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Community >> Babble! >> Analyn: My last word in yours
(Message started by: mylane on Sep 23rd, 2004, 4:47am)

Title: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Sep 23rd, 2004, 4:47am
Hi Team,

I closed the other one since its kinda long and sooner or later it will take a lot of time before the page load.

so lets continue:

Last entry is from gracia ;D

on 09/23/04 at 03:43:17, gracia wrote:
Conquer the world and the world will be at your command.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Sep 24th, 2004, 1:05am
Command me to command you  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Hernando on Sep 24th, 2004, 9:54am
You make me feel brand new. ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Sep 27th, 2004, 4:07am
New life, new hopes, new begginnings, new love, new discoveries, new friends and new shoes.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by kianna_andrea on Sep 28th, 2004, 2:05am

Shoes, I think is one of women's fondest indulgence.  ::)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Sep 29th, 2004, 5:38am
Indulgence...? I have none ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Oct 4th, 2004, 4:40am
None of the above.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by kianna_andrea on Oct 4th, 2004, 8:59pm

Above and beyond your wild imaginings.  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Oct 5th, 2004, 4:43am
Imagining..is all I can do  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Oct 12th, 2004, 1:41am
Do aim and hit the mark.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Oct 15th, 2004, 1:18am
Mark my word... I'm pretty  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Hernando on Oct 15th, 2004, 10:04am
pretty woman walking down the street

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Oct 18th, 2004, 5:00am
Street dancing happens in Cebu every 3rd Sunday of January

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Nov 19th, 2004, 7:48am
January is the first month of the year

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Nov 20th, 2004, 6:29am
Year after year...i'm growing old  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Nov 20th, 2004, 2:07pm
old body  young heart ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Nov 23rd, 2004, 12:32pm
Heart o heart...why would you rule my head?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Nov 23rd, 2004, 2:47pm

Head and heart should work together.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Nov 24th, 2004, 5:02am
together we can acomplish anything ;)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Nov 24th, 2004, 9:32am
Anything could happen anytime.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Nov 28th, 2004, 3:55am
anytime you need a friend i'll be there ;)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Dec 2nd, 2004, 3:29am
There comes a time that I miss somebody so much

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Dec 7th, 2004, 5:48am
much that i cant take it anymore

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by jamit2you on Dec 7th, 2004, 1:32pm
anymore rain and i'll go crazy :D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Dec 8th, 2004, 7:47am
Crazy...i'm crazy for feeling so blue

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Dec 8th, 2004, 12:36pm
blue is the color of dale's boxer shorts

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Dec 10th, 2004, 10:34am
Shorts...is what mylane is wearing now  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Dec 10th, 2004, 12:32pm
now is the time to kill beast

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by jamit2you on Dec 10th, 2004, 2:11pm
beast from the east

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Dec 12th, 2004, 11:34am

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Dec 14th, 2004, 2:58am
Wherever, whenever, I need you in my heart...together, forever, I'll always be here for you...from the moment you wake up

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Dec 15th, 2004, 6:55am
up and down, round and round then rock the boat baby

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Dec 16th, 2004, 6:47am
Baby,baby, i want you to know i am starting to have feelings for you! :)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Dec 17th, 2004, 8:03am
You make me feel brand new  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by LuzViMinda on Dec 18th, 2004, 10:13am
new way, hard way, one way or another, I'm gonna get you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by thebeast on Dec 18th, 2004, 10:55am
you look like a million bucks

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Dec 24th, 2004, 6:07am
bucks "thier  whats for dinner" ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Dec 28th, 2004, 10:23am
dinner dinner dinner is what May is treating us soon.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Jan 5th, 2005, 7:54am
Soon to be older... ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Jan 7th, 2005, 5:27am
Older men are great lovers,do you agree?  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Jan 7th, 2005, 9:45am
agree nope i disagree ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by norkay on Jan 7th, 2005, 10:39am
Disagree? then i disagree with you.  :P ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Jan 12th, 2005, 3:10am
You are the one who make me happy when everybody else is happier...  ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Jan 19th, 2005, 6:03am
:)happier than a frog on a lilly pad ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Mar 17th, 2005, 12:22pm
Pad.....how to make a word starting with that word?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Apr 2nd, 2005, 4:08pm
;D words means better when action done

