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Home & Lifestyle >> Picture Perfect >> Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
(Message started by: thebeast on Jul 27th, 2006, 8:14am)

Title: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 27th, 2006, 8:14am
I spent 12 days in America's 50th state. Most call it The Big Island but it's name is Hawaii. Kind of confusing because that is the name of the state. When I got there I learned lots of things were confusing. All the streets pretty much sound the same to me. Anyway I took over 1000 pics that I am still sorting through. I had a great time and learned a lot. I even managed to have a few adventures. Some were scarey but all were fun. Anyway as you know every picture tells a story.  ;D

This is Pe'epe'e Falls. The whole family went swimming in this one. It is a little hike from the road and to get real close to the falls...it is about a 50 yard swim plus a bunch of rock climbing. But the clear fresh water is very cool and worth the trouble. Also this water fall and Rainbow falls below, are near the city Hilo, which is on the east side and it rains a lot over there and the mosquitos are real bad. Good to have insect repellent with you but it dont do any good when you swim.
This is Rainbow Falls. It is said that King Kamehameha I, the greatest Hawaiian King burried the bones of his father in the cave below this waterfall. This is kind of a public area waterfall so no swimming here...to many people around.
Akaka falls. This a 420 foot drop on this one. If you have a rope you can get real close to this one. Or you can hike about 4 miles upstream. I chose just to take some pictures here.
Hi'lawe Falls in Waipio Valley on the north side of the island. This is over a 1000 foot drop. A few days later I hiked closer to it and swam in the stream below it. This is also called the Valley of Kings.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by nOrKAy on Jul 27th, 2006, 9:41am

Wow, wow, yay! These are just so amazing, Joel. I can't wait to see more and more.;D

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 27th, 2006, 2:27pm

Oh wow Joel those are fantastic shots you got there!  What are the names of these wonderful waterfalls?

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by okasantina on Jul 27th, 2006, 9:23pm
SO theres the pics!! nice shot Joel...howcome u have two threads opened eh?  ::) got so excited posting i think eh  ;D

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 28th, 2006, 1:51am

on 07/27/06 at 21:23:56, okasantina wrote:
SO theres the pics!! nice shot Joel...howcome u have two threads opened eh?  ::) got so excited posting i think eh  ;D

Well I wouldnt say excited..just dumb because I dont know what I am doing ;D

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 28th, 2006, 1:56am
volcanoes and flowing lava

The first place I stopped at when we got to Hawaii's Volcano National Park was the information station. I asked the park ranger....Wheres da lava? He said follow Chain of Craters road for about 40 miles all the way to the Pacific Ocean. More on that later. This is Kilauea Caldera. It is a volcano. This used to be filled with lava a long time ago. I sent my brothers wife and my niece out to the edge just to give everyone an idea how gigantic this hole in the ground is. Kilauea is the youngest and southeastern most volcano on the Big Island of Hawaii. It was once thought to be a part of the Volcano Mauna Loa..but it is proven to have its own seperate lava plumbing system. Somewhere under this hole in the ground there is lava flowing out to the Pacific Ocean. The American author, Mark Twain' came here in the late 1800's and saw this same hole filled with hot lava. Now that would be something I would want to see.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Jul 28th, 2006, 3:03am

on 07/28/06 at 01:51:36, thebeast wrote:
Well I wouldnt say excited..of course I would like to share them with everyone. I just have a lot a pictures and I felt it needed a thread of its own...plus it is easier to post on a new thread...but no worries I have plenty of pics to post in the other thread as well.  ;D

I'm going to delete the other thread of the same subject as this one, to avoid confusion whatsoever and where to post or view the pics lol

Post away! ;)

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 28th, 2006, 8:23am

I think this is a hot spot on the other side of Kilauea Caldera.

This is an intersting picture. It is the newest lava flow from back in 2003. You can see how its green with vegitation on one side and then the black hardened lava.

