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Home & Lifestyle >> Picture Perfect >> 3 Days in Saigon
(Message started by: ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 15th, 2006, 8:37pm)

Title: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 15th, 2006, 8:37pm

I've just arrived this morning from a 3-day trip to Saigon.  The flight enroute to Manila (stopover at HK for a night hihihi) was better than the Manila to Hanoi (have mercy!).  It was not a glam leisure trip.  I tagged along with my uncle and his buddies as they went on and about their business trip, and I sorta drifted in and out of their scene to get a whiff of normal Saigon life.  I boldly ventured off to see the sights on my own most of the time we were there.

The heat is on... (with a little rain here and there lol)

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by nOrKAy on Jul 21st, 2006, 6:46am

ChantiQ is an Architect, and yes , I believe she owns that trademark. I, thus, suggest to better know first the person before uttering a word such saying that insulting "duh!" .

By the way, welcome to the Forum, Sneaky.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 21st, 2006, 7:15am

There are watermark softwares you can buy and then use for the pictures you post on the internet as copyright.  ARAVIS is a name of a character in the Chronicles of Narnia.  photo---watermark---aravis.  Some people are fond of always having their pictures taken,  but I'm more interested in taking snapshots of objects and places that are of interest to me.  Oh and welcome to the forum. ;)

Your thoughts are on the right track girl :P  Thanks

What can I say lol  I wish new forum members read the "Member Conduct" thread.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by nOrKAy on Jul 21st, 2006, 8:21am

Hahaha, ChantiQ. True, it ruins the view of the newly painted one.  Or maybe both apartment should coordinate with each other about the painting? Hehe.

Title: Erratum on Street Scenes Post
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 27th, 2006, 2:36pm

Food, noun
   any nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink
or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth
                                                 -Oxford Dictionary of English

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by thebeast on Aug 3rd, 2006, 6:09pm
Chanti those are nice pics of life in Vietnam. I plan to go there with my daughter in the near future. Did you get the chance to have a bowl of pho(pronounced faaa)? The reason I ask is because some of the pic of the food and carts look like they might be pho related.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 4th, 2006, 4:49pm
Nice views, amiga! I always knew the artist in you would always surface when taking pictures. And by the way, thank you for the postcards you sent me from Saigon. Next time you travel, call me before you leave Manila not when you're already there. ::) I like the poster you brought me but I do not understand what it says. :P

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 4th, 2006, 7:11pm

on 08/04/06 at 16:49:00, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Nice views, amiga! I always knew the artist in you would always surface when taking pictures. And by the way, thank you for the postcards you sent me from Saigon. Next time you travel, call me before you leave Manila not when you're already there. ::) I like the poster you brought me but I do not understand what it says. :P

Awwws thank you Woowoo.  I took tons of pics but had to delete a lot of bad ones hehe
The poster you have says ................

"My Favorite Witch"

You still want the book thingie & the pouch? nyahahaha

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by thebeast on Aug 5th, 2006, 12:01am
I gotta have chopsticks and a spoon when i eat pho. I hear they put a lot of MSG in the pho over in Vietnam. Anyway I guess the pho you had either didnt have enough in it or not at all.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by thebeast on Aug 5th, 2006, 12:02am
Why is s p o o n coming up as sthingy????

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 5th, 2006, 3:20am

Yep JOel. They put MSG (monosodiumglutamate) in their dishes.  I know this because the effect it has on me when I eat food with  MSG is that I feel sleepy.  But I repelled it with a lot of walking.

I don't know why the word "S P O O N" is rejected by the forum software and come out as the word "S T H I N G Y".  This is the 3rd time I encountered this strange phenomenon at other forums.  But it can be fixed tho.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 8th, 2006, 6:03pm

Oh hey there you go.  I think Reebopsy fixed the "spoon" - "sthingy" issue.  Thanks Reebopbop!

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ReeBop on Aug 8th, 2006, 9:03pm
The problem was in the Censored Words setting in my Admin Panel.    "Poon" is by default, a naughty word in the Censored Words file.  The problem was adding an "s" to "poon".  Apparently, Yabb has a problem with seeing bad words running together with no spaces, thus "spoon" became "sthingy".  I deleted "poon" from the file.

My uniform is proud to serve...

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 10th, 2006, 10:07am
Ohh..ok..is that the meaning of the vietnamese letters on the posters? Cool, amiga..tnx. ;D And of course I want the pouch but what is the book "thingy"?

When I write something and the Forum censors  ignore it, i simply use spaces in between. :P They are not vulgar anyway.

Title: Re: 3 Days in Saigon
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 25th, 2006, 11:28am

on 08/10/06 at 10:07:44, Wicked_Witch wrote:
Ohh..ok..is that the meaning of the vietnamese letters on the posters? Cool, amiga..tnx. ;D And of course I want the pouch but what is the book "thingy"?

Still waiting for you to come and get it Woowoo :P

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