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by KiAnNa on Apr 2nd, 2005, 7:52pm

done with and over.  ;D (frm: over and done with.)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Apr 2nd, 2005, 9:37pm
over the mountains and the seas, here's my love coming 8)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Apr 4th, 2005, 6:54am
coming from the world of love, it is love that makes the whole world go round.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Inday on Apr 4th, 2005, 7:17am
round and running as fast as it could

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Apr 4th, 2005, 1:13pm
could be the rose, but could be the leaf

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Apr 5th, 2005, 3:43am
leaf on a tree is as innocent as a new born child

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Apr 5th, 2005, 7:24am
child is a precious gift from God

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Apr 11th, 2005, 12:18pm
God loves us all.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Apr 12th, 2005, 10:58am
All things bright and wonderful

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Apr 13th, 2005, 8:21am
wonderfully made we are

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Apr 13th, 2005, 8:47am
Are you alright?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Norkay on May 15th, 2005, 9:27pm
Alright, let's start again.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on May 17th, 2005, 6:14pm
again, i will always be there for you, now and forever ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on May 19th, 2005, 10:36am
forever.. you know that i'll be here

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Jul 22nd, 2005, 11:10am
Here I am...waiting for you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Forgettable on Jul 27th, 2005, 12:52pm
You are a hypocrite!

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by chantiq on Jul 29th, 2005, 5:34pm
Hypocrites are rotten to the core.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Aug 9th, 2005, 4:36am
core is the center of all things

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Aug 16th, 2005, 10:28pm
things changes but God is always good.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Aug 18th, 2005, 6:30am
good times good friends good God ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by psyche on Aug 18th, 2005, 5:39pm

God works in ways we cannot see.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Aug 18th, 2005, 10:20pm
see things clearly thru God's eyes.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Aug 19th, 2005, 3:43am
eyes like beth's are hypnotizing [smiley=icon_worship.gif]

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 23rd, 2005, 2:58am
Hypnotizing thru pendulums? ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by daviefaescotland on Sep 8th, 2005, 7:02am
pendulums swing back and forth

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Sep 13th, 2005, 9:07am
Forth... hmmm...i can't think of a sentence that start with it.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Sep 13th, 2005, 10:39am
it's okay to start the sentence that starts with forth to back instead.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by mylane on Sep 13th, 2005, 7:40pm
instead of whining just go to the mall and shop

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Sep 14th, 2005, 4:55am
shop until you drop

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Sep 14th, 2005, 7:54am
Drop it like it's hot

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by gracia on Sep 14th, 2005, 11:53am
HOTDOG!!! you're back Analyn.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Sep 16th, 2005, 3:09am
Analyn, hello ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Sep 21st, 2005, 3:44am
hello is a common greeting in answering the phone.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Sep 28th, 2005, 4:08pm
phone me while you can ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by capuchino on Sep 29th, 2005, 9:00am
can you rub my back???? ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Sep 29th, 2005, 9:19pm
back to my first love!