I thought this was funny. When you are driving down Chain of Craters Rd., you see all kinds of funny stuff. They said there is a school bus and a few cars sticking out of the lava around there somewhere...I looked but couldnt find it.
Well this is the end of Chain of Craters Rd. Kind of looks like King Kong just took a crap in the road...doesnt it? Every time the Goddess Pele feels the urge to erupt and the flow heads in this direction...they have to make a new road through the hardnened lava. There are lots of roads under all this lava. Kilauea Caldera is considered the most active volcano in the world to some. It has been producing lava and making the isand larger every year. Steady lava flows since January 3, 1983. It is an earth making machine. If you look to the upper right in this pic you can see the smoke looking fumes  that is caused by the hot lava pouring into the pacific ocean and it is really making land.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 28th, 2006, 8:54am
volcanoes and flowing lava
Here is a beter pic of the smoke from this lava. I am debating, while taking this pic, if I want to get closer. The Hot Zone is about another 2 mile hike on top of this hardened lava. I researched the volcanoes before I made the trip. They said the best time to view lava flowing into the ocean is when it is dark. I left my flashlight back in the Jeep I rented which is about a 2 mile walk back on the paved road. I knew if i wanted to do it I had to time it so it wouldnt be so dark..but if I didnt I am sure I could walk back with someone else who did have one. Walking on this hard lava isnt exactly easy though and at dark it would be a bitch. Anyway I decided to hang around here with relatives and take more pics for about another hour then head off closer to DA Lava.  
This was amazing to me. You can feel the ground underneath u getting hotter and hotter the closer you got to the hot zone. This is pretty fresh lava here about 15 yards from the hot zone. I am not sure if it is flowing or not..if it is it is awful slow because I stood there an waited for a few minutes to see it move but it didnt....but I do know its hot and it stinks real bad. My feet feel hot now and I am sweating at this point. The temperature is very high here.
This is the hot zone. It is as close as they let you get to it. You cant really see this in the light. I was lucky because there was hardly any wind anymore..I did read that when it gets darker on the island the wind tends to die down. I seen some dudes that were probably park rangers going closer and they had masks on. These fumes that are produced are not exactly good for your lungs...I didnt want to get any closer anyway. There were about 13 other people there with me. We all had the same expression on our faces. I stood their in awe for like 10 minutes not even taking pics and just looking at it. There is not many places you can go now days where the earth beneath your feet is younger than yourself.  :o

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by okasantina on Jul 28th, 2006, 1:51pm

on 07/28/06 at 08:54:25, thebeast wrote:
volcanoes and flowing lava
Here is a beter pic of the smoke from this lava. I am debating, while taking this pic, if I want to get closer. The Hot Zone is about another 2 mile hike on top of this hardened lava. I researched the volcanoes before I made the trip. They said the best time to view lava flowing into the ocean is when it is dark. I left my flashlight back in the Jeep I rented which is about a 2 mile walk back on the paved road. I knew if i wanted to do it I had to time it so it wouldnt be so dark..but if I didnt I am sure I could walk back with someone else who did have one. Walking on this hard lava isnt exactly easy though and at dark it would be a bitch. Anyway I decided to hang around here with relatives and take more pics for about another hour then head off closer to DA Lava.  
This was amazing to me. You can feel the ground underneath u getting hotter and hotter the closer you got to the hot zone. This is pretty fresh lava here about 15 yards from the hot zone. I am not sure if it is flowing or not..if it is it is awful slow because I stood there an waited for a few minutes to see it move but it didnt....but I do know its hot and it stinks real bad. My feet feel hot now and I am sweating at this point. The temperature is very high here.
This is the hot zone. It is as close as they let you get to it. You cant really see this in the light. I was lucky because there was hardly any wind anymore..I did read that when it gets darker on the island the wind tends to die down. I seen some dudes that were probably park rangers going closer and they had masks on. These fumes that are produced are not exactly good for your lungs...I didnt want to get any closer anyway. There were about 13 other people there with me. We all had the same expression on our faces. I stood their in awe for like 10 minutes not even taking pics and just looking at it. There is not many places you can go now days where the earth beneath your feet is younger than yourself.  :o

WOW! great pictures Joel.....thats  amazing really! wish i could try that eh  ;D more more plzzz ;)

