Title: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by mylane on Feb 26th, 2004, 8:23pm would u rather be lost in space or lost on an island? why? |
Title: Re: Lost in space or Lost on an island? Post by Hernando on Mar 3rd, 2004, 10:55am island. Since there is no oxygen in space :-/ |
Title: Re: Lost in space or Lost on an island? Post by keensryche on Mar 3rd, 2004, 7:46pm I'm say both. My mind already is lost in space and my love life seems like I'm on an island. |
Title: Re: Lost in space or Lost on an island? Post by need4speed8dalejr on Nov 28th, 2004, 10:29am Island...Hands down ehh. It's just sexier to think about being stranded on a white sand beach surrounded by palm trees and the gentle sound of the surf lapping at my feet as I roll around in the last rays of a stunningly beautiful sunset with any number of models or actresses. And hey.....don't roll your eyes like that! I see ya there....this is my fantasy/dream...LOL. I guess my choice comes down to comfort and safety...and IF I am stranded with anyone. If I could choose that person, then I would take the island every time...but if I can't then it really doesn't matter...since with my luck I just know I would be stranded with a freakin' volleyball. Ahhh, irony is truely a dependable sidekick when it comes to matters of chance. |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by ReeBop on Nov 10th, 2005, 5:02am If I were Lost in Space, I would have to say "the pain, the pain..." all the time. I like the idea of the island though. Better if there were a good food buffet though... [smiley=chef.gif] |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by dOnUtz 9urL on Nov 10th, 2005, 6:02am l'll choose watever reeree choose, cuz l know he will find the way back [smiley=roll.gif] handy man ;D |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by Wicked_Witch on Nov 12th, 2005, 2:33am An island definitely!!! Heck...I don't even like watching space movies or TV shows!! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif]I don't know why but I just don't like looking at the Universe with those fathomless space depths. It's so scary. Like at any moment an alien will come and take me and make an experiment of me! [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif] [smiley=crazysmile.gif]While in an island, I can still work my way out of it and have time to explore the place, too. As long as it's not Doctor No's island, that is! [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] [smiley=roll.gif] |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by nelson3082000 on Nov 15th, 2005, 2:57pm lost on a island with a beautiful girl that would be fine ya got her to talk to but she might whinge lolz just joking |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by Gracia on Nov 16th, 2005, 3:59am Okay ..if i have to choose...it's island then...but pleaseeeeee let there be no hungry animals in there...or i would rather have a heart attack first before they gonna attack me. |
Title: Re: Lost In Space Or Lost On An Island? Post by okasantina on Oct 15th, 2006, 6:19am Island of course...theres food to eat somewhere...but space? where? lol |
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