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Oct 8th, 2005, 8:10pm
love is kind and never selfish

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by nOrKAy on Oct 14th, 2005, 4:32pm

Selfish is how I describe my life sometimes.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by beth on Oct 16th, 2005, 3:12pm
sometimes is hard for us to understand.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Oct 18th, 2005, 2:34am
understand, understand...that's all I ever try to do but it's getting harder everyday

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by CapuchinO on Dec 22nd, 2005, 7:12pm
everyday i brush my teeth ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by deerhunter74105 on Jan 10th, 2006, 2:49am
teeth are a good thing to have ::)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 10th, 2006, 5:19am
have you had any bizzare encounter with anyone crazy?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Jan 10th, 2006, 7:20am
Crazy for you is one of the songs I like.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by nOrKAy on Jan 26th, 2006, 5:58am


Like father, like son.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Jan 29th, 2006, 5:08am
Son, be happy I am your mother ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by nOrKAy on Jan 30th, 2006, 12:35pm

Mother has the hardest job in the world.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 3rd, 2006, 9:17am
World needs love

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by feso on Feb 3rd, 2006, 6:38pm
love- what binds people together

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 4th, 2006, 10:27pm
together forever and never to part

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 4th, 2006, 11:17pm
part of me says stay and part of me says go?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 5th, 2006, 11:45am
go ahead, make my day

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 5th, 2006, 5:39pm
day time friends and night time lovers

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 5th, 2006, 6:29pm
lovers come and go.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 6th, 2006, 2:33am
go get 'em

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 6th, 2006, 3:49am
'em is short for them, objective case of they  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Feb 6th, 2006, 5:49am
They are  as cold as ice.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 6th, 2006, 7:47am
Ice tea ,anyone?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 6th, 2006, 9:00am
Anyone up for some fun?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 6th, 2006, 8:55pm
fun fun fun till her daddy takes the T-Bird away

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Wicked_Witch on Feb 7th, 2006, 2:38am
Away I go to give you a chance to miss me. ;)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:03am
Me, or someone you also miss?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 4:53pm
miss you much

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 5:38pm
Much more than words can say

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 6:27pm
say you say me

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:16pm
me likey  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:17pm
like huh?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:26pm
huh you're making this hard  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:27pm
hard luck woman

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:46pm
Woman, I know you understand the little child inside a man  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:48pm
man, I'm confused

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:56pm
confused is okay as long as it's fun

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 7:58pm
fun loving people

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:06pm
people who needs people are the luckiest people  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:11pm
people person

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:21pm
person is missing

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:21pm
missing you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:26pm
you light up my life  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:27pm
life goes on

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:32pm
On and on the way it goes

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:35pm
goes around

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:40pm
around the world

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:41pm
worlds at war

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:49pm
war, war stupid and people stupid and love means nothing  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 7th, 2006, 8:50pm
nothing to lose

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 8th, 2006, 6:13pm
lose some, win some

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 8th, 2006, 6:22pm
some do some don't

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 9th, 2006, 10:02pm
Don't know what to do, don't know what to say

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 9th, 2006, 11:47pm
say what you think

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 10th, 2006, 1:37am
Think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Feb 10th, 2006, 3:46am
Tree has huge trunk though some are not.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 10th, 2006, 4:08am
not too bad

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 10th, 2006, 12:29pm
bad days come

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 10th, 2006, 6:08pm
come sail away with me

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 12:30am
me, why me  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 1:37am
me, why you..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:06am
you started it lol  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:07am
it wasnt started by me

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:15am
me again lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:16am
again with who started it?..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:24am
It was started by you and you just have to admit it lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:25am
it was not started by me, I am just a player in the game..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:34am
Game is fun

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:34am
fun time with you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:43am
you make it fun so I thank you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:44am
yuo are the one that makes it fun

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:46am
fun it is cause you make it fun  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:47am
fun girl is justy

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:51am
Justy likes fun people

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:52am
people needing people

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:57am
people are people  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 2:58am
people like you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 3:02am
you take care

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 3:03am
care take you..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 3:06am
you be good and be safe lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Feb 11th, 2006, 4:06am
safe in the cocoon of your embrace. :)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 9:48pm
Embrace is good and something I need.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:00pm
need a hug too

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:24pm
too bad you're far

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:25pm
far trip for you to travel..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:31pm
travel to experience new places and faces

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:32pm
faces like yours light up rooms