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 28th, 2006, 11:50pm

Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, the Place of Refuge. About 200 years ago the judicial system in Hawaii was simple. The kings made the laws and if you broke the laws you got your head chopped off or thrown off a cliff. More than likely you got your head chopped off because the ancient hawaiians used the bones of these unfortunate souls as fish hooks or their skulls for bowls. Anyway if you broke the law you were put to death....unless you made it to Pu'uhonua o Honaunau. If you made it here before they caught you..you would be safe and forgiven.  Also I snorkeled here a few days after I took these pics. There is an abundance of fish, turtles, eels and coral reef. One of the best places on the Island to snorkel because the water is so calm.
Captain Cook's Monument which is located on Kealakekua Bay. This is were Capt. Cook was supposedly killed. His story is very ironic. The hawaiians loved Capt. Cook and believed all white men to be Gods. Capt. Cook was like the big God though. The story is one of the sailors under Capt. Cook died and the hawaiians started to doubt Capt. Cooks Godliness. So the law said it is wrong to impersonate a God. So he was killed even though they loved him. He should of tried to make it to  Pu'uhonua o Honaunau...then he would of been okay. This is also another hot spot to snorkel. It is not easy to get to. You can only get there by 4 ways. You can hike about 2 miles by land or you can rent a kayak from the other side of Kealakekua Bay and paddle your way across in about 30 minutes if you are in good paddle shape or swim it from there also or you can do what I did...book a snorkel cruise and they take you snorkeling there. The island's government wants to keep the Capt Cook area difficult to get to in order to protect the coral reef.

Mo'okini heiau is a spooky place. This is a luakini - a pre-Christian temple where humans were sacrificed to the gods. It was spooky because it is so windy yet very quiet. The drive to it took about an hour and it was very bumpy...so bumpy you have to have 4 wheel drive. Then when you get there it is another 20 minute hike uphill to get to it. The top picture is where the heads were chopped off and the second one is inside the temple.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by CooCHie on Jul 29th, 2006, 2:12am
Nice pictures you took there Joel.  Hope you did not bring anything from out there because there is a legend that if you bring or take anything out from those sacred places, your life will be misserable.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Jul 29th, 2006, 6:14am

on 07/29/06 at 02:12:09, CooCHie wrote:
Nice pictures you took there Joel.  Hope you did not bring anything from out there because there is a legend that if you bring or take anything out from those sacred places, your life will be misserable.

yes i read that as well but i think that is all just a public relations kind of thing to keep the island kind of a mystery. Also lots of these places have no one there watching really so if u put this legend thing to scare them the state doesnt have to hire security lol but I not one to mess with legends and I respect the property of hawaii and the earth.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by CeL on Jul 31st, 2006, 11:17am
nice picts on the flowing lava joel  ;) it just reminded me of our own erupting volcano here...the sight is a beauty to behold but the effect is devestating  ::)

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 1st, 2006, 12:51am

on 07/31/06 at 11:17:16, CeL wrote:
nice picts on the flowing lava joel  ;) it just reminded me of our own erupting volcano here...the sight is a beauty to behold but the effect is devestating  ::)

Yes, I have heard there was a volcano on your islands erupting. It would be a great thing to see and experience...but I dont want anyone killed or thier house burned down because of it. It is very ironic because these very things like earthquakes or volcanoes and other geological events that cause such destruction today are the same things that happened thousands or millions of years ago so that we have beautiful places like the Philippines, Hawaiian Islands, and other tropical paradises. Even where I live, Texas, has its own unique beauty and it was all under water millions of years ago and some destructive event happened to form what it is today.  Its kind of like you cant have life without destruction in a way.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 1st, 2006, 1:35am
North Side

Pololu Valley is on the far north side of the island. Heading up to it you pass baron wasteland covered with lava fields from wayback when. Then you get to an alpine area that looks similar to Colorado. Lots of trees and pasture lands. Then at the end you arrive here. Inside of Pololu Valley is a rain forest. The cliffs are over 1000 feet high and if you look real hard you can see one of the waterfalls flowing off the cliff.
The mouth of Waipi'o Valley Waipi'o Valley is next to Pololu Valley. This is the valley my brother and I  drove down to the bottom of and hiked around for a few days. It took 2 days because we decided to hike over into Pololu Valley as well. If you look in the far right upper area you can not only see another waterfall but you can also see the one of the small mountains from Pololu Valley. Also there is a sand beach here but no swimming because the tide is very strong on the north side. The temperature is somewhat cooler than it is on the Kona or west side as well. You can also see the Waipi'o River feeding into the Pacific. This is a very cool water river that feels good to swim in after a long hike.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 1st, 2006, 7:19am
There were dolphins right outside the hotel in a lagoon area. Shows everyday till 7pm.

