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Entertainment & the Arts >> Television, Theatre & Movies >> The Passing of Steve Irwin
(Message started by: ReeBop on Sep 6th, 2006, 6:56am)

Title: The Passing of Steve Irwin
Post by ReeBop on Sep 6th, 2006, 6:56am
I, like a lot of people out there, am in shock over the death of Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.  I liked watching him on Animal Planet and it was wonderful to see his passion about educating viewers about animals and nature.  I know that some people found his excitable personality annoying, but I for one found it entertaining and insightful.  I always wondered if nature would finally catch up to him, and it did in the most shocking way.  Understand, a stingray rarely attacks any humans and this one got him as he swam over it.  I really feel though for his young children, which he showed a tremendous amount of love for.  I hope they chose a career in what their father loved to do and carry on his work.  I for one, will miss him.


Title: Re: The Passing of Steve Irwin
Post by nOrKAy on Sep 28th, 2006, 7:04am

I was shocked about his sudden death, either. Then, I was teary while watching his burial ceremony especially when his daughter said her poem for him. Very young for him to die, but oh well....that's life. I will miss Steve Irwin, too. God bless his family.

Title: Re: The Passing of Steve Irwin
Post by nOrKAy on Sep 30th, 2006, 7:09am

What about the news that Steve Irwin's cause of death was fake and not really by stringray's attack? I'm thinking as I read the news....

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