Title: (07/10/2006) New Main Menu Post by ReeBop on Jul 11th, 2006, 1:29am I have changed the menu and some of the descriptions of the Main Menu choices to better describe what they were. I have added was the Member Homepage area where you can create your own forum Homepage area. You can use the same YaBB tags that you use to customize your Homepage somewhat like is done in My Space. Also added is the Forum Chat Room. I placed it up on the main menu so everyone can easily access the chat room instead of finding and clicking on the link down below on the main page. I also changed the behavior of Forum Friends & Messaging (formerly Buddylist) in that it opens up a separate browser window where you can view forum members that you have on your list and send them private messages. I removed the Profile area of the menu because your personal profile can be viewed by clicking your ID in any of your posts or accessing it from the Member Directory. I have also added a Forgot Your Password? feature on the Main Menu that appears if you are not logged in. This is for users that have lost or forgotten their passwords. When you click on it, it will send you your password to the e-mail address you provided when you registered. Coming soon, a Calendar feature and RSS Post Feed.... |
Title: Re: (07/10/2006) New Main Menu Post by Wicked_Witch on Jul 11th, 2006, 5:49am This is good, ree. AT least we can access it easier for those of us who are too lazy to open another program ;D. Thank you, Mr. admin... |
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