These are pilot whales a few miles of the coast of Kona.
These guys are all over the place especially on the secluded beaches that people dont know about.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 1st, 2006, 7:47am

The slow hula


The fast hula


A hawaiian kind of square dance

The hawaiian who eats fire

And lets not forget the pig

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 3rd, 2006, 2:19am

Mauna Kia was once an active volcano. Now its just a big mountain...but it is the tallest mountain in the world. This picture is taken at about 9000 feet.

It is very moonlike at the summit of Mauna Kia. Hills with craters in them. That is Mauna Loa in the background. In between these to volcanoes is a road called saddle road...I ran out of gas there but no worries because I coasted 45 miles to a gas station.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 5th, 2006, 3:26am
I love the "North Side" and the "Mauna Kia" pictures.  The mountains, volcanoes, hills,  the cliffs and the valleys look so majestic in those.  The clarity of the pictures took my breath away.  I love it when I see a kind of "layering" in a photograph.  It's so evident you used a different camera for these.  Is this the new SLR camera you were raving about before Joel?

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 5th, 2006, 5:15pm

on 08/05/06 at 03:26:31, ChAntiQ of NarniA wrote:
I love the "North Side" and the "Mauna Kia" pictures.  The mountains, volcanoes, hills,  the cliffs and the valleys look so majestic in those.  The clarity of the pictures took my breath away.  I love it when I see a kind of "layering" in a photograph.  It's so evident you used a different camera for these.  Is this the new SLR camera you were raving about before Joel?

Yes I did use a diff camera...but some were taken with my old one as well. I didnt get an SLR. I thought about it a lot but I couldnt make up my mind which one to get. Sony is supposed to have a slr out now but before I left they didnt have it out. So on the way to airport I stopped at Best Buy and bought a point and shoot camera with the highest zoom on it. It turned out to be the sony DSC-H5. It is an 8 meg with 12x zoom on it. After purchasing the camera bag and two of the 2 GB memory sticks....I could of probably got a Canon SLR Rebel for close to the same price. But SLR's are more bulky and require a little more knowledge to operate. Heck I was reading the owners manual for the sony I got on the airplane. The DSC-H5 is another cybershot model so it is pretty much the same as the cybershot that I already have. Soon I will get a SLR....I know I keep saying that but I just want to be happy with what I get. I also want to take some classes but it is hard for me to find the time right now. The H5 is one of the point and shoot cameras that offers a lot of the same functions as an SLR and even looks like a small SLR.  Even though I bought the H5 in a hurry...I am still happy with it for the most part.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by Wicked_Witch on Aug 10th, 2006, 10:13am
I love all the pics there, Joel. Do you guys know that if there is one place in the US I would rather visit, it's Hawaii? It's true, more than the ruins in Egypt or cities in Europe, it would be heaven to see the ocean in Hawaii. ;D Maybe I'll marry and spend my honeymoon there. :-*

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by CooCHie on Aug 13th, 2006, 5:48am
I live in Hawaii pards and its really a beautiful place.  So relax and so blue.   :) :)

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by thebeast on Aug 15th, 2006, 2:12am
Thanks for the compliments on the pictures I took. Amazing what a person can do with a decent camera.


Rainbow outside of Waimea


This is one of the telescopes on top of Mauna Kia. They dont let visiters inside the telescopes on the summit....except for maybe one the one owned by the University of Hawaii. Up here is an astronomers paradise. Lots of countries own telescopes up there. And these telescopes cost millions of dollars.

Title: Re: Adventures on The Big Island called Hawaii
Post by ChAntiQ of NarniA on Aug 15th, 2006, 1:06pm

on 08/15/06 at 02:12:38, thebeast wrote:
Thanks for the compliments on the pictures I took. Amazing what a person can do with a decent camera.

It's not the camera Joel...it's the eye of the artist behind any camera for that matter  ;)  Whatever camera we have, we can make good photographs.  It’s nothing but a matter of seeing, thinking, and interest.  That’s what makes a good photograph.  Just like cars don't drive themselves, typewriters don't write novels by themselves and da Vinci's brushes didn't paint by themselves.  Although some pianos play by themselves lol that's an exception! teeheehee  ;D

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