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:37pm
rooms turn lovely when filled with love

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:38pm
love fills a heart

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:41pm
heart don't change my mind

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:41pm
mind is a terrible thing to waste

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:48pm
waste time no more, we only live once

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:52pm
once upon a time

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 11th, 2006, 11:58pm
Time will reveal

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:04am
reveal your heart

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:11am
Heart of gold

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:13am
gold on gold

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:17am
Gold is expensive and good investment

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:18am
investment for the future

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:21am
Future is unknown

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:22am
unknown can be scary

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:25am
Scary as it can be

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:25am
be honest

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:29am
Honest people is needed more

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:30am
more Honest people is needed more lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:34am
More and more people should be honest lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:35am
honest abe

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:39am
abe is short for abegail, a regular in the room lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:41am
room has too much drama

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 12:49am
drama happens everywhere

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:29am
everywhere I go it's the same thing

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 9:05am
Thing is, it's inevitable

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 6:10pm
inevitable,? did I spell that right?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 6:48pm
Right or left?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 6:50pm
left at the alter

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:00pm
Alter an old clothing to make it look new

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:03pm
new years eve

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:10pm
Eve of Christmas is so special

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:11pm
special moments mean alot

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:20pm
Lot for sale  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:23pm
sale today! everything 1/2 off!! :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 12th, 2006, 7:51pm
off we go, take me there  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 2:34am
there you go

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 5:00am
Go for it

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Gracia on Feb 13th, 2006, 9:04am
it doesn't matter.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 4:32pm
matter of fact it does

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 5:53pm
Does it work?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 6:54pm
work! work! work! all I do is work!

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 7:49pm
work like you don't need the money

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 7:50pm
money? I need money

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:03pm
Money changes everything

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:04pm
everthing is beautiful in it's own way

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:08pm
Way to heaven is to be beautiful inside

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:14pm
inside out is my band..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:26pm

Band on the run

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 8:45pm
run for the roses

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 9:33pm
Roses are red, violets are blue

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 9:33pm
blue Christmas without you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 9:45pm
You are a good singer

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 9:47pm
singer sewing machine

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:03pm
Machine guns are dangerous

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:03pm
Dangerous people are dangerous..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:13pm
Dangerous are the animals in the jungle  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:14pm
Jungle love, it's driving me mad, making me crazy

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:21pm
Crazy in love

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:24pm
love is a many splendard thing

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:30pm
Thing dhong.....someone's at the door  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:33pm
door bell is ringing, answer it..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:39pm
It was thing-dhonging earlier, not now lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:41pm
now you should answer it before they go away

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:46pm
Away and up, up....and superman gets confused....

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:48pm

confused superman flies backwards

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 13th, 2006, 10:58pm

Backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards, cha cha cha goes lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 13th, 2006, 11:24pm
goes away ,never to return :'(

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 14th, 2006, 8:45am
Return to the promise land

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 14th, 2006, 2:53pm
land ho!

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 14th, 2006, 5:46pm
ho-ho-ho...here comes Santa Claus lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 15th, 2006, 5:25am
claus is kris kringle

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 15th, 2006, 6:30am
Kringle can be a nice name for a pet

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 15th, 2006, 4:38pm
pet peeve is knuckle cracking

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 12:25am
Cracking heads is tiring

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 2:04am
tiring work I do

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 3:22am
Do it with a smile

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:18am
smile for me

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:23am
Me a smiley one

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:30am
one more time

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:37am
Time for what

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:41am
what we are talking about

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:47am
About smiling you mean

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:51am
mean that you should smile

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:56am
Smile in your heart

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:58am
heart gets broken sometimes

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:06am
Sometimes it needs to happen so we can value love

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:09am
love is hard to find

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:13am
Find no more, love will find you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:14am
you sure about that?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:18am
That is something I am certain of

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 5:23am
of love finding me?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 1:04pm
Me, you, and others as well.

