Title: The Bike Post by ReeBop on Jun 28th, 2005, 10:14pm Here it is, pictures of the bicycle I use to torture myself. http://www.1freeworld.net/images/bike1.jpg http://www.1freeworld.net/images/bike2.jpg [smiley=moped.gif] |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jun 29th, 2005, 2:01am Ree, When you posted in the Shout Box something about Biking 56.5 miles. I thought you meant a MOTORCYCLE, not a Ree-Powered Texas Touring Machine. Dang. Way to Go Mike. ;D |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by Need4Speed8DaleJr on Jun 29th, 2005, 2:04am Ohh...BTW.. Where's the Pic of the Ambulance? [smiley=laugh4.gif] |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by Norkay on Jun 29th, 2005, 7:06am Awwww I miss to ride on that bike Ree! I used to have that kind of bike in the Philippines and ride in the aftrenoon. 8) |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by ReeBop on Jun 29th, 2005, 8:25pm Yes, I love to ride. It's supposed to hit 100 today. A good day to abuse myself for 25 miles..... ;D I need to adjust the yellow bar extenders up though. I'm having problems with numbness in my wrists after about 20 miles. I don't think I can raise the gooseneck any higher, so, I need to raise the extenders up. |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by Norkay on Jun 30th, 2005, 8:04am Hmmm Ree, so do you find your ride a good way to stay your mind off from sex? LOL. |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by ReeBop on Jul 10th, 2005, 6:57am yeah, it certainly helps :D I love to ride though. I would ride no matter if I was having it regularly or not. [smiley=moped.gif] |
Title: Re: The Bike Post by mixin4livin on Dec 11th, 2005, 9:32am I love bikes..but see below what happaned after I parked it in a corner of a street.. couldnt locate it..LOL http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d78/mixin4livin/go-get-my-bike.jpg [smiley=icon_super.gif] |
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