Finale of Survivor: Vanuatu folowed by the One Hour LIVE Reunion show!!! The four remaining players are... - Eliza - Scout - Chris - Twila Ohhh...this is going to come right down to the wire! I was really pulling for my Babe "Julie"...ahhh...but it was not to be ehh. I now want my #2 Babe to win it all..."Eliza" Ahhhhhiiiiee!! |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 13th, 2004, 5:21am Ohhhhhhhhh Nelly!! I just watched the Final Tribal Council...The BEST one since Lex wrongly laid into Boston Rob for going against his word on "Survivor All-Stars", or the First Season when Sue Hawking exploded about being voted off. Ohh..your in for a treat gang. LMAO..so..what did you think? |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by need4speed8dalejr on Dec 18th, 2004, 9:41am Ok...Just to post about the FINAL Episode of "Survivor: Vanuatu" and to get some Closure on this topic. Here goes... I really didn't want to see Chris win. I know...he played things smart. He played a very intellectual game as he methodically thought each step, and planned out who he had a better chance to win up against in the Final Two. Once Julie was "Booted Off"...I said "Ohh NO!! Here it comes!" And then each person was Eliminated in the exact order that I predicted. Julie..then Eliza. That gave Chris a better chance to win Immunity with the Younger People out of the way. I rightly guessed that Scout(The Oldest Person in the Game), was no threat to win any individual challenges and would end up third. That left Chris & Twila. My thinking was exactly the same as Chris's. He rightly assumed that his best chance in the Final Two was to bring in someone who had the Greatest amount of enemies. A case of the lesser of Two Evils. I did think the voting was going to be closer. I thought that after getting "The Boot" and being lied to point-blank, that Julie wasn't going to vote for Chris.....but he really pulled out all the stops with her. Chris tried soooo hard to force some "Crocodile Tears" and to say that he thought of her like a "Little Sister". Ohh...give me a break!! Such Garbage was never piled Higher! And you know what...Julie voted for Chris! Amazing since what I learned online about my ohh sooo sweet Julie. It seems that Julie was adopted at birth by the "Berry" family. Julie is a Native American. Julie has I think one step-sister, and has since tracked down her only other sibling...her real sister. Julie admittingly has serious commitment and abandonment issues. I mean who wouldn't? And still...still she voted for Chris!!! Ohh..dangit...if she wasn't sooo cute I don't think I could ever let her back into my home again. LMAO. Ok..OK..Calm down Dale. This Gal has a SERIOUS shot at sticking around the Biz and doing more TV. I sure hope so. Now to get to what Sarge said in the Tribal Council about Twila promising on her Son's life to keep her word. Ohhh...get over it!! Yes I agree that she shouldn't have done that, and that it was "Pretty Low"...but after what happened a few Season's ago with "Johnny Fairplay" getting his buddy to tell everyone that his Grandmother died, so they would give him sympathy and let him win the Challenge. That taught me that it IS A GAME. EVERYTHING is fairplay. Twila did what she felt she needed to do in order to get her further in the game..and everyone should just leave it at that. I think Twila said it best when she was responding to "Amy's" questions at Tribal Council. Twila said...."Amy...you asked me why you are over there...and I am sitting here. Am I any smarter than you? No. I am just Colder...Colder and that makes me able to do the things that you can't". I think that says it best. 'Nuff said about that. I think that Sarge was wayyyy outta line with his "Is that the price you are willing to pay, that knowing your Son is going to Hell". What a load of Self-Righteous BS. I won't give another word to that load of crap. To sum up the Season of "Survivor: Vanuatu". I found myself still glued to the TV every Thursday night. I thought after "Survivor: All-Stars" my interest would fade, but nope. Still strong. I am looking forward to the next Survivor. I forget the name..but it looked interesting. I think it is gonna debut after the Super-Bowl in late February, and I will be eatting it up with remote in hand. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Dec 28th, 2004, 8:44am Ok...To sum up the Second Season of "The Apprentice", here goes. Kelly won against Whazz here name...err...The Hot Blonde (Her Name escapes me now). I think that Kelly put himself in the perfect position to win. He was good...and deserved to win, but I can't help but wonder if there wasn't a certain amount of "Blonde Dominate Woman" Bashing going on. I think that ohh...wait a sec while I go Goggle this Chick's name. Back...It's Jennifer Massey...ohh Glad I resolved that. Don't wanna call her "Whazz Her Name" all post. Ok...Where was I....ohh ya...I think that Jen was probably more Qualified. She went to Princeton and majored in English and Graduated "Magna Cum Laude/Phi Betta Kappa". She then went on to Harvard where she attained her Law Degree. That's some serious brain cell power she is Sportin'! Kelly was recomended by US V.P. Dick Cheney and attended the "West-Point Academy"...and then he served 2 years in the US Army. He then went on to UCLA to get an MBA (Business Degree) and a JD (Law Degree) at the same time. Not too shabby either. Ok...I think that Both Kelly & Jen were both great choices, but I feel that Jen was bashed around too much. There was alot of the "Blonde Power Bitch" syndrome that was eluded to by people who I think didn't really know Jen. I also think that many many people were clearly peaved with Jen in that they only saw her outer image, the "Blonde Bombshell" and thought that there was NO WAY she could possibly be anything other than what they perceived her to be. Do you think she would be thought of in the same way if she had Dark Hair? I think not. I dunno.....Maybe I have this all backwards...but I just think that Jen didn't get a fair chance. Ohh well.....I guess C'est La Vie Ehh. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Mar 2nd, 2005, 7:21am http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v215/need4speed8dalejr/survivor2.jpg |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Mar 26th, 2005, 8:20am Is There No Survivor Junkies In Da House? [smiley=drummer.gif] Hmmm....Sad. Ohh Well. [smiley=award3flip.gif] |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by killerabbit on Apr 5th, 2005, 10:51pm Reality Suxs!!!!! ::) ::) ::) |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Apr 9th, 2005, 10:11am I guess no one watched the Latest Episode of Survivor?! For one of their Challenges they had to eat BALUT!! And not just a few...a whole bunch of them. Dang! I finally got to see just what that Balut thing was all about. It looked pretty nasty, and "Tom" said to his partner after eatting a few Balut eggs who also had to eat some Balut..."Watch out for the Beek" lmao...I almost fell of the sofa laughing. Quack Quack!! lol ;D |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by mylane on Apr 10th, 2005, 11:28am hahahha.... ;D |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by CooCHie on May 26th, 2006, 7:52am I was amazed and been told how this other reality show has been creating a great rating to other countries besides US. I was told by couple chat friend that the show" Cheaters" which is based in Dallas, Tx are pretty much well known on the other side of the world. Funny I have to hear the "buzz" about this show from the otherside of the world. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by Wicked_Witch on May 26th, 2006, 8:47am Actually there are "reality" shows now here too. It started last year. But wish they would use "unknown" people instead of celebrities to make it more real. But I guess the celebrities are what they are selling the TV viewers, not the show itself. |
Title: Re: The "ULTIMATE" Reality Thread Post by ClumsilyIdiotic on Aug 28th, 2006, 8:22pm Back home I'm a HUGE fan of Fear Factor & The Amazing Race ... that's about the only reality shows I watch. Survivor isn't bad either but after reading something about the show being 'scripted', I lost interest. I think it was after the second season. |
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