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 4:16pm
well I guess I'll believe you then

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 9:26pm
Then keep faith, everything happens in due time

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 11:03pm
time should stand still everynow and then

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 11:25pm
Then just go with the flow while keeping faith

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 11:36pm
faith is a nessessity

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 16th, 2006, 11:46pm
Necessity, true, can't imagine myself losing it

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 16th, 2006, 11:49pm
it is always with you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 12:02am
You have to keep on believing

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 12:03am
believing in what's real

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 12:17am
Real life, real love, real people

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 3:17am
people, hmm, people would be us too?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:06am
Too many of us, but yes, we shall get our time as well

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:11am
well you are probably right

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:20am
Right, I may be, wrong for some

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:21am
some might think so

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:30am
So what do you think

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:31am
think that youre cool

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:40am
Cool, but do you really think so?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:41am
so much that I just said it

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:55am
It is true, I like being cool

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:57am
cool is what you are

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:07am
Are you cool too yourself?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:10am
yourself be true to

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:18am
To be true to oneself is a good thing

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:20am
thing that you should do

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:29am
Do not be untrue to yourself or everything else around you becomes untrue

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:31am
untrue is not a word I would use to describe that statement..lol

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:41am
statement as what

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 5:43am
what statement?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:00am
Statement you were referring to

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:02am
to what statement was I referring?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:11am
Referring to a statement I didn't really get to understand

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:13am
understand me please

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:19am
Please explain first then I can

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:22am
can you understand without the explanation?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:29am
Explanation is needed for me to understand what you were saying

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:33am
saying that explanation is needed means there must be a statement

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:41am
Statement you were referring to is what I have been asking you to explain

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:42am
explain a statement that I can't recall?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:51am
Recall, please, cause I can't

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 6:53am
can't recall such a statement

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:00am
Statement has been forgotten so what next

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:01am
next we find another topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:09am
Topic that's interesting

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:12am
you choose topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:21am
hehe you're sleepy, you were supposed to start your sentence with interesting hehe

Topic will be umm....why don't you come up with one

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:22am
one that we can both agree on?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 17th, 2006, 7:35am
On whatever is agreeable, yes

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 17th, 2006, 4:41pm
yes,so now choose a topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 18th, 2006, 12:39am
topic is yours to decide on

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 18th, 2006, 10:22am
on which topic shall we speak?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 19th, 2006, 12:09am
Speak your mind

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 19th, 2006, 1:32am
mind if you choose a topic?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 19th, 2006, 3:52am
Topic is for you to choose, we've been there  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 19th, 2006, 11:17am
there might be a chance you will choose the topic?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 19th, 2006, 7:21pm
Topic is all yours, mister  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 19th, 2006, 7:23pm
mister topic should be named by you

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 19th, 2006, 7:25pm
You have to come up with something

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 19th, 2006, 7:29pm
something is what you should choose for the topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 19th, 2006, 7:35pm
Topic again?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 20th, 2006, 2:25am
again with the topic?

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 20th, 2006, 6:50am
topic, topic is how you always end it  ::)

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 20th, 2006, 12:46pm
it shouldn't end in topic?..lmao

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 20th, 2006, 1:37pm
Topic is not the word you should use when you end your sentence  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 20th, 2006, 7:08pm
sentence shouldn't end with topic? ;D

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 21st, 2006, 1:01am
::) Topic for discussion is still yours to choose, so now, pick a topic  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 21st, 2006, 5:27am
topic should be a good topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 21st, 2006, 5:58am
>:(Topic of good things only please, so what can be considered a good topic?  :P

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by wildheart41004 on Feb 21st, 2006, 6:49am
topic of good things must also be an intersting topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Justine on Feb 21st, 2006, 7:06am
>:(Topic that will interest you, just any topic

Title: Re: Analyn: My last word in yours
Post by Analyn on Feb 21st, 2006, 7:15am
topic subject should end here  :P

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