1freeworld Groups (http://www.1freeworld.net/cgi-bin/Yabb/YaBB.cgi)
Community >> Babble! >> I'm back, folks...
(Message started by: ReeBop on Dec 4th, 2012, 7:47am)

Title: I'm back, folks...
Post by ReeBop on Dec 4th, 2012, 7:47am
With the demise of Yahoo chat rooms as we have known it for many years, I'll be on here more tidying things up, dusting off topics, changing some colors and maybe looking at a new platform for this forum.  All posts will remain though as a record of times past.

I hope we get some old users return and new users down the road.  All are welcome!


Title: Re: I'm back, folks...
Post by Saffire_65 on Jun 10th, 2013, 8:50pm
Phew* that was hard to get in! now how do i change my password so that I'll not forget again. gosh this place brings back good ole memory! Thanks ree for maintaining the forum and for allowing me to come back!  